Vol.2 – Chapter 24 – Heng


Su He let out a roar to the sky.

Infinite power surged within his body, at this moment he felt invincible.

Creatures are always the same, whether it’s a wild boar or a Dragon Turtle. Once they gain power, they feel invincible.

Until the merman reminded him.

“Be careful, Divine One, he is a spirit, the locust tree is just his host, destroying the tree won’t harm his true body!”

Su He spread his Divine Sense around him. He saw a phantom-like cloaked figure suddenly pounce from underground.

Its speed far exceeded the merman’s visual capture.

At this moment, the spirit, despite the seal, forcibly used the power of the Traverse Heaven realm – if he didn’t use it, he would die! That Dragon Turtle cheated, relying on a Turtle Shell, forcibly increasing his attack power to an incalculable extent!

Even in his prime, he wouldn’t dare to take this rain head-on!


A divine might roared out, this divine might did not spread with the sound, it did not harm the merman or the Hundreds of Beasts, it only targeted the spirit cloaked figure.

At this moment, with the Turtle Shell’s enhancement, Su He experienced the might of the Divine Beast Dragon Turtle in advance. The divine might was not only area damage, but it could also target specific individuals.

The cloaked figure pounced towards Su He, but in mid-air, it covered its ears and screamed. Its ragged cloak shattered inch by inch, revealing a translucent thin man, who disappeared in a few flickers.

A cultivator of the Traverse Heaven realm has a tenacious life, especially at this moment when he released the power of Traverse Heaven, it was even less likely to be easily dealt with.

“Ang~” Su He let out a long howl, his divine might was like a sea, waves of illusory waves spread out from the Dragon Turtle as the center.

Wherever it passed, the locust trees were like rats crossing the street, struggling to escape but unable to do so. Those washed by the waves didn’t even have time to scream before they turned into ashes.

The divine might only attacked the soul, but the sound waves could shatter the trees.

A drop of Dragon Turtle’s true essence condensed in his Mind’s Eye disappeared. The Turtle Shell’s enhancement was great, but so was the consumption.

It hurt!

Fortunately, more than eighty percent of the locust forest was destroyed, and the true essence of the Dragon Turtle converged towards him. It fell like dice-shaped raindrops.

The waves washed over.

The disappeared spirit screamed and fell out of a locust tree, his entire figure shrank countless times, only half a body high, almost transparent.

He screamed and fled towards the center of the seal. A golden mark appeared on his forehead, protecting him from complete shattering.

“It’s a treasure!” The merman chieftain slapped his tail and twisted up, his expression serious: “Divine One, six thousand years ago, this spirit entered the Mysterious Wasteland to steal treasures, accidentally entered my god’s silent land, should have been killed by my god, but this treasure protected him, allowing him to escape a disaster. My god’s silence is approaching, and I can’t move, so I sealed him here.”

No wonder he survived two divine mights.

Su He roared and chased after him: “Give me back my treasure!” The treasures of the Mysterious Wasteland belong to the creatures of the Mysterious Wasteland. Here, there is only him, a turtle. Naturally, it should be his.

The spirit turned his head, gritted his teeth and said: “Youngster! Don’t push your luck!”

You little turtle are only a few years old, when I was stealing treasures, your ancestors were still in the turtle egg… Turtle egg! It was only when he was on the verge of breaking his limit that he realized that this turtle was only three or four years old! If he had known earlier, he would have given up this locust forest to let him advance!

Su He pursued relentlessly, with huge waves beneath him. He had never ridden such waves before, this kind of reckless feeling was indeed refreshing.

“Roar!” Another divine might roared, the waves attacked, the spirit screamed, fell to the ground and became even more illusory.

He looked at Su He in horror, grinding his teeth, gritted his teeth and roared, the remaining locust forest exploded in an instant. Only one old locust tree was left in the distance.

The exploded wood chips turned into a violent wind and attacked Su He, but before they reached him, they were destroyed by the waves.

