Vol.1 – Chapter 122 – Emotional integration

Candied haws!

Sesame candy~


The city of Gusu was bustling with activity.

Su Huanian, wearing a bamboo hat, strolled through the city. Although her true face was veiled by a light gauze, her exquisite figure revealed her to be a true fairy.

However, her aura of swordsmanship deterred anyone from approaching. Especially the huge stone at the city gate, which was split by a single sword strike, signified that the fairy was not to be trifled with.

Su Huanian was interested in exploring the streets, finding everything new and fascinating.

This illusionary realm was created by the subconscious of the Dragon Turtle. Although the Dragon Turtle had never left Qingyuan, it had the ability to create such a city illusion. Was it a memory inherited from the Dragon Turtle?

Was the world like this in ancient times?

The day the Su family’s martial arts school was destroyed, Feng Buyi, who looked exactly like Feng Yiju, arrived on horseback. Su Huanian could no longer hold back and killed him on the spot with a single sword strike.

Feng Buyi was just an ordinary mortal, ignorant of the ways of cultivators. His acting skills were superb, but the vengeful spirits of the martial arts school lingered around him, clearly indicating that he was responsible for the incident.

After probing his soul, the truth was revealed. Feng Buyi knew that Su Huanian disliked him, so he planned to take advantage of her gratitude.

His father was a rebel who, after failing in his rebellion, hid his identity and wandered the world. He met the old man and after several shared hardships, they arranged a marriage for their children. Now a top scholar, he thought highly of himself and wanted to take the fairy into his room.

He contacted his old subordinates to attack the Su family’s martial arts school. He planned to conveniently pass by with his men and save his father-in-law.

However, he didn’t expect that the Su family’s martial arts school was not just a name, and once the fight started, he couldn’t control it anymore.

He even had the audacity to show up with a shocked expression. If Su Huanian didn’t kill him, it would be an insult to his face.

The illusionary realm created by the Dragon Turtle’s consciousness was quite unique.

In the illusionary world, there were cultivators, Taoists from Dragon Tiger Mountain, Buddhists from Thunder Sound Temple, and yet all the sects respected the mortal emperor. Could it be that in ancient times, cultivators had to obey the orders of mortal emperors?

Killing the current top scholar in the street, the result was self-evident.

The court had a special organization targeting cultivators, the Heavenly Monitoring Bureau. Su Huanian had been wanted for several months.

She could easily kill some of the cultivators from the Heavenly Monitoring Bureau, but if she used too powerful techniques, this illusionary realm would collapse.

So she concealed her identity and traveled among the mortals.

The flow of time in the illusionary realm was different from the outside world. What was several months here was just a moment outside.

Yaya must be anxious.

Gusu City was very prosperous, and there were no lack of people who cultivated and sought the Dao. Even demons with beast heads and human bodies mingled among the crowd. Although people were afraid, they were not terrified. Even the bold ones dared to do business with the demons.

The demons here didn’t need to eat the Demon Morphing Fruit. Beasts could enlighten their Spiritual Intelligence and embark on the path of cultivation by drawing on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and they had the chance to transform into human form.

Su Huanian didn’t know whether it was because the Dragon Turtle had a desire to become human, or because it was really like this in ancient times according to the Dragon Turtle’s inherited memories.

Cultivators in the city also took into consideration the mortals. At the very least, they wouldn’t recklessly use their Divine Sense. They wouldn’t probe just because mortals couldn’t sense it.

Su Huanian actually liked this orderly city a bit. If such a city really existed, it would be great to settle down in a small courtyard and live in seclusion with Yaya.

Of course, Yaya would definitely bring That Turtle along, which was not unacceptable.

Dingling dang, the crisp sound of a camel bell rang out from behind. Su Huanian turned around and saw a huge Turtle following her, tilting its head and looking at her with joy in its eyes.

The Turtle had a camel bell around its neck, and various decorations on its shell. It was just short of carving “This Turtle is owned” on a stone tablet and carrying it on its back.

There was no way around it. A little demon was always at the bottom of the hierarchy wherever it went, for fear of being subdued and exorcised.

That leopard was not a bad person. He thought of a way to get various decorations and dress up as a turtle with an owner. Sure enough, no one troubled him along the way.

