Vol.2 – Chapter 12 – 90.1%

The seal was utterly dumbfounded.

It watched as That Turtle disdainfully pushed two wolf fishes aside. Then, it dragged out a pair of giant shrimps from behind its shell, each as big as a sandbag, with a dimmed star on top of their heads. These were freshly hunted.

It seemed to be flaunting its catch.

The seal: ……

You bloody have your own prey and still come to snatch mine, I won’t let this go!

It roared and charged forward. That Turtle was immediately scared by its ferocious demeanor, abandoning its prey and fleeing in panic.

The seal hugged the giant shrimp and barked at it a few times, triumphantly circling around the shrimp and the wolf fish.

This Turtle wasn’t so powerful that it couldn’t be resisted, it was basically just delivering food.

Just as this thought arose, That Turtle came back for a kill. Its speed was so fast that there was no time to react. It was bitten on its rear fin, swung around on the seabed like a ping-pong ball, and then thrown far away.

The dice rolled, and the quality of the shrimp multiplied by 5.

A critical hit!

Moreover, these shrimps were special Exotic Beasts, one male and one female linked together. They were considered an Exotic Beast when connected, with stars on their heads. Separated, they were just ordinary strong shrimps.

The quality upgrade also applied to both at the same time.

This was the true meaning of a pair of shrimps.

By the time the wolf fish was reclaimed, the dice had already been rolled. Reclaiming it again wouldn’t result in another roll.

After recording the pattern of the dice with the Bright Mirror every day for the past ten days, the rules gradually became apparent as more data was collected.

The number rolled was random, there was no room for trickery. So, Su He usually rolled a two or three, purely due to luck.

As for the pattern of quality appearance: the chance of quality improvement for the offerings received was around 10%. If it was robbery, the chance was higher, at 20%. However, if it was prey hunted by Su He, and it was snatched away and then reclaimed, the chance of quality improvement was a whopping 30% or more!

It was still more cost-effective to accept offerings.

Robbery was too complicated, accepting offerings could be done like grazing crocodiles in Listening Sea Lake, accepting offerings from the entire group. Although the chance was small, the base number was large enough.

Su He set his sights on the killer whale group.

This wasn’t oppression, for every one he received, he often returned two or three.

This was a win-win situation.

Leaving a wolf fish for the seal, he rode the waves with the remaining prey to a quiet spot to enjoy his meal.

This was a not-so-high underwater cliff, in front of which was an endless sandy area with clusters of corals, but not many fish.

Without the slaughter of others, it was peaceful and harmonious.

A ray glided along the seabed, its wings flapping, causing the dark seabed to flicker with a patch of water-blue starlight. It was like fluorescent dancing. Although it only lasted for a moment, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Su He swallowed the giant shrimp in a few bites, leaped out and dived down, landing on the seabed with a footstep that seemed to step on a starry sky.

Every step he took, a patch of water-blue fluorescence would flash and then extinguish. The fluorescence rolled with the seawater, stirred by playful little fish, as if swimming in the starry sky.

With a wave of his claw, the water rippled. Suddenly, a whirlpool formed, lifting the floating matter from the seabed. In an instant, the entire whirlpool became a water-blue star swirl.

With this star swirl dancing and swaying above his head, Su He lay on the seabed and looked up.

The seawater washed over his scales, cool and refreshing. Fish swam through Turtle Mountain, trying to build nests in the bird nests.

His mind was unusually calm.

With a crack, it seemed as if something had broken. A Dragon Turtle’s aura surged from Su He, not overwhelming but endless.

The surrounding fish seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and fled in panic.

Su He was taken aback. He felt as if he had gained something. He raised his claw and looked at it, but found no difference. He swept his divine sense over it.

Su He was still Su He, and the Bald Horned Dragon Turtle was still the Bald Horned Dragon Turtle.

He closed his eyes, his consciousness entered the Sense Realm, and the Bright Mirror shone brightly.