The spirit’s phantom took this opportunity to pounce into the old locust tree.

The sealing power above his head burst open, completely pressing on the old locust tree. It was as if the locust tree was coated with a layer of water film. The sunlight shone in, reflecting a rainbow.

Su He retracted the waves and landed on the ground, circling the locust tree twice.

A ghost face appeared on the locust tree, jeering at Su He.

He was sealed, but outsiders couldn’t break in either. Over the past six thousand years, the sealing power has increased several times, and at this moment, it all fell on this tree.

He couldn’t get out, and the Dragon Turtle shouldn’t dream of breaking in and stealing his treasure. This was a treasure he obtained from controlling a sect master in the Mysterious Wasteland after reincarnating through a corpse six thousand years ago.

A real treasure!

No one can take it away!

Su He summoned a thunderbird as thick as a water bucket and struck it on the locust tree.

The locust tree was unscathed.

The seal blocked the tree from coming out, and also blocked external attacks.

A thousand catties, divine might…

All ineffective.

The ghost face’s laughter grew louder: “Kid, I don’t care, I have experience, even if the seal strengthens, I can reproduce the locust forest in at most three thousand years. What can you do to me? It’s just three thousand years, I, a dignified Traverse Heaven realm… am afraid… of wasting…”

He suddenly stopped talking, mocking the Dragon Turtle but hurting himself.

The Traverse Heaven realm has a lifespan of ten thousand years, nine thousand years have been sealed here – and it’s not even certain if there’s a way out. This is more than just heartache.

He once again glared at the Dragon Turtle with gritted teeth and cursed.

Su He circled the locust tree a few times, looking at the seal and his own body that was now as white as jade.

These two are from the same family, right? Who isn’t the successor of the deceased Dragon Turtle?

He stretched out a claw and pressed it towards the seal. The feeling was like jelly, soft and squishy.

It seemed…

It seemed…

Su He gently pushed forward, a claw slowly penetrated the seal and entered it. In the ghost face’s stunned eyes, he hooked the rune on its forehead and pulled it out.

The rune was peeled off and pulled out.

The ghost face was full of disbelief, did I embed a fake thing? He roared and tried to dodge, but was firmly suppressed by the seal and couldn’t move.

Your turtle grandpa!

Did I, again, help the enemy hit me?

He had intended to protect himself by entering the seal, but ended up trapping himself on the chopping board, at the mercy of others!Why could the Dragon Turtle break the seal? Why could this little dragon turtle pull out his rune? Even the Dragon Turtle that sealed him couldn’t do it!

He cursed loudly, but Su He seemed oblivious.

The merfolk pursued him to the old locust tree, where they saw the Dragon Turtle painstakingly pulling the rune from the spirit tribe’s ghost face.

The rune flashed and fell into Su He’s body.


As the rune entered his body, a name inexplicably appeared in Su He’s mind.

This rune’s name: Heng!

But he still didn’t know what the rune was for. Or how it protected this spirit tribe from death.

A dice fell on the turtle shell.

Four points.

The rune in his body trembled, one became four, a sure win!

But at this moment, three of the runes suddenly shattered and dissipated into thin air.

Su He was dumbfounded.

This was the first time he had encountered a failure in duplication.

The dice seemed unwilling to give up, and threw another one, spinning above Su He’s head:

Two points.

The rune trembled again, became two, and then one of them shattered again. Several times in a row, the rune failed to duplicate, until the sixth time, when he rolled four quality points.

The rune in his body suddenly brightened and solidified, and the quality was successfully upgraded.

The dice no longer fell.

Su He was stunned for a while before he realized: this rune was unique, only one could exist in the whole world, so no matter how many times it was duplicated, it would shatter.

He had found a treasure.

Su He looked at the locust tree, wanting to interrogate the spirit tribe ghost face about the origin of the rune. But he saw the ghost face on the tree, watching the rune being plundered with wide eyes. It slowly closed its eyes, with an indifferent look as if it didn’t care what happened.