There were a few times when he was stopped, but they found that the Turtle had a clear aura and was not a demon who committed crimes and preyed on humans. After registering, they let him go.

The current court should still be clear and upright.

“You’re awake!” Su Huanian asked softly as she looked at him.

“I woke up, the ice sculpture in the courtyard melted, and you weren’t there, so I came to find you.” Su He replied a little guiltily.

For some reason, he always felt that the person in front of him was clearly still Su Huanian, but she seemed like a different person. Every move, every frown, every smile, she seemed to have matured over the winter.

Her voice was clearly more pleasant, but the cold aura was even stronger. Was it because of what happened to the martial arts school?

Su He didn’t know how to comfort her.

A vendor walked by.

“Candied haws!”

“Candied haws!”

“Hey! Give me a skewer, the sweetest one!” Su He threw out two copper coins.

The money was stored in the camel bell around his neck, which was a small space magical instrument. The white leopard gave it to him for some reason. The money was picked up by Su He from the bottom of the lake. There was a sunken ship at the bottom of the lake, full of gold, silver, and jewels.

The vendor was not afraid of the turtle demon, as it seemed that there were quite a few demons who entered the city to eat. Instead, he started promoting: “This turtle friend, don’t you want to buy a skewer for the fairy?”

Su He glared: “Turtles don’t eat hawthorn!”

He condensed a small hand made of water, holding the candied haws and sending it to Su Huanian – after this winter hibernation, he suddenly mastered many skills, and this water manipulation was one of them.

Su Huanian looked at the candied haws and was stunned for a moment. She had received fairy swords, magical instruments, and elixirs since she was a child, but this was the first time she had received candied haws.

For a moment, she was somewhat at a loss.

The small water hand had already dispersed, and the candied haws fell. Su Huanian instinctively hooked her finger and caught the bamboo stick.

“Eat quickly, it will melt soon. Actually, candied haws are best eaten in winter, it’s not the season for candied haws now.”

Su Huanian didn’t move.

Su He blinked: “Are you embarrassed to eat because I’m watching?”

“Should I turn around?”

Su Huanian chuckled lightly.

“Why don’t you come up on my back? My shell has only been sat on by one little guy, you are the first… huh?” Su He blurted out, then froze. After saying it, he realized that since he had transmigrated, he had been living in that big lake, and Su Huanian was the first person he had seen.

Why did he always feel like a little guy was often sitting on his shell?

Did he have a nightmare during this hibernation?Su Huanian chuckled lightly, gracefully climbed onto the turtle shell, and sat on it with her knees bent.

Dragon Turtle still had a fondness for her, even if his memories were sealed during the trial, some habits couldn’t be suppressed.

She took off her bamboo hat, revealing a face as beautiful as the moon, causing a wave of astonishment on the street.

Su He held his head high, walking arrogantly down the street.

Su Huanian gently bit into a sugar-coated hawthorn, watching Su He’s proud head, a flash of understanding in her eyes.

So this was Dragon Turtle’s choice?

There are two ways for cultivators to deal with emotional tribulations. One is to sever emotions, the other is to integrate emotions.

The path of cultivation involves Transcending Mortality, morphing into a demon, and Traversing Heaven.

There are seven steps to morph into a demon, among which are the Heavenly Heart and Human Realm, two introspective realms. The Heavenly Heart requires one to discard human desires to comprehend the Heavenly Heart, while the Human Realm requires the return of the seven emotions and six desires to the true self.

It’s easier to enter the Heavenly Heart by severing emotions, and simpler to enter the Human Realm by integrating emotions.

Although each has its advantages and disadvantages, there is no hierarchy, only different life experiences.

Dragon Turtle subconsciously chose to integrate emotions, not wanting to sever this naive affection, but to continue it in the illusion. That’s why he would propose, share pears, and make ice sculptures subconsciously…

Su Huanian reached out, pushing the memories of the outside world deep into her sea of consciousness, only allowing the memories of this illusion to surface. She would accompany him on this journey, but even in this illusion, Su Huanian would not develop feelings for a turtle. Dragon Turtle was ultimately celebrating a hollow joy.

However, the path of emotions does not necessarily end with a pair of lovers flying together. A simple and plain relationship with a beginning and an end is also complete. The pursuit itself is what matters.

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