Status: Calm

True Blood: 90.1%

Sacrificial Bone: 14%

Internal Organs: 16%

True Blood had broken through the 90% mark.

Su He retracted his limbs into his shell and closed his eyes to introspect. His consciousness fell into his blood vessels.

Different blood vessels had different states. The arteries were like raging rivers, extremely turbulent. The veins were vast and calm.

But now it was completely different.

At this moment, all the True Blood in his body seemed to be boiling. When he concentrated his mind to observe closely, it was like falling into a raging river. Among the turbulent waves, warriors in white armor with spears and halberds emerged, full of killing intent.

There were also red cargo ships sailing on the river, fully loaded with goods.

They weren’t real warriors or ships, but images formed by a kind of momentum and divine power.

As the True Blood circulated, the warriors and ships increased, forming a battle formation with shining swords and armored horses. There were endless fleets of ships covering the sky and the earth, following the river downstream.

This blood seemed to have come alive!

The food in his stomach was rapidly consumed. Su He didn’t dare to think too much, he took out a pile of warm jade and threw it into his mouth. He immediately started to operate the Turtle Longevity Breathing Technique and began to cultivate on the spot.

It was the right time to consolidate the breakthrough of True Blood.

Between each breath, the sound of battle cries echoed through the sky, causing his heart to pound like a drum cheering on the fight.

Su He was completely immersed in it, losing track of time.

No fish or shrimp dared to approach him. At first, they kept a distance of five or six feet, then ten feet, and now, within a hundred feet, it had become a forbidden zone for hundreds of beasts.

Even if a fish accidentally intruded, it would immediately flee in panic, trying to suppress its movements, fearing to awaken the prehistoric beast.

The starry sky above, once stirred by whirlpools, had long since fallen silent.

The tiger whale, accompanied by two elderly tribesmen, came at the summons, their eyes filled with the tragic determination of imminent sacrifice. They swam to the island but found no trace of Su He. They searched around and still found nothing.

Their tragic determination turned into surprise.

The tiger whale began to frolic in the water, spinning a sea turtle on its head, then flicking it into the air with a flip of its tail, and chasing it all the way to the sea floor. As it swam, it gradually felt something was wrong.

A great fear emanated from the sea floor. This fear was not the terror of life and death when encountering a seven-star exotic beast, but as if something was suppressing their souls.

Like a god!

Looking down hurriedly, they saw the Dragon Turtle lying quietly on the sea floor, the source of the suppression.

The tiger whale paused for a moment, a burst of light exploding in its eyes. Although its soul was trembling, the closer it got to the Dragon Turtle, the faster the Demon Star within its body spun, as if the whole whale was about to take flight.

This Turtle, it was like a heavenly treasure!

The area around the Dragon Turtle was a sacred place for the cultivation of aquatic exotic beasts.

The tiger whale let out a joyful whale song, slapping its tail and swimming quickly back to its tribe.

Compared to advancing, what was a little beating?

Any brat who dared not to come would be whipped by the Dragon Turtle’s tail!

The weather above the sea was unpredictable, and at some point, a thick fog had enveloped the entire sea area. The moon had set, but the sun had not yet risen.

The island was eerily quiet, with only the sound of panting. The glow of a bonfire pierced through the fog. On the fire was a roasting rack, grilling several exotic beasts.

At this moment, Feng Yaya had over a hundred strong soldiers under her command. All the exotic beasts on the island were here, either squatting down waiting to eat meat, or being skewered on the grill waiting to be eaten.

Feng Yaya moved among the group of exotic beasts, patting one on the head, stroking another on the back. All who were comforted by her were trembling with fear.

The toad was satisfied, the tobacco in his pipe never going out, his face full of smug satisfaction.

With such a little girl and a Green Snake who spoke so nicely, the days of being trapped here would be much more interesting than before.

If they could persuade the Dragon Turtle to donate some True Blood, that would be even better.

(End of Chapter)

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