Forget it! As a mighty Traverse Heaven, he couldn’t possibly get information through interrogation.

Su He opened his mouth towards the hole in the seal, let out a roar of ultimate divine power, and then quickly circulated his spiritual power to seal the hole.

Actually, he didn’t need to do anything, the seal was already self-healing. Su He then poured most of his spiritual power into the seal in one breath.

The entire seal was shimmering with a watery light.

Through the seal, he could see the ghost face inside twisting and wailing, as if it was experiencing all the hardships of the world. The divine power was sealed inside, bouncing left and right, and it was unknown how long it would take to dissipate.

The last bit of Dragon Turtle’s true essence from the seal flowed into Su He’s body, the dice kept spinning, and fifty-six drops of turtle essence condensed in his Mind’s Eye, seven of which were of a different quality.

The merfolk hunting team looked at Su He with admiration.

Since they were born, the sealed land had been expanding, and more and more locust trees were growing inside. The merfolk were powerless. The curse inside the sealed land was too domineering, only those with divine armor could enter. But the locust trees kept growing back, there was no way to stop them.

The Dragon Turtle was indeed the god of their tribe.

After a day, the sealed land was gone!

The spirit tribe demon was sealed inside a big locust tree again. This was not the beginning, over the past six thousand years, the seal had automatically resisted, and was much stronger than it was six thousand years ago.

The entire sealing force fell on the locust tree. Unless something unexpected happened, the spirit tribe inside could only die of old age.

The sealed land dispersed, and this piece of land saw the sun that it had been separated from for thousands of years. For a moment, it was a little hard to adapt. The small beasts hid in an instant, fearing the sunlight.

But the merfolk opened their arms and faced the morning sun.

The merfolk chieftain bowed to Su He: “Honored god, please follow me, I will take you to our tribe!”

The other merfolk all looked at Su He eagerly.

Su He was silent for a moment, then asked, “Do you know who summoned the little girl just now?”

The person who summoned Feng Yaya was extremely tenacious, persisting for a whole day without stopping for a moment. At the last moment, he didn’t know what method he used, Feng Yaya couldn’t even interrupt the summoning, and was forcibly taken away.

The merfolk chieftain lowered his head slightly, a few points of shame appeared on his resolute face: “It was our tribe’s high priest. The little girl destroyed ten miles of locust forest, she has done a great favor to our tribe. The priest was afraid that she would be attacked by the spirit tribe demon in the forest, so he forcibly summoned her away.”

The priest got it wrong! It wasn’t just the Little Girl here, there was also the Dragon Turtle!

Dragon Turtle!

Although it was not pure-blooded yet, it was not far off. The tribe’s god had been extinct for six thousand years, and he had been guarding the tomb here. Although he was unswerving in his determination, he never had the chance to see a living Dragon Turtle again.

Now, it was really, great!

They looked at Su He excitedly, tears falling from their eyes.

Feng Yaya was flying at full speed, she couldn’t control her direction at all, she was shivering with her eyes closed in the air, she didn’t like flying, she really didn’t!

She was helping the turtle fight, and was forcibly summoned over. She didn’t know what had happened to Big Turtle.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally heard a voice in her ear, and her feet touched the ground with a thud.

She tested the ground with her foot, and confirmed that she was no longer in the air, she pouted and opened her eyes to look forward.

When she opened her eyes, there was a young girl in front of her, dressed in a red gauze dress, bright and cute.

“Eh? Ugly slave!” Feng Yaya called out happily.

Was it Big Turtle’s merfolk? Big Turtle had taken in a merfolk tribe while she was asleep. When she woke up in the water during the previous Green Yuan Prison Ghost rampage, Ugly Slave was by her side.

It had been a long time since she had seen her, and she had actually run here!

The merfolk girl blinked, “Is the little benefactor calling me? My name is Yuzhu, not Ugly Slave.”

