Vol.1 – Chapter 108 – Hand

Feng Yiju chuckled and shook his head.

The command from Xuantian Sect had been issued. His persuasion not only failed to make any sects leave, but also made some sects that had already migrated to Yunmeng Ze eager to return, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to take a bite out of Qingyuan Sect.

Heaven’s wrath can be endured, but self-inflicted calamity is hard to live with.

In Dongyun, doing bad things is not considered a sin, but lacking self-awareness is.

Feng Yiju looked at Luo Rujin, “Brother Luo, you don’t think that I mixed Junior Brother Ge and Junior Sister Yu into Dongyun just to stir up trouble, do you?”

What’s the point? If they could resist Xuantian, the various sects of Dongyun could be easily wiped out. If they couldn’t resist Xuantian, why would they stir up Dongyun?

To make enemies for himself?

He, Feng Yiju, was not that foolish!


Luo Rujin looked at Feng Yiju.

“The decline of Qingyuan for a cycle of sixty years was indeed to numb Xuantian. Brother Luo, why don’t you guess why I had to numb Xuantian Sect?”

Luo Rujin’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, “Isn’t it to sacrifice and refine the Great Ming King Demon Statue?”

“Of course, but not entirely!” Feng Yiju said softly. He slowly stood up, pointed his halberd, and forty-nine Qingyuan formation flags flew out, shooting towards all directions of Dongyun Mountain.

“Disciples of Qingyuan, heed my command! Form the formation!”

Feng Yiju’s voice echoed throughout Dongyun.

Suddenly, various altars emerged from the ground all over Dongyun Mountain, each with a Qingyuan formation flag inserted.

The formation flags emitted a brilliant light, connecting into lines, and instantly divided Dongyun Mountain into several layers.

“I ask you all to fight in the Traverse Heaven Realm! Please do not harm Dongyun Mountain.” Feng Yiju said loudly.

The group of Traverse Heaven cultivators felt a sense of rejection—they were being rejected by Dongyun Mountain, as if they had entered a small world, and the whole world was rejecting them.

“Mountain Spirit!” The loyal steward’s face turned serious.

The old people in Qingyuan Sect who knew the deep meaning of these two words were overjoyed. Now they had some confidence when facing Xuantian Sect.

Luo Rujin’s face changed drastically, “Feng Yiju, you dare to condense the Mountain Spirit! You released the prison ghost for the Mountain Spirit!”

No, the prison ghost only appeared ten days ago. Feng Yiju couldn’t have refined the Mountain Spirit in such a short time. He suddenly thought of something, “Have you been refining the Mountain Spirit for the past sixty years?”

Feng Yiju chuckled, “Not sixty years, but three hundred years. The one who gathered the spirit of Dongyun Mountain was the predecessors of Taibai Temple.

Three hundred years ago, when Taibai Temple was destroyed, Daoist Mutong and I entered the ruins of Taibai Temple at the same time. Unfortunately, Daoist Mutong valued the Demon Subduing Zen Staff too much and took the initiative to grab it. I had no choice but to enter another branch and could only reluctantly obtain the Mountain Spirit, which was of little use.”

The one who refines the Mountain Spirit is the actual controller of the mountains and rivers. In ancient times, it could be called the Mountain God!

Especially for a continuous mountain like Dongyun Mountain, its Mountain Spirit is connected with the Mysterious Wasteland, and it cannot be destroyed by simply breaking the mountains and rivers.

As Feng Yiju spoke, the entire Mysterious Wasteland was expelling the Traverse Heaven cultivators, asking them to fight in the sky and not to harm the earth veins of Dongyun.

Mutong deserves to die!

Luo Rujin gritted his teeth.

“Split!” Feng Yiju pointed his halberd at Dongyun Mountain, “The Demon Subduing Realm should be divided into four battlefields!”

Above Dongyun Mountain, four groups of layers appeared, and all the cultivators in the Demon Subduing Realm of Dongyun Mountain were thrown into the four layers according to their realms.

It’s a pity that the Mountain Spirit can only assist and cannot directly harm people, otherwise, why bother?

“Split!” Feng Yiju pointed again, “The Transcend Mortality Realm should enter the battlefield.”

