Vol.2 – Chapter 15 – Thousand Jun

Forty to fifty giant apes stood in a row, beating their chests and stomping their feet towards the sea. They threw stones and dirt, and even indescribable objects. Some even provocatively urinated, pushing the limits of provocation.

Indeed, even Exotic Beasts still had that temperament.

These were Thunder Apes, a type of Exotic Beast that had already condensed its bloodline.

Generally, Exotic Beasts were ordinary beasts that had evolved due to chance. Essentially, they had not left their original species. Just like the tiger whales, the majority of the species were still ordinary tiger whales.

However, the offspring of Exotic Beasts were innately powerful, and it was easier for them to advance to higher levels. Even the offspring of powerful Exotic Beasts were directly born as Exotic Beasts.

Gradually, such Exotic Beasts would form new species, separating from the original ordinary beasts.

Just like the Thunder Apes, they were born as one-star Exotic Beasts. When they reached adulthood, they were at least two-star. Those with exceptional talents could reach six or seven stars, and even advancing to the Mysterious Moon was not impossible.

A dark thundercloud gradually formed above the Thunder Apes, and then—crack!

Thunder fell like rain.

Both were thunder, but the Thunder Ape was earth-based thunder, while Su He’s was water-based thunder, their natures were completely different.

Suddenly, a group of Thunder Apes huddled together, shivering from the cold, but they were burned by the fire.

It was just a warning. The thundercloud was too large, and the power of the falling thunderbirds was much smaller, not enough to kill the apes.

The sky was filled with lightning and thunder, and the rain was pouring down. A Dragon Turtle emerged from the water.

The might of the Dragon Turtle was unleashed, causing the whale group and the Thunder Apes to become restless.

The King of the Thunder Apes beat his chest and roared. His body hair exploded, and currents of electricity surged, shattering the surrounding rocks.

Feng Yaya stood on Turtle Mountain, clenching her small fists, glaring at the King of the Thunder Apes: “Big monkey, let’s fight!”

She stomped on Turtle Mountain, using the rebounding force to transform into a red cannonball and bombarded the King of the Thunder Apes. One punch sent the Ape King retreating more than ten zhang (33 meters), but she didn’t pursue the victory. Instead, she punched down another five-star Thunder Ape, picked it up by the ankle, spun it around, and threw it.

The Thunder Ape, which weighed at least three to four thousand jin, was thrown by her in a parabolic trajectory for a hundred zhang (330 meters).

Feng Yaya bared her teeth and grinned: “I’ll teach you a lesson for hitting me!”

She held a grudge. It was this Thunder Ape that had knocked her away with a bone earlier.

This time, Feng Yaya didn’t bother with the Ape King, she went straight for these two five-star Thunder Apes.

“Roar!” The only remaining five-star Thunder Ape roared, raising its hands above its head and smashing down at Feng Yaya with lightning. Feng Yaya was not afraid, she squatted halfway and leaped up, firing a cannon into the sky.

“Mountain Shaker!” She didn’t know many moves, but Mountain Shaker had great power. Although its attack was scattered, it was extremely even. It was usually used in group fights. With one punch, it could shatter many enemies.

Even the air could be split—a punch went out, and the air in the area covered by the fist wind stopped flowing and solidified like ice, exploding instantly upon impact.

The Thunder Ape was too big, so using Mountain Shaker hit it evenly.

The Ape King jumped up from the ground, roaring and charging forward. But at this moment, a wave came crashing in. The Ape King was in great danger and had to stop. After the wave dissipated, the Dragon Turtle landed, blocking the way.

Su He had never fought a six-star Exotic Beast on land before, and he was eager to try.

The combat power of Exotic Beasts was greatly affected by the environment.

Su He was now at the Sacrificial Bone stage, equivalent to a five-star Exotic Beast. But in the sea, one couldn’t simply look at the rank. He had easily defeated a six-star tiger whale.

He hadn’t encountered a seven-star sea Exotic Beast, but he thought he wouldn’t be at a disadvantage.

After all, with the bloodline of a Divine Beast, if he couldn’t fight against ordinary Exotic Beasts of a higher rank, it would be too wasteful. Especially in the sea, the sea was the world of the Dragon Turtle.

But on land, Su He was facing a six-star Exotic Beast for the first time. Moreover, it was a species that was extremely human-like, with both hands and feet.

Ape-type Exotic Beasts were always known for their high combat power.

