Vol.1 – Chapter 125 – Counterkill

This is not the point. The point is that this gate is condensed in Dongyun Mountain, and the soul of Dongyun Mountain is controlled by Feng Yiju. In principle, anyone who enters Dongyun Mountain could potentially be thrown into the battlefield by Feng Yiju.

No matter how many people come from Xuantian Sect, Feng Yiju can throw them into the battlefield.

Even if one uses special means to fix oneself and not be affected by the mountain soul, Feng Yiju can come and go freely. As long as he is in Dongyun Mountain, he can teleport himself into the battlefield at any time.

In Dongyun, he is inherently invincible.

“Open!” Feng Yiju suddenly shouted coldly, the world’s power in his hand was running, and the token instantly melted.

The archway solidified, with the word “Three Lives” engraved on it, and three doors under the archway.

A divine charm spread from the archway, making anyone who saw it immediately understand its meaning.

Three doors, Transcend Mortality, Morph into Demon, Traverse Heaven, can enter different doors. The lower realm can enter the higher realm, but the higher realm cannot enter the lower realm.

“Friends of Xuantian, please enter the mountain!” Feng Yiju shouted towards the outside of Dongyun Mountain.

Two flying boats emerged from the River of Light, and a fairy on the boat looked at Dongyun Mountain and then turned back to the River of Light.

Qingyuan Sect can’t be destroyed anymore.

With the Three Lives Gate, Dongyun Mountain needs a powerful sect to guard it, otherwise, who knows if someone will kill from the Three Lives Gate in the Emperor’s World?

Where did Feng Yiju get the Xuanhuang Token?

To open the Three Lives Gate, two necessary conditions: invasion of the Emperor’s World and the Xuanhuang Token.

The first is simple, even if tens of thousands of cultivators from the Emperor’s World are kidnapped and pretend to invade, the world is just a law and doesn’t understand human feelings – Qingyuan Sect naturally can’t kidnap tens of thousands of cultivators from the Emperor’s World. But they have the prison ghost.

This is the fundamental reason why Feng Yiju released the prison ghost.

The difficult part is the Xuanhuang Token.

The Xuanhuang Token is the body of the Three Lives Gate, refined by the ancient great power, and is rare in the world.

Xuanhuang Token… Xuanhuang Cave Heaven. I’m afraid the authority to open Miss’s Xuanhuang Cave Heaven was given by Feng Yiju.

What a great ambition! He can even give up Xuanhuang Cave Heaven – Feng Yiju knows how to choose, if he goes to the Sect Leader with the opening authority, the consequences are self-evident.

And even if they get the Xuanhuang Token, not all sects want to open the Three Lives Gate. There are indeed countless resources in the battlefield, but they also have to face the Emperor’s World directly. Not everyone can live a life of licking blood on the knife’s edge.

Once the gate is opened, it means that the war will never stop.

Just can’t figure it out, if Feng Yiju is just interested in resources, there is no need to forcibly occupy Dongyun Mountain, just open the Three Lives Gate, and there is everything inside the gate.

What is he occupying Dongyun for?

The housekeeper Wu bowed to Feng Yiju: “Sect Leader Feng is good at calculating, one ring after another. I admit defeat, can Sect Leader Feng let the disciples of Xuantian Sect go, we will retreat!”

He looked deeply at Feng Yiju, Feng Yiju’s strength is not his realm of Traverse Heaven Triple. Indeed, Traverse Heaven Triple is a force not to be underestimated in Xuantian Sect, but it is not difficult for Xuantian Sect to kill.

What’s powerful about Feng Yiju is his brain, and even more powerful is his three hundred years of patience.

Now fighting with Feng Yiju again, he probably would think: who knows if he has a backup plan?

Feng Yiju smiled and said to the Mountain Soul Battlefield: “Junior Brother Shu.”

Shu Sheng manipulated the magic seal, the flag flew up, and the Mountain Soul Battlefield dispersed. Suddenly, the high-level battlefield cultivators fell like dumplings.

Suddenly, sword light fled, and the surviving cultivators of the various sects of Dongyun scattered and fled towards the outside of Dongyun Mountain.

The chasing sword light of Qingyuan and its allies followed closely behind.

There was a cry of sorrow on the ground.

Su He had already rushed to Feng Yaya’s side, Feng Yaya fell on his turtle shell and giggled, leaning against the dragon head.

Su He tilted his head to look at the Three Lives Gate next to him.

This thing is a bit familiar, Su He felt a trace of Dragon Turtle breath from it.

He came back to his senses and searched around for Shu Sheng’s figure.

Just heard an urgent voice from behind: “Dragon Turtle Junior Brother, catch it!”

