Vol.2 – Chapter 14 – Thunder Monkey

The toad was completely flabbergasted. What was going on with this little Dragon Turtle?

It took a while for it to finally realize.

True Blood! It must be the True Blood!

The True Blood of the Dragon Turtle must be terrifyingly pure!

Unfortunately, even if the flesh and bones of the Dragon Turtle were of lower purity, they still possessed the power of a Divine Beast. It couldn’t see the blood within through the Turtle Shell and scales.

The toad chuckled foolishly.

The possibility of leaving this realm had increased significantly.

Even if the little Dragon Turtle couldn’t evolve into a Divine Beast in the end, its True Blood was pure. When it gave up on evolving into a Divine Beast, it could ask for some True Blood.

The toad danced and laughed foolishly for a while. Turning its head, it saw a two-star sea turtle, looking at the turtle shell in front of it with a puzzled expression, as if it had some special idea.

The toad knocked it with its pipe, how could it not even spare a turtle shell!

After collecting the turtle shell, it swam back to the sea surface with a stroke of its four claws. By this time, the sea fog had dispersed, and the setting sun was shimmering on the sea. The whale herd had left the coast, and only the extinguished bonfire and leftover food remained on the small island.

Feng Yaya and a group of Exotic Beasts had disappeared.

The entire island was so quiet that it was unsettling.

Considering what Feng Yaya had said before, this group of beasts might have gone to attack other islands, and they had even forgotten about it, their best cheerleader…

The toad was unhappy, climbed onto the small island, sat in front of the extinguished bonfire, crossed its arms over its chest, and looked lost.

Meanwhile, Feng Yaya and the others had already landed on a large island thousands of miles away.

This island was more than ten times larger than the one they had originally been on, and the Exotic Beasts on the island were fierce. Feng Yaya’s unification campaign encountered a formidable opponent for the first time.

As soon as they landed on the island, they ran into the territory of a six-star giant ape.

The ape was muscular and stood six meters tall. Its physical body was strong and it controlled thunder and lightning. Fortunately, it couldn’t beat Feng Yaya.

At this moment, Feng Yaya was standing on a rock, riding a wild boar, looking at the huge black ape stained with fresh blood on the opposite side, pointing to the mountains and rivers, full of spirit: “I have hundreds of brave soldiers, treasure horses… treasure boars with tusks, treasure weapons made of tiger bones. What do you have to beat me? Either surrender or die in battle!”

This monkey was very powerful, but she, Feng Yaya, was not a vegetarian! Feng Yaya was never afraid of electricity!

She looked at the hundreds of Exotic Beasts on the ground, sat down on the wild boar, held a bone stick in her hand, and a surge of pride rose in her chest.

Even the Barbarian King didn’t start off as powerful as her, and he had to marry into a powerful family!

The giant ape on the opposite side looked at her, its fists thumping on its chest, making a thunderous sound, and streams of half-meter-long electricity gathered on its fists. Just as Feng Yaya was holding her breath and preparing to face the enemy, the giant ape suddenly turned around and jumped into the forest, running away in a panic.

This left Feng Yaya stunned.

She angrily knocked on the wild boar’s head, this big monkey had no dignity as a strong creature!

She hummed a few times and was about to chase after it, but she saw the golden glow above her head dissipating, and the dark clouds rolling in. It was going to rain again.

The Barbarian King said that they couldn’t march in the rain, and they couldn’t fight in rainy weather. She waved her small hand and led her hundred generals to retreat, looking for a place to shelter from the rain and camp.

After a night of heavy rain, the dawn was much later, and Feng Yaya was bored with her mouth pouted.

But at this moment, the ground trembled, and a thumping sound came from the forest. Turning her head, she saw the giant ape from yesterday returning.

It was riding on a large elephant, swinging a huge bone as thick as a beam and covered in blood. This giant ape had not healed its wounds overnight, but had subdued a large elephant and hunted an Exotic Beast to get its leg bone.

The key was that there were forty or fifty giant apes behind it. Although they were not as majestic and muscular as it, they were much taller than ordinary people.

There were also two five-star giant apes following closely behind it, like left and right guardians.

It was taking Feng Yaya’s advice to heart, gathering soldiers, horses, and weapons, and coming back to fight.

The Hundreds of Beasts on Feng Yaya’s side were restless. Their top tier was only a four-star giant lizard. This battle was impossible to fight.

