Chapter 5 – I concede!

The atmosphere on White Sand Island was eerie.

Ji Feixue sat on a bluestone, swinging her legs and cracking sunflower seeds, while a huge Zhu Yan beside her was panting heavily.

“What does the princess mean by this?”

It wanted to rescue its monkey cub, but was stopped by Ji Feixue.

Ji Feixue tossed a handful of sunflower seeds to it: “It’s just child’s play, elders shouldn’t get involved.”

Knowing that water and fire are merciless, why didn’t you stop your monkey cub when it was scheming? Turtles can enter where water and fire collide, but monkeys cannot?

Thinking that because turtles have high defense, they can act recklessly? If you think so, those Dragon Turtles certainly don’t. If you can’t play the game, don’t play at all. Meddling carelessly and disrupting the balance will get you beaten by turtles.

Ignoring Zhu Yan’s screams, Su He charged headfirst into the collision of water and fire. Zeng and Fu’s expressions changed drastically, and they roared simultaneously. Zeng’s tail and Fu’s antlers retracted as water and fire shot towards the sky.

The collided water and fire exploded with a bang, and Zhu Yan’s skin burst open. It rolled around, screeching.

A grating friction sound came from Su He’s shell, the blood of the Zhu Yan beast was completely incinerated, and its divine abilities returned. With a flash and another flash, it instantly left the explosion site.

The chaos above had ceased, and Flame Crow shot a few feathers towards Su He.

Beneath Su He, the water waves churned, supporting his dodging and flashing movements, avoiding the arrow rain from Flame Crow, and directly crashing into the midsection of Chen Feng Mountain.

A bolt of lightning struck down from above, an attack from the formation.


Su He took a direct hit from the thunder, unable to dodge with his divine abilities. The space above a hundred zhang was solidified, and he couldn’t break through with his divine abilities, so he had to honestly climb up step by step.

Looking back at the foot of the mountain, Flame Crow’s body was healing from the holes, but as soon as they healed, they tore again. The damage from the chaos blades wasn’t something that could be healed in an instant; it would take at least several days to recover. Divine abilities come with their own laws and are not so easily restored.

But its combat power was not fatally affected.

It still had the power to fight.

Zhu Yan struggled to get up, looking up at Su He on the mountain. A mere explosion couldn’t take a Divine Beast’s life; it would just lie down for ten or eight years, which was not more severe than the injuries of the Heavy Eyed Bird.

It sat to one side, with its battered flesh still trying to speak, but before it could open its mouth, it was interrupted by Su He.

“Dare to say a word, and it means you haven’t admitted defeat! I don’t care about the other four; today, I’m just going to beat you!”

To deal with an enemy who’s all talk, never let it speak. No matter what it wants to say, killing it as soon as it opens its mouth is the right approach.

Zhu Yan bared its teeth and grimaced, its monkey face ferocious and terrifying, but it ultimately didn’t speak.

Outside Chen Feng Mountain, the golden dragon Meng Xuan swayed its tail, bobbing up and down, its eyes full of brilliance watching Su He.


This little Dragon Turtle is truly domineering!

When she establishes her stronghold, she must pull the Dragon Turtle in as her second-in-command!

Su He then looked towards Flame Crow: “I’ve come up, and I’ve felt the power of the formation above. It seems to attack based on realm. Do you want to come up?”

How could young beasts of different realms face the same attack? The higher the realm, the stronger the attack they face.

For Su He, this was another great advantage; his combat power was higher than his actual realm.

Moreover, the best way to deal with Flame Crow was not chaos blades, but the devouring method of Glutton! Flame Crow dispersed into a sky of flames, which the mountain god couldn’t harm, but one bite from the devouring method of Glutton could even take away its origin.

However, that was a real method for dealing with enemies, and it wasn’t good to use it right now.

No matter how severely the Heavy Eyed Bird or Zhu Yan were injured, they could recover with rest. For a Divine Beast, a decade or so of rest is just a nap.

But to bite off the origin—put simply, whatever is bitten off won’t grow back.

If it maintained its true form of a one-legged crane, Su He could bite it, and it could shatter the bite. The dispersed flames would be like a big pancake.