Turning his head, he saw Shu Sheng waving a big flag and covering him. There were shadows of mountain souls flashing on the big flag, and he was actually trying to force the mountain soul into Su He’s body.

Su He’s scales exploded instantly, and a sense of crisis rushed from the dragon horn to the tail.

Su He is not a cultivation novice, the mountain soul is a good thing but can only be sacrificed and refined, not incorporated into the body. If refined into the body, one becomes a “Mountain Spirit”, “Mountain God” and the like, it is difficult to improve the cultivation level, not to mention, one can never leave the spiritual mountain that condenses the mountain soul in this life.

A trace of cunning flashed in Shu Sheng’s eyes.

Dragon Turtle has probably offended to death, the best outcome is to leave with Su Huanian, but this is something Shu Sheng can’t accept, Dragon Turtle can only stay in Dongyun Mountain.

With the retreat of Xuantian Sect, several junior brothers of the Great Ming King’s Demon Statue have already killed Feng Yaya’s life source one after another. The Sect Leader Brother failed to keep Xuantian Sect’s Traverse Heaven.

Killing three is already the limit, if they stay any longer, it will be hard to end. Three Cave Heaven Worlds, just rootless sources, are not enough to squander.


Shu Sheng screamed, the flag fell on Su He’s back, a piece of mountain soul suddenly fell, as if a huge mountain suddenly pressed on the turtle shell, the turtle shell made a creaking sound.

“Roar!” Su He suddenly roared.

“Dragon Turtle Junior Brother, are you waiting for Senior Uncle Ge to save you? I have isolated this side with the mountain soul, they can’t cross the mountain soul, and they can’t find you.”

“Bastard!” Feng Yaya cursed, jumped up and punched Shu Sheng.

“Shake the Mountain!”

“Pop!” Shu Sheng condensed a magic seal and slapped her to the ground with a palm.

“Roar!” Su He roared, clouds gathered above his head, and lightning fell towards Shu Sheng, but was blocked by a small tripod rising from Shu Sheng’s body.

“Junior Brother, this magical power is not bad. We can exchange more in the future.”As he spoke, his hands were constantly forming seals, pressing the mountain spirit lower and lower. Su He’s dragon eyes were wide open, his roars of divine power echoing out. He slashed his sword aura at the Turtle Mountain, but it was of no avail.

The gap in their realms was too large. The scholar was at least a person who had reached the fourth or fifth step of Subduing Demons.

Seeing that the mountain spirit was about to be pressed into the turtle shell, the scholar became even more vigilant. With his hundreds of years of experience, he knew that the closer he was to success, the easier it was to fail. He could not afford to be careless.

He was multitasking, forcing the mountain spirit into Su He’s body while controlling the mountain spirit to envelop and set up a maze to prevent others from discovering.

However, at this moment, a clear and loud cry rang out:

“Ao ah~”

A huge peacock phantom rose from the Turtle Mountain, and with a single claw, it plucked the mountain spirit from the Turtle Mountain.

The moment the mountain spirit pressed into the Turtle Mountain and invaded the space, it touched the peacock’s divine blood.

After all, the divine beast’s blood was the divine beast’s blood. It could drive away a hundred thousand prison ghosts in the prison ghost space. Although its soul consciousness had dissipated now, its instinct could not be dissipated. Especially after it was enhanced by the dice, it became even more spiritual.

When the mountain spirit invaded and wanted to assimilate it, the divine blood instantly resisted. Perhaps due to its experience, this drop of divine blood was particularly resistant to being refined.

The divine blood floated and gathered at the brow of the peacock phantom. With a cry, Feng Yaya, who had rushed up again, fainted instantly. The scholar’s pupils dilated, and he was stunned for a moment.

Great opportunity!

Su He took the opportunity to roar, releasing his divine power, and at the same time, he rammed into the peacock’s divine blood, pushing the peacock and pressing the mountain spirit towards the scholar.

In an instant, half of the mountain spirit was rammed into the scholar’s body.

The scholar’s pupils contracted and he woke up, his face changed drastically and he waved the big flag in his hand, smashing it towards Su He.

“Ao ah~”

The peacock cried out in time, the scholar’s eyes became blurred again, and the barrier formed by the mountain spirit above his head lost control and disintegrated.


Su He moved his limbs, the water waves under him rolled, and with a bump of his dragon horn, he hit the peacock’s divine blood, completely ramming the entire mountain spirit into the scholar’s body.

The peacock’s divine blood was taken away, it opened its huge mouth and bit the scholar’s face.

With a tear and a pull, the scholar’s face was completely unrecognizable.

“Stop!” Someone in the sky noticed the anomaly and shouted.

But Su He didn’t even look, he grabbed Feng Yaya with one hand and rammed into the Gate of Three Lives.

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