The Transcend Mortality Realm was divided into three battlefields, one below the Sense Realm, one for the Sense Realm and Sacrificial Bone, and another for Enlightenment and Gathering Essence.

The power of the Mysterious Wasteland enveloped them, and Feng Yiju’s words were like the laws of heaven, unquestionable.

Luo Rujin’s face was cold. This was the important reason why those sects that had stolen the Mountain Spirit could exist for a long time. The Mountain Spirit was simply cheating.

Unless they forcibly break the rules of the Mountain Spirit, but this is not something the people he brought can do, even Zhong Bo can’t do it.

On the protective formation of the Phoenix King’s Mansion, a group of figures were attached. The protective formation made a creaking sound under the heavy burden, and it could break at any time. The people of the Phoenix King’s Mansion were about to be thrown into different battlefields by the Mountain Spirit.

The mansion master’s face changed drastically, and he pointed his halberd, and many treasures and genius earth treasures flew out of the mansion.

“Sect Leader Feng! Let my Phoenix King’s Mansion go, and all the treasures will belong to Qingyuan!”

Feng Yiju had refined the Mountain Spirit. As long as one person from Qingyuan Sect survived, they would be the true owner of Dongyun Mountain. Staying in Dongyun Mountain no longer made any sense.

“How dare you!” Luo Rujin’s voice came.

“Whoever retreats at this moment will be annihilated by Xuantian afterwards!”

However, the mansion master of the Phoenix King’s Mansion seemed to have not heard it at all. He temporarily used the big formation to forcibly control the summoned power and bowed to Feng Yiju.

Xuantian Sect is indeed powerful, but the Mysterious Wasteland is not only Xuantian Sect. If worst comes to worst, they can go to the Star Immortal Realm. Moreover—how can the words of a child be taken seriously? Being involved in the battlefield at this moment is truly a life of nine deaths.”Agreed!” Feng Yiju said in a deep voice.

With a gentle touch, the pressure of the Phoenix Mansion dissipated instantly. The Mansion Lord didn’t hesitate, activating the Formation, causing the entire mansion to lift off. After scattering a ground full of rare treasures, it broke through the air in an instant, flying straight towards Yunmeng Marsh.

The Phoenix King Mansion itself was a Cave Mansion magical artifact.

Luo Rujin’s face was icy cold, looking towards the battlefield divided by the Mountain Soul, only feeling slightly better when he saw the disciples of the Formless Sword Sect entering the field. But then, his worry rose again, the Chi Yang of the Formless Sword Sect…

It was hard to put into words.

He shouted towards the battlefield: “Friends of the Formless Sword Sect, I know that you must have been uneasy recently. You must have discovered that the founding Sect Leader has betrayed his own Sect…”

Before he could finish his words, an elder from the Formless Sword Sect interrupted with a furrowed brow: “Ah! Yes! When I first found out, I was quite shocked. After all, we infiltrated the Formless Sword Sect to destroy this Sect that harbors great malice towards Qing Yuan…”

He shook his head and sighed.

Luo Rujin’s face turned colorful, especially when he heard the elder shout: “Where are the disciples of Sword Residence?!”

All the True Transmission disciples of the Formless Sword Sect responded in unison: “Here!”

The elder’s eyes were filled with murderous intent: “Kill the enemy!”

Old Taoist Ge was at the top, but he didn’t reveal his beast form. Instead, he was holding a wine gourd, his fire Taoist magic dominating all around.

He looked at the elder and laughed: “It’s Old Bai, haha, you old boy didn’t die?! You even ran to the Formless Sword Sect? You’ve hidden quite deep!”

The elder laughed: “Formless, formless, naturally I have given up my original appearance…”

The elder was still saying something, but Su He couldn’t hear clearly. He was lifted by Ge Hong to the sky.


He was beaten down by a group of Traverse Heaven experts!

Various techniques simultaneously attacked the eight Great Ming King statues. Su He couldn’t understand at all, only feeling the dazzling colors. He could only tell from the roars of the statues that they—were always at a disadvantage.

Finally, one of the statues roared angrily, punching through the space, and a golden hall appeared behind the space. The statue reached into the space of the golden hall and pulled out a long knife, swinging it towards the female Traverse Heaven expert above.

With a slash, a black crack tens of feet long appeared in the colorful mid-air, and the air and flowing clouds were sucked into it.

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