Vol.2 – Chapter 1 – Tranquility

The giant lizard lay by the water, its mouth wide open, constantly changing direction, allowing the seawater to wash its oral cavity.

Its breath was too strong, and Su He couldn’t stomach the things it caught.

The lizard’s eyes were full of grievance. It took three beatings to understand that the ugly turtle, Dragon Turtle, wanted it to brush its teeth.

Poor lizard.

Ever since it hatched from the egg, it knew the importance of maintaining oral filth, but the turtle was unreasonable.

Waves came one after another, causing the giant lizard to close its eyes. Centered around it, a poisonous circle formed, filled with dead fish.

The stench became even stronger.

Su He opened his eyes from his cultivation, his face full of black lines. Lightning chased the giant lizard, driving it back into the forest.

Indeed, the beastly nature of Exotic Beasts was stronger. Even a four-star Exotic Beast couldn’t escape its instinct. Its mouth was beyond saving.

Today’s food still depended on Feng Yaya.

Across the grassland of the ten-mile forest, Feng Yaya rode a wild boar, holding an Exotic Beast bone club, like a tribal wild child, charging towards the enemy.

In front of her was a pack of wolves, about thirty in number, forming a team and staring at her menacingly.

“Kill!” Feng Yaya shouted, her face solemn as she charged into the enemy crowd with her boar. The two of them displayed a fearless momentum, as if they were charging through thousands of troops.

The bone club danced, the wolves howled, and Feng Yaya went in and out seven times, causing a great stir.

This boar was Feng Yaya’s mount, caught just yesterday. It was originally meant to be roasted, but the boar’s pleading was too expressive, and Feng Yaya was moved by it.

So it was promoted from food to mount, and its performance so far was good, always able to fulfill Feng Yaya’s requests. Except for the fact that riding it was a bit prickly and slightly uncomfortable.

It was a pity that they were not in Qingyuan anymore, and no one could help her refine a pig saddle.

Fortunately, they were not in Qingyuan anymore, and Feng Yaya no longer had that feeling of a thorn in her back. She could completely let go and play without restraint.

Su He exhaled a turbid breath, and his spiritual power returned to his Mind’s Eye. He stretched lazily, crawled to the edge of the forest pond, and observed carefully.

These were two small ponds, about twenty square meters each. When the tide came in, it left seawater and various fish. At this moment, one pond was left with an octopus, and the other with a pufferfish.

The same madness, the same bloody brutality.

This Elixir is not a good one!

Su He was conducting an experiment. That day, he was topped by Ge Hong and snatched a broken hand of a Traverse Heaven Realm cultivator, which was still holding an Elixir.

The hand was stored in the outer space without any changes, but the Elixir exploded and rolled a six. Now six Elixirs were quietly lying in the outer space.

Su He didn’t dare to use them recklessly, so he first used fish for the experiment. He didn’t have the heart to feed the fish directly, so he just rinsed the Elixir in the pond, and then all the fish in the pond went crazy.

After half a day of fighting, only one survivor was left in each pond.

Su He pressed the Elixir to the bottom of the outer space and didn’t touch it again.

As for the hand, he didn’t want to throw it away, but he didn’t know what to do with it.

Eating it was out of the question. Not to mention that Su He didn’t eat turtles and humans, the Suppression of the Traverse Heaven Realm on it alone made him unable to swallow it.

Feng Yaya was still in the wild, and there was nothing on the island that could threaten her. Su He crawled into the sea and swam towards the seabed.

The water spiritual power on the sea surface was only slightly better than that of Listening Sea Lake before the Formation was set up, but the seabed was a paradise for aquatic Exotic Beasts.

The water spiritual power here was different from that of Listening Sea Lake, it was more rich, heavy, and vast.

It was inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Su He found a comfortable area, with sunlight refracting above his head, water grass swaying beside him, colorful corals branching out, and various fish and crabs chasing each other.