Fortunately, it didn’t use weapons. There was a seven-star White Ape on the back mountain of the Qingyuan Sect. It was a Beast Pet of an elder, who had specially Sacrificed and Refined two giant hammers for it. Su He didn’t even dare to go up its mountain.

The Thunder Ape looked at Su He with its four limbs on the ground. It sensed the might on Su He’s body, and the Demon Star in its body spun rapidly. This might was very domineering, like a gravitational field. Cultivators living in it would inevitably advance quickly. But fighting in this might naturally put one at a disadvantage.

A shudder rose from its soul, causing the Thunder Ape to frequently make mistakes when mobilizing the power of thunder and lightning in its body.

The Thunder Ape didn’t understand how to analyze the situation, but it knew its instincts. It couldn’t perform delicate operations in front of the Dragon Turtle. Being reckless was the best way.

It roared, its hands grabbed the ground and pulled back, propelling its entire body forward. It opened its huge mouth and bit towards Su He’s neck.

Before the ape arrived, a shadow of teeth composed purely of thunder and lightning sprayed out from its mouth, roaring and biting towards Su He. The four fangs flashed with thunder light, cold and dazzling.

Su He seemed to ignore it, simply lowering his head to meet it with his turtle shell. His eyes were fixed on the Thunder Ape, not willing to relax at all. The thunder teeth bit on Turtle Mountain, and after a harsh friction sound, the teeth closed together.


It was as if a thunderball had exploded, lifting Su He’s front body three feet off the ground.

The Thunder Ape took the opportunity to shoot forward, its arms spread out and its palms slapped towards Su He’s head.

What a move, Double Peaks Penetrating Ears!

Su He roared, and the pouring rain in the sky instantly changed direction. It fell vertically and when it was one zhang (3.3 meters) above the ground, it suddenly flew out horizontally, sweeping towards the Thunder Ape like a machine gun.Raindrops rapidly condensed in the air, each as large as a walnut and resembling jelly. They bombarded the Thunder Ape, who, as if being sniped, let out a miserable scream and was sent flying.

As the Thunder Ape was sent flying, its two palms clashed in mid-air, and a lightning bolt as thick as a thigh shot out from the intersection of its palms. With a crack, it struck Su He, but was rebounded by Turtle Mountain and shot straight into the sky, exploding in the cloud layer.


Su He slapped the ground with his turtle claw, and the surrounding rainwater instantly stopped, hanging quietly in the air, then densely bombarded the Thunder Ape.

New Divine Ability – Thousand Jun!

As long as it rained, every drop of water was Su He’s weapon, and the entire rain field was Su He’s domain.

Each raindrop had the power of a thousand jun, capable of splitting mountains and rocks.

The rain was pouring down, and clouds of blood mist exploded on the Thunder Ape.

The Thunder Ape roared, punching the sky with lightning flashing on its fists. It shattered the curtain of rain with each punch. However, the rain was as dense as the wind, falling non-stop, penetrating everywhere.

In the end, the heavy rain curved and smashed the Thunder Ape’s momentum. The Thousand Jun raindrops pierced through its shoulder blades, chest, and legs, causing the Thunder Ape to kneel on the ground with a thud.

“Surrender! Or die!” Su He’s majestic voice came, infusing his divine might into his voice, striking directly at the soul.

In the distance, Feng Yaya punched a five-star Thunder Ape into a mud pit, pouting her lips.

Big Turtle had misled her, claiming she couldn’t control the rain…

She looked at the two Thunder Apes in the mud pit and mimicked Su He’s voice: “Surrender! Or die!”

Her tone was very domineering, but her baby-like voice made this serious situation seem cute.

It was more domineering when she shouted to shake the mountain.

The Thousand Jun raindrops bombarded the area around the Thunder Ape, punching holes in the giant rocks on the ground like bullets, which could no longer bear the weight of the Thunder Ape and collapsed.

The Thunder Ape bared its teeth and roared, stubbornly looking at Su He.

It wouldn’t submit, it was a giant ape! To subdue it, one had to fight it beastly.

The range of Thousand Jun expanded, covering the other Thunder Apes.

The Thunder Apes roared even more, their entire tribe filled with fighting spirit.

This was not a tribe that could be subdued by threats. Threats would only backfire, leading to mutual destruction.

Su He understood and took two steps back, roaring at the Thunder Ape.

Come, fight!

(End of Chapter)

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