To truly bite hard would mean harboring a grudge, but if it still foolishly came up to cause trouble, Su He wouldn’t mind giving it a harsh lesson.

No longer looking at Flame Crow, Su He’s gaze swept over Fu Zhu. The pure white doe shrank back.

“Don’t follow up, or I’ll have to hit you!” Su He wasn’t lying to it; picking on the soft ones is the same for Divine Beasts.

These guys dared to besiege him because they thought he had just passed the heavenly tribulation and could be squeezed. If Bai Ling had come today, would they still play this game?

If Su He hadn’t come to this Dragon God Festival but attended the one in ten thousand years, would they dare?

They would flee as far as possible!

Phoenix Ji also came, so why didn’t they play games with Phoenix Ji?

Su He didn’t warn Tan Lang and Zeng. These two guys, one with eyes full of greed and the other, although having regained sanity, was full of fighting spirit.

Only the greedy and the foolish are unreasonable. Only by hitting them hard will it be effective.

But he couldn’t understand what that Tan Lang could covet from him?

They hadn’t gambled!

If it wanted to seek death, let it come. Su He didn’t know what tricks Tan Lang had, and he had to be cautious of it below, but above, with the formation’s help, he only needed to be cautious by six parts.

Moreover, Su He hadn’t played all his cards.

With his domain unfolded and the spirit snake released, his combat power could increase by at least thirty percent. Using the sixfold mountain god, he didn’t believe it could withstand it.

But even as a beast, one must keep a few cards up one’s sleeve, lest all the tricks are revealed here, and when facing a real enemy of life and death outside, they are specifically targeted.

Tan Lang licked its lips, watching Su He enter the formation, a glint of greed flashing in its eyes.

The clan uncle said, defeating this turtle would reward thirty thousand merits.

There were many members in the Tan Lang clan, and the really good things couldn’t be given to everyone, so they had to be bought with merits. It was just like the sects and families of cultivators.

Thirty thousand merits, enough for two hundred years of struggle.

This turtle, it was determined to win!Greedy Wolf leaped into the air, chasing after Su He. Dragon Turtle’s methods were mostly figured out by it, nothing unexpected.

It’s time to fight!

Zhang and Flame Crow also didn’t hesitate, flapping their wings and following suit. Zhang’s eyes were filled with a soaring battle intent, while Flame Crow’s eyes were downcast, seemingly lost in thought.

However, Fu Zhu hesitated, tapping its hooves and not following. Its eyes were filled with indecision.

Zhu Yan looked at it, about to speak, but Fu Zhu cut it off: “Don’t say a word, or Dragon Turtle will surely come down to fight you!”

Zhu Yan was momentarily breathless, feeling a suffocating sensation in his chest that he couldn’t relieve.

Su He paid no attention to the three beasts behind him. Beneath him, the waves churned, and he ascended Shenfeng Mountain amidst thunder and lightning. The first area was bombarded by thunder attacks, and the second area was unclear, only visible were two Divine Beasts struggling within.

An attack on the level of Divine Sense and intent?

Su He didn’t know, enduring the intense pain and numbness brought by the lightning, he swiftly passed through the thunder zone and plunged into the second area.

An indescribable feeling suddenly surged.

The True Essence within his body became violently active, and the Boundary Pearl started jumping erratically.

Su He sent a wisp of consciousness into the Boundary Pearl and saw the small Dui Trigram within the sixty-four hexagrams flashing intensely, desperately absorbing something.

It was like when the small sixty-four hexagrams were first formed, and the small Heng Trigram absorbed the essence of the Heng Trigram. Only back then, the Heng Trigram was within his body, actively releasing. The essence released by the small Heng Trigram could be completely absorbed.

But now, the small Dui Trigram was forcefully seizing it. The essence seized could only absorb one-tenth or two, with more turning into mist and condensing around the hexagram.

As if responding to Su He’s thoughts, a dice fell from the sky onto the small Dui Trigram, spinning rapidly.

Four points!

The mist did not increase, but its quality improved.

Then, the small Dui Trigram trembled and absorbed it all.

The treasure enhanced by the dice was most suitable for Su He to absorb, able to be completely digested.