Su He found that the creatures here were not as afraid of him as the creatures in Listening Sea Lake. After he began to condense True Blood, fewer beasts approached him in Listening Sea Lake.

The beasts here seemed stupid and not afraid of him.

He initially thought that there were similar creatures here, which made them familiar with the aura of Divine Beasts. However, after multiple investigations, he found no evidence.

He asked several Exotic Beasts, but they didn’t know why either.

He could only understand it as a special feature of this region.

He closed his eyes and looked inward at his mirror:

Status: In heat

Realm: Sacrificial Bone

Dragon Turtle True Blood: 89.9%

Acupoints: 429

Sacrificial Bone: 6%

Internal Organs: 6%

This mirror still had flaws, it had been showing that he was in heat recently, which was nonsense. Su He hadn’t had a wet dream for a long time.

The increase in Dragon Turtle True Blood had slowed down, but the speed of Sacrificial Bone had increased.

After coming out of the illusion of Xuanqing View, Su He found that all 429 acupoints in his body had been opened. His realm also showed “Sacrificial Bone”. The speed of spiritual power circulation was more than several times faster, and the progress of Sacrificial Bone changed every day.

In the Transcend Mortality Realm, Sacrificial Bone was the fifth step. Su He guessed that it was also his most important step. Once a cultivator completed this step, the blood, flesh, and bones would be Dao-rhymed, and the whole body would contain Dao-rhyme, which could be called a true person.

Su He’s step should be to transform all his blood, flesh, and bones into pure Dragon Turtle.

This was the most important step in advancing. He was not far from the real Divine Beast, Dragon Turtle.

Su He closed his eyes and slowly inhaled and exhaled seawater to absorb the water spiritual power. The True Blood in his body flowed, soaking his bones bit by bit, from the turtle shell ribs to the limbs, and then back to the internal organs.

This was a slow process, and he couldn’t rush it.There were no shortcuts, unless one had a genius earth treasure, or even the essence blood of the Dragon Turtle. If Su He were a peacock, a drop of peacock essence blood could help him complete this step of cultivation in a very short time.

The sky gradually darkened, and the full moon rose. Su He slowly woke up and opened his eyes. The underwater world at night was even more enchanting, especially when the darkness could not block his vision, allowing him to see clearly. The beauty of the sea floor was intoxicating.

Su He swam to the surface of the sea, where the full moon hung high and the waves rolled. A whale’s call echoed in the distance, a column of water sprayed from the sea surface into the air, and then crashed back down.

Living in two worlds, this was the first time Su He had seen a whale, and in fact, the first time he had seen the sea.

The sea was vast and boundless, the water was calm and the creatures were lively. Dolphins leaped out of the water, cheerfully calling as they swam into the distance.

Su He turned his head and noticed two barnacles had somehow attached themselves to his shoulder blade.

What audacity!

Glancing at the small island, Feng Yaya was lying in the grass, holding her breath and not moving. Ten feet in front of her, a wild boar was lying on the ground, screaming in pain.

A tiger crept out and suddenly rushed towards the wild boar, opening its mouth to bite. But at that moment, Feng Yaya leaped up, like a god descending from the sky, and punched the tiger in the forehead.

The tiger fell to the ground, and the wild boar jumped up, retreating several feet while panting heavily. It looked terrified, panting and blaming Feng Yaya for acting too late, almost turning from bait into prey.

“Hey! Coward!” Feng Yaya mocked it, dragging the tiger out of the woods. Outside the woods, there were four or five bonfires, each with a grill on top, roasting octopus and wild wolf, and now a tiger was added.

It seemed a bit wasteful.

A giant lizard lay sprawled on its back nearby, looking like it had just been beaten. This creature remembered food but not beatings, always thinking that Feng Yaya was small and easy to bully. It would occasionally try to swallow Feng Yaya whole, only to be beaten and left with a face full of despair.

Seeing Su He from afar, Feng Yaya waved and shouted, “Big Turtle, come and eat meat!”

The sea breeze scattered her voice, but Su He could still hear it clearly.

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