“Eh?” Feng Yaya exclaimed in surprise, they looked exactly the same, even their breaths were almost identical.

The merfolk girl responded to Feng Yaya, but her eyes kept drifting towards the sealed land, her heart was in turmoil.

The sealed land, was gone!

The dome-like seal had disappeared, the locust forest had been destroyed, and the dark place was now bathed in bright sunlight, it was somewhat dazzling.

She was a little at a loss for a moment.

But the array platform was still intact, it was clear that the demon inside hadn’t broken out of the seal. Someone had solved the problem of the sealed land!

Yuzhu’s breath was rapid, and she saw the people of her tribe jumping out of the big swamp behind her. The old priestess was excited, and she could hardly hold the cane in her hand.

“Shuizhu! Hurry up and follow me to welcome the arrival of the honored god!” She held a shell in her hand. The chieftain had just sent a message that a Dragon Turtle had appeared in the sealed land and had sealed the spirit tribe demon in one fell swoop.

Dragon Turtle…

Even if it wasn’t the god they worshipped, it was still a Dragon Turtle!

The entire clan should welcome it.

Su He followed the merfolk, taking the water route towards the great marsh. He shook his head from time to time, feeling a bit dizzy. He had been in a state of high tension during the previous battle and hadn’t noticed it.

Only when he stopped did he realize that the burden of the white jade turtle shell on his back was too heavy. Just on this journey, two drops of his Mind’s Eye’s true essence had been consumed.

Moreover, the consumption of his Divine Sense was too great, and Su He was a bit overwhelmed.

But the turtle shell was embedded in his own shell, and he couldn’t remove it no matter what he tried.

“Respected god, are you advancing?” The merfolk chieftain asked cautiously, feeling the Dragon Turtle’s momentum continuously rising.

Just after the battle ended, it immediately began cultivating and advancing. If the Dragon Turtle was this diligent, what should the merfolk do?

It was said that their own god was also this diligent in the past.

Indeed, birds of a feather flock together. It was worthy of being able to support the divine armor.

“Ah! Yes!” Su He responded weakly. This Dragon Turtle sister of his was extremely proactive in her lifetime!

Her turtle bead actively drilled into Su He’s body, forcing him to advance. The true essence also actively integrated. When the turtle shell arrived, it automatically embedded itself in his shell. After the fight, it didn’t stop for a moment, mobilizing Su He’s spiritual power and the accumulated Dragon Turtle true essence to help him cultivate.

In just this short while, Su He’s internal organs and Sacrificial Bones had already increased by 2%.

And it had an unstoppable momentum! It seemed determined to push him through the door of the Divine Beast today.

But… Sister, I just had a significant increase, I need to rest. I need to have a good sleep to digest the fruits of the battle, I can’t be this fast.

It’s too fast!

My body can’t take it, really can’t take it!

“Are we there yet?” Su He shook his dizzy head. The merfolk chieftain also couldn’t remove the turtle shell, so he could only pin his hopes on the merfolk priest.

If it wasn’t removed soon, Su He was afraid he would be sucked dry!

“We’re almost there!” The merfolk chieftain pointed to the distance: “Look, the priest has already led the tribe to welcome you.”

Su He looked ahead, about ten miles away, nearly a thousand merfolk were swimming in the water. Their fish bodies were submerged, and their human bodies were poking out of the water, swimming rapidly towards them.

Over a thousand pairs of eager eyes made Su He’s scalp tingle.

These eyes were too eager.

Although he was used to being surrounded by people, Su He still couldn’t understand the merfolk’s fanaticism for the Dragon Turtle.

When other people saw Su He, they would say: Wow, there’s a magical creature! But the merfolk would say: Please, god, give us your divine decree!

This kind of devotion was engraved in their blood.

Su He didn’t know what terrible thing the Dragon Turtle ancestor had done to the origin of the merfolk’s bloodline.

(End of the chapter)

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