More and more Dui Trigram essence was forcibly absorbed by the small Dui Trigram, turning into a trickle that filled it.

Su He’s expression tightened, and he quickly exited the second area.

Yunmeng Marsh has a Dui Trigram!

There’s actually a trigram here!

After the shock, Su He thought it made sense. Yunmeng Marsh was a top force not inferior to the ten great immortal sects, with unclear ties to the dragon race. Princess Ji Feixue, with her demon race identity, held the power of the divine dragons, even the Orient Loong God of Xuantian Gate was no match.

Having a trigram was plausible.

The question was whether this trigram was hidden or public? Whether hidden or public, once the essence of the Dui Trigram was absorbed, would the owner notice?

Su He looked around, but saw no movement from Yunmeng Marsh. Was it that they hadn’t noticed yet, or did they realize it was him absorbing the essence and chose not to make a fuss?

The status of the trigram must be high; otherwise, his uncles wouldn’t have repeatedly warned him not to reveal it.

That meant once it was revealed, even with Dragon Turtle’s identity for protection, it might attract prying eyes, unless he could, like Tai Zu, break into the top thirty of the Hakutaku List.

Then it wouldn’t matter.

The small Dui Trigram’s absorption of the essence was beyond Su He’s control, and he couldn’t pass the second area. But he couldn’t just turn around and leave, which would arouse more suspicion.

Caught in a dilemma, Su He saw lightning flashing halfway up the mountain, with Flame Crow leading the charge against the thunder to catch up.

Flame Crow was no longer in the form of a one-legged flaming crane; it was enveloped in a thin layer of clothing.

It was using a magical treasure.

It used the treasure to fend off the attacks of Shenfeng Mountain’s formation.

Throwing away all pride.

Su He looked at it: “A magical treasure, isn’t that beyond the scope of the game?”

Flame Crow flapped its wings and laughed heartily: “Young brother of the Dragon Turtle clan need not mind, it’s just a trinket to add some fun. Your Dragon Turtle clan is wealthy, with countless treasures, feel free to use them.”

Such cheerful laughter.

Su He understood; it was hurt and wanted revenge without losing face, and it was afraid of blame from the Dragon Turtle clan. So it pretended to be generous, letting Su He use a treasure too.

He had no magical treasures, but he did have the Mountain God Seal.

Su He roared, and a pure gold dice smashed out of his mouth. Flame Crow’s eyes flashed with cunning, and its figure instantly turned into a sky full of flames.

Its treasure turned into a light smoke covering the sky, obstructing the chaotic blades.

The Mountain God Seal broke through the flames and smashed out, failing to achieve success, as the flames merged. A fiery whip was formed, swinging around and lashing directly at Su He.


A wave rose in front of Su He, turning into an ice wall, which was shattered by the whip in one strike. The momentum of the whip was unabated, lashing down from the air. Unable to leap with divine agility, Su He couldn’t dodge. The outer form of Turtle Mountain instantly rose.

The fiery red whip, like thorns, full of spikes, directly lashed onto the outer form of Turtle Mountain.


The outer form of Turtle Mountain was split open by a third with one strike.

Incredibly powerful!

This was Flame Crow’s true combat strength.

“Despicable!” Below Shenfeng Mountain, Meng Xuan let out a dragon’s roar, flicking her dragon tail and swimming up the mountain. This was no longer a game!

You’re courting death! The golden dragon roared.

Su He roared, using his divine might without holding back, biting forward with a huge transparent dragon head that pounced out, tearing off a piece of the flames with a crackling sound like ripping off a piece of candy wrapper.


Flame Crow let out a miserable cry.

But Su He was unrelenting, using another bite of the Glutton’s technique, tearing off another large piece of flame and swallowing it directly into his belly.

His entire abdomen was burning, as if his insides were on fire.

The flames in front of him could no longer maintain their shape, reverting to a bird form with a pitiful scream. Its left wing seemed to have been bitten by a wild wolf, with two huge gashes.

But they didn’t look like wounds; there were no signs of damage, as if they were naturally so.

