Chapter 97 – Excuse me, sir, can I take up a little of your time?

As the end of the year approached, the company began discussing the issue of enrolling children in school.

More than half of the employees were married with children. Regardless of gender, whenever the topic of children came up, they would immediately start talking non-stop, sharing their grievances and seeking advice from each other.

In the past, Lu Yao had no interest in this.

He didn’t even have a girlfriend, so enrolling children in school had nothing to do with him.

But recently, due to the battle between the two cities, Lu Yao was planning to eavesdrop and learn from the experiences of these parents on how to resolve conflicts between children.

There was a mother in the company who had twins, her name was Jiao Jie.

Jiao Jie would daydream and feel sleepy while working, but as soon as she started gossiping, she would become lively and energetic.

“It’s getting late now, kindergarten spring enrollment starts in December, you should go and take a look early, this is not something you can delay.”

“Let me tell you, having one child is good, but having two is too troublesome.”

“The older brother feels that the family pays more attention to the younger brother, and the younger brother feels that the family takes better care of the older brother. They are jealous of each other, it’s really a headache.”

Jiao Jie chattered on.

Someone picked up where she left off, “Then how do you handle your two children?”

“You asked the right person.”

Jiao Jie proudly said, “Let me give you some advice.”

“You must not get involved in these matters, you should observe from the sidelines and act as a judge to have authority. Treat them equally, otherwise they won’t listen to anyone.”

“Don’t underestimate the young age, these kids are very clever.”

“When necessary, you can even create some trouble, scold them all and give them something to do. Of course, you need to find sufficient reasons. Dealing with children requires patience and strategy…”

Lu Yao silently recorded and summarized in his mind.

Be a judge, create accidents.

Sister Peng next to him looked at him with a puzzled expression, as if she wanted to say something but stopped. Lu Yao quickly put on his headphones, turned his neck, and pretended to listen to music.

After returning home from work, Lu Yao quickly sat in front of the computer and paid attention to the latest developments in the simulator.

He first opened the temple and clicked on the avatar of the skeleton man Phileas.

The screen switched to the coast of the eastern part of the Western Continent.

The skeletal king, Jiu, had turned back into a ball shape and was stuck in the sand.

Phileas held two bones and climbed up and down, knocking on Jiu.

Lu Yao typed.

– How is it going?

Phileas trembled in fear, immediately slid down from the skeletal creature, and knelt towards the screen.

“God Yao, I have searched this entire continent with Jiu and the skeletal worms, digging deep underground… and confirmed that the Fire of Aegir is not on this land.”

“There is no trace of the belief fire of the heretical god here. It should be on the Eastern Continent or some island.”

The skeleton man said cautiously, “Because we have been continuously digging and moving underground recently, Jiu has suffered some damage and malfunctions, so I am currently repairing and maintaining it.”

Lu Yao remembered one of Phileas’ abilities.

[Skeleton Craftsman]: Can repair skeletal creatures and strengthen them using skeletons as materials.

It was normal for a driver and engineer to regularly maintain vehicles.

Among the four apostles, Phileas had the lowest level, but its intelligence was second only to Isabella. It showed the strongest fear and awe towards Lu Yao.

Lu Yao couldn’t say for sure.

Was it because its intelligence was high? Or was it because it was blasted into the dying sea by the [Fire of Aegir] before, resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder? Or was it because it was a fallen general and witnessed the previous god being killed by itself?

“However, I made an unexpected discovery deep underground in the forest.”

Phileas said cautiously, “In the deep underground area, there are tree roots that are wrapped around hard stones. Jiu also spent a lot of effort to drill through those boulders and tree roots.”

“There is another layer of tightly sealed stones below, inside which is a forest cabin.”

“The seal around that cabin has loosened… but I’m afraid there might be traps inside, so I didn’t go in.” The skeleton man said.

These elements made Lu Yao alert.

Forest, underground, forest cabin… this was what the Silvanus Tree in the [Golden Plains] wanted.

He smelled a hint of conspiracy.

There seemed to be the shadow of the Forest God behind it.

He had to be prepared.

Lu Yao made up his mind. After dealing with the threat of the heretical god, he would thoroughly investigate the underground forest cabin.

He gave Phileas the following orders: continue to be on guard underground, pay attention to anything suspicious, and report at any time.

“Yes, God Yao!”

The skeleton man began to continue repairing the skeletal king, Jiu.

Lu Yao shifted his perspective and arrived above Yao City.

In this city with a strong theological atmosphere, many people were wearing robes and holding the “Gospel of the Gods”. They were leaving in all directions, entering the depths of the forest to find the savages and crossing the sea by boat to visit the islanders…

Once they encountered outsiders or uncivilized natives, they would enthusiastically say, “Excuse me, sir (madam), can you spare a moment of your time?”

“I hope to talk to you about our Heavenly Father and Savior, God Yao.”Most of the savages and islanders were clueless, their minds filled with confusion.

The languages of both sides were completely unintelligible to each other.

However, these missionaries were not discouraged at all. They used gestures and pointed to the sky, mimicking prayer. The local natives mostly kept their distance, their heads filled with question marks, unable to understand what these robed people were doing.

But the missionaries were clearly prepared.

They brought out gifts.

The missionaries began to distribute food and clothing, including wheat, potatoes, salted fish, and hemp products… They used these gifts to persuade these remote natives to believe in the gods.

Faced with such blatant temptation, the natives succumbed without hesitation.

The power of food allowed them to understand each other, breaking through language barriers and racial divides.

The natives held food and clothing in one hand, and the “Gospel of the Gods” in the other, imitating the missionaries, stuttering loudly, “Praise our Heavenly Father and Savior, God Yao!”

“Praise God Yao!”

Then the missionaries told the natives to bring their friends and family, everyone could get food. All they needed was to believe in God Yao, and they could receive these free gifts.

For a time, the natives flocked to receive the gifts from the foreigners.

Then, whether it was the missionaries or the natives, they all left satisfied, each thinking they had won.

Lu Yao watched this scene with a twitching eyelid.

He wanted to scold these missionaries.

Wasn’t this just a pyramid scheme? It was utterly disgraceful!

But seeing the faith value constantly jumping and increasing in the upper right corner.

Lu Yao held back.

They were making too much.

Yao City was vigorously spreading faith to the whole world, causing Lu Yao’s population and faith value to increase by more than 1000 points at once.

It was only then that Lu Yao realized that there were so many other humans in the corners of the pixel world.

Another point to consider.

Most of the natives didn’t really believe in him as a god, and the conversion rate wouldn’t be too high with food as a temptation.

Even so, it brought an increase of 1000+ in population and faith.

Lu Yao could only say, well done, you guys!

The principles of Yao City were indeed worth learning!


While Yao City was spreading faith to the entire pixel world, what was Salt City doing?

Lu Yao shifted his perspective to another city.

As soon as he arrived in Salt City, a new notification appeared in the simulator.

“Salt City has invented the hospital.”

“Salt City has built the first hospital.”

“The intelligence of all people in Salt City has slightly increased.”

“The death rate of all people in Salt City has slightly decreased.”

“The birth rate of all people in Salt City has slightly increased.”

Lu Yao thought this was also good.

With the increase in birth rate and the extension of the people’s lifespan, it was beneficial for the development and heritage of the entire city.

Salt City, which excelled in commerce, was strengthening its urban infrastructure, while Yao City, which was proficient in theology, was exporting its culture.

Everyone had a bright future.

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