Chapter 96 – We are the lighthouse!

Yao City’s achievements exceeded expectations.

Lu Yao originally thought that this city would promote theology and astrology, and the next step would be the advanced development of mysticism and alchemy. Eventually, it would become the center of this pixelated world, similar to Jerusalem.

Now he realized that he was a bit biased.

Everything needs to consider the background of the times and the overall environment.

From the perspective of the technological age, theology is indeed outdated.

But during the period when the city was just established, theology was considered advanced.

Lu Yao has played many historical strategy games, and these games have described it. In the early days, religious personnel, whether they were shamans, monks, priests, or Taoists, were usually doctors, astronomers, mathematicians, and philosophers.

Now, Yao City has unleashed the power of theology.

Driven by the belief in gods, a large group of scholars has gathered here to understand the whole world through reading books and witnessing miracles.

Not far from the temple, a stone sculpture was placed by the small people.

This stone sculpture is marked with “Kingdom of Water”.

Lu Yao double-clicked on the stone statue and obtained a clear image.

The Kingdom of Water is a contemporary globe created by Yao City. Its structure is somewhat crude: two continents and a series of small islands floating in a sea, and the ocean is a long and thin strip, resembling a few nuts placed on a piece of chocolate.

There is also a sentence engraved on the model.

“Water is the source of all things, and all things return to water.”

Yao City has created the earliest school of theology, scholars, and a world model.

Lu Yao couldn’t help but be curious.

What is the situation in Salt City, which is Yao City’s competitor?

He switched his perspective and arrived above Salt City, behind the mountains to the west.

As soon as he switched, a series of reminders popped up on the simulator.

“Yao Shao invented the oil lamp.”

“Salt City invented the study of lighthouses.”

“Salt City built the first lighthouse.”

“Prototype of a wonder discovered: lighthouse.”

– Great gods, a believer has made a remarkable achievement that far surpasses the rest of the group. Do you need to transform her into a hero?

Lu Yao first clicked on the temple.

Inside the temple, a young girl was kneeling on the ground, praying with her hands clasped in front of the idol.

Her name, “Yao Shao,” was displayed above her head, and she is 21 years old this year.

Lu Yao was transforming a female hero among the small people for the first time. Previously, it was Hamira who was the prophet.

In the illustration, Yao Shao is a young girl with a scorpion braid. She is sitting in front of a table, with her chin resting on her folded hands, looking happily at an oil lamp on the table.

There is also a sentence representing Yao Shao.

“Man is an animal that learns to befriend fire.”

“Hero Lv1: Yao Shao

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 2 Mana 0 Luck 1 Morale 0


Wisdom Lv1: Wisdom is the key for apostles to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to improve and comprehend various abilities.

Medicine Lv1: Skilled in healing, with a certain probability of inventing new drugs or treatment methods.

Invention Lv1: Probability of inventing new things increased.

Lu Yao was delighted.

Three initial skills!

The girl with the scorpion braid is a doctor by profession, but also an inventor.

A genuine genius.

The key is that she is a hero naturally born from the Salt Pool. This indirectly indicates that the Salt Pool mode is feasible and beneficial to the small population.

Lu Yao silently recorded Yao Shao’s name in his little notebook.

She will be the focus of attention in the future.

Gradually calming down from the excitement, Lu Yao pondered about creating wonders in these two cities.

Currently, he has control over two wonders: the “Beer Beast Arena” owned by Yao City and the “Aegir’s Fire” in the northern forest.

Since confirming that wonders will not force players to ascend to the Temple of the Gods, Lu Yao’s attitude towards wonders has changed.

If there are wonders, it’s good, but if not, it’s not necessary.

Now both cities have created the prototypes of wonders, indicating that their development is going well and they have taken a step forward.

However, the current level of faith is not very high.

Lu Yao looked at the upper right corner.

Population: 22,723 Faith: 5,951

The population has been steadily increasing, but faith has been continuously depleted due to unsealing the snowman and the battle against the Skeleton God.

Currently, it is still a time of war, and these faith reserves cannot be used temporarily.

The matter of wonders can only be put on hold for now.

Lu Yao scratched his head.

He used to think he was quite wealthy, but after a battle, he became tight on resources again. No matter how much faith he has, it’s not enough, and he needs to accumulate more.

Fortunately, he now possesses 14 faith-enhancing items, with a fixed income of 672 faith per day.

Just wait for another week, and he will be able to recover.

Lu Yao looked down at Salt City.

On the northwest side of the city’s harbor, a lighthouse was built.

Its appearance is not grand or exquisite, just a low watchtower built with stones. It will be lit with firewood at night.

The Salt City lighthouse is mainly used as a landmark for lighting, guiding the ships returning from the sea.

Next to the central library of the city, Mayor Yu Lian is giving a speech. Shang Li silently stands behind him, playing a role similar to an advisor.

Commander Yan Geer, with the Corrupters, maintains order among the surrounding crowd.

Yu Lian said, “Fellow citizens, we are facing a severe challenge. This challenge comes from Yao City in the east.””Everyone knows that our Salt City has always been developing commercial trade, committed to various new inventions. But this has always been condemned by Yao City.”

“Prophet Hamira has repeatedly asked me to change Salt City, to abandon our current commercial operations, to replace the library with a theological college, to replace beast fights with prayers, and to expel the so-called ‘fallen ones’.”

“She believes that Yao City represents the will of the gods, and Salt City must follow their footsteps.”

“But the gods have never given such guidance or recognition.”

“Citizens, are you willing to accept the leadership of Yao City?”

The citizens of Salt City erupted in strong opposition.

“What a joke! If everyone is like Yao City, who will raise cattle, sheep, and pigs? Where do their wood and salt come from? Isn’t it all produced by our Salt City!”

“It’s jealousy. They are jealous that Salt City is becoming more and more prosperous.”

“That’s right! Yao City is jealous. After the death of Lord Sen, people from there have been constantly moving here, because Salt City offers a better life and cheaper goods.”

“Salt City is the best!”


“Please, quiet down, quiet down.”

Yulian continued, “The Prophet believes that the way of Yao City is the right one. But I don’t think so. The population of Salt City is constantly growing, and people are constantly moving from Yao City to Salt City, joining us!”

“This is everyone’s most genuine choice, proving that Salt City has better conditions than Yao City, more tolerance and pragmatism!”

“Without the blessing of God Yao, Salt City could not have come this far.”

“Since we are facing challenges, let us prove that Salt City is the choice and favor of the gods, and the choice of all people!”

“We will be like the lighthouse by the sea, illuminating the way for everyone!”

“We are the lighthouse!”

After Yulian finished speaking, the citizens responded one after another, raising their arms and shouting.

“We are the lighthouse!”

“We are the lighthouse!”


Lu Yao opened a bag of original flavored potato chips, eating chips while watching.

Not bad.

The competition between cities has begun.

Lu Yao was looking forward to this battle between the two cities.

He wondered how the two cities would prove that they are the leaders of pixel humanity.

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