The moment Flame Crow revealed its form, the Mountain God Seal had already been launched, thunderously smashing onto its body with a dull sound. A huge one-legged crane shattered the space and rushed down the mountain.Colliding head-on with the approaching golden dragon, Su He was sent flying back with a miserable scream after being struck by Meng Xuan’s tail.

Another Mountain God Seal came at him head-on.

Even more powerful.

Space tore apart, and a massive Flame Crow emerged, flapping its wings. With a gentle wave, it dispersed the Mountain God Seal, extended its claws to catch the battered Flame Crow, and with a ripping sound, tore off its cicada-wing-like magical garment. The wings fluttered, sending the garment drifting towards Su He. The adult Flame Crow said, “Consider this treasure as compensation, and I hope the young friend will forgive us.”

A trace of embarrassment in its eyes.

Today, the face of the Flame Crow clan was utterly lost.

The young Flame Crow, just having been struck, was still seeing stars when it heard this. Its pupils shrank suddenly, and it exclaimed in a panic, “Clan uncle…”

Before it could finish, it was already whipped by the elder Flame Crow’s wing into the spatial rift: “Return to the Dragon God Festival immediately and be confined. You are not to leave Zhang’e Mountain for ten thousand years!”

The Flame Crow was instantly filled with horror.

“Don’t…” It struggled, but the elder Flame Crow had already dived into the spatial rift, flapping its wings to mend the tear, completely muffling the sound.

On White Sand Island, there was a moment of silence.

This time, the Flame Crow went forth, and Ji Feixue did not stop it. A turtle and a bird were clearly fighting in earnest, and with the little golden dragon also going, if the Flame Crow did not go, their own little bird might truly die here today.

“How many Divine Abilities now?” After a long while, Lu Shu asked softly.

“Mountain God, Divine Machine, Chaotic Blade, Water Phase, Glutton, Snow Concealment… Six that can only be mastered after Tribulation Crossing.”

“Is this Little Turtle gaining a Divine Ability each month?” A Gu Sculpt murmured to itself. Could the Dragon Turtle clan truly be so fortunate? Twenty thousand years ago, there was Bai Ling, and now, twenty thousand years later, there is such a Little Turtle.

The envy of others!

As for fighting in earnest—no matter, the Dragon Turtle clan’s way of handling things is very simple; as long as the one at a disadvantage is not a Dragon Turtle, everything else is of no concern.

They don’t care who is right or wrong.

Ji Feixue smiled lightly and looked at Tan Lang: “Shall we continue the bet?”

Tan Lang opened his mouth but no words came out.

Everyone thought the little Dragon Turtle was about to be beaten when he suddenly broke through the siege of six first-layer divine beasts, leaving the Heavy Eyed Bird vomiting blood and severely injured.

Everyone felt that mastering three Divine Abilities was his limit, yet that little turtle forcefully used six Divine Abilities.

Their own little wolf cub had a trump card; a witch priest could not only bless others but also bless themselves, allowing one of their Divine Abilities to increase in power exponentially.

But who’s to say the little Dragon Turtle had no trump cards left?

Logically, a Dragon Turtle that had only crossed Tribulation half a year ago should have reached its limit. But somehow, it felt like it would be perfectly natural for that little turtle to use one or two more Divine Abilities or some other means.

Its wolf mouth grinned, shaking its moon-white wolf head: “I concede! With such a performance, this little turtle is sure to become famous throughout the world.”

Such a record could make it onto the Hakutaku Young Dragon List!

Indeed, if they truly fought desperately, Flame Crow, Zhu Yan, and Tan Lang all had trump cards, and the odds would still lean towards the former three. If it weren’t for the elders’ intervention and the golden dragon’s participation, the young Flame Crow might have been able to turn defeat into victory.

But that would be a desperate fight! The little Dragon Turtle had only crossed Tribulation for half a year!

Half a year, just the time for a nap!

How long would it take for this little Dragon Turtle to completely crush these second-layer Divine Beasts?

A thousand years, a hundred years? Or could it be done in just a few decades?

At the next Dragon God Festival, would these second-layer creatures dare not face this Dragon Turtle, only to seek out newly Tribulation-crossed little dragons instead?

Would they be thrashed once again?

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