Green Snake swished its tail and advised her to retreat quickly, but Feng Yaya was fearless and full of fighting spirit. She slapped the wild boar she was sitting on and rushed up.

The wild boar howled and ran faster and faster, getting further and further away from the battlefield. It learned from its mistakes and remembered things after being beaten. This time it didn’t leave Feng Yaya behind when it ran away.


Feng Yaya was furious, she jumped off the wild boar’s back, stomped on the ground, and turned into a red shadow, shooting towards the giant ape – when she suddenly accelerated, her armor was shattered, revealing her red clothes.

“Mountain Shaker!” Feng Yaya shouted, swinging her small fists, and punched out.

The giant ape on the opposite side thumped its chest, jumped off the elephant, and ran towards Feng Yaya, also punching towards her. There was a flash of electricity on its fist.


With a collision, the air shattered and there was lightning jumping at the broken and cracked place. Both the human and the ape did not retreat.

The two five-star giant apes behind the giant ape killed over at the same time, their hands clenched above their heads, smashing down on Feng Yaya.

They had no beastly virtue, three muscular Exotic Beasts bullying a little girl.

Feng Yaya pushed off the ground with her foot, bounced back ten meters to avoid the combined attack, stepped on a tree, broke a large tree, and shot back. But she saw the six-star giant ape, swinging a large bone, and smashing it down.

“Moon Strike!” Feng Yaya was in mid-air, her body spun like a top, suddenly straightened like a sharp arrow, shot through the bone, and nailed towards the giant ape.

But at this moment, the two five-star giant apes each picked up a large bone stick, with crackling electricity, and hit Feng Yaya.

Despicable combined attackers.

Feng Yaya punched and broke a bone stick, but was hit by the later bone stick and flew out, shooting towards the sea.

The killer whales in the sea let out a whistle. This was the agreement they had hastily trained yesterday. As soon as Feng Yaya was defeated, they would whistle and retreat immediately.

The Exotic Beasts that had been struggling and being beaten, but dared not run away, seemed to hear the sound of heaven, and immediately ran towards the sea.

They didn’t need any command, they jumped onto the backs of the killer whales smoothly.

“Huh?!” Feng Yaya jumped out of the sea and landed on the back of a killer whale, with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

She was knocked into the air, but that little force couldn’t hurt her. As long as she figured out a way to separate the three giant apes, she could hammer them all into the ground one by one!

She was about to return to the battle, but her hundred generals had run back as if they were escaping.I haven’t lost yet, and you’re already surrendering?

Feng Yaya was feeling rather frustrated.

Green Snake swam over with a smile, “They have more… monkeys, we can’t win! This is their territory. If more apes come, we won’t be able to escape.”

Green Snake had already figured out through the wind that this island was unlike the small one they were on before, with all kinds of Exotic Beasts blooming like flowers. This island was almost ruled by monkeys, the whole island was filled with the scent of monkeys.

The other Exotic Beasts were merely food they raised.

Even that six-star giant ape might not be the Monkey King.

The monkeys have helpers, we can’t fight alone, we also have helpers.

The giant ape roared in anger and chased after them, wanting to jump into the sea but was slapped back by a wave from the tiger whale. A whale and an ape glared at each other, both shining with the star symbol on their foreheads.

The tiger whale couldn’t go ashore, and the giant ape didn’t dare to go into the water. Feng Yaya would have to face a six-star and two five-star beasts alone if she went up.

This fight was impossible.

Su He slowly woke up, a few bubbles coming out of his nostrils.

The True Blood had stabilized, 92%.

The sound of war drums in his blood had gradually subsided, and the warriors and cargo ships were no longer visible. They only appeared for a short time at the beginning and had since fallen silent.

But Su He could feel that the True Blood was really different.

Ninety percent should be a threshold. Once crossed, the whole turtle would be different from the others.

Not only did the surrounding seawater become more friendly, stirring the seawater was as easy as moving his arm. He also gained some new abilities.

He needed to go up and fight the tiger whale to test it out.

As Su He was thinking this, he heard a voice urgently calling, “Big Turtle, Big Turtle, come help me fight!”

Thanks to “Reader20230308201018413” for the fifty thousand reward.

Thanks to “Philanthropist888” for another hundred thousand reward.

I’m extremely grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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