Chapter 84 – Eat enough meat, eggs, and milk, and strengthen the tribe!

In the temple, the second-generation prophet Hamira reacted the fastest.

“Lu Yao, the gods have bestowed their blessings!”

An exclamation mark appeared above her head: “The gods have given us new guidance.”

“Praise you, great and wise God Yao.”

She knelt in front of the statue, as devout as ever.

Outside the temple, the pixelated people had different reactions.

“Lu Yao, Lu Yao… Lu Yao is food.”

“We need to plant soybeans, this world needs soybeans.”

“The gods love soybeans! Soybeans must be delicious, just like wheat and potatoes.”

“Round and shiny soybeans, mysterious soybeans.”

The Garlic Tribe had received many blessings before, so they were very receptive to various divine gifts. They immediately planted soybeans in the land.

Soon, green soybean sprouts grew in the fields. After a period of time, these soybean sprouts grew tall and full.

Time passed quickly in the pixelated world, and the farmers began to harvest soybeans in batches.

As Lu Yao expected, the pixelated people initially treated soybeans as direct food.

With the increasing number of soybean fields, the Garlic Tribe’s harvest of soybeans became abundant. A large amount of soybeans were dried by the pixelated people and stored in the granary for future needs, along with wheat.

Lu Yao also started eating boiled edamame, enjoying it with the people.

He chose soybeans primarily to enhance the physical strength of the pixelated people.

Although there were no physical attributes in the pixelated world, the low-dimensional space was still a complete world. The simulator only simplified it into a pixelated interface, but it did not mean that the world itself was so crude.

Isabella and the Blood Knight would reveal their complete true forms when they entered the real world, which was proof of this.

Therefore, Lu Yao found soybeans as a template from the real world.

Eat enough meat, eggs, and milk, and strengthen the tribe!

The Garlic Tribe’s current sources of meat were sheep, walking birds, domestic pigs, and fish, which seemed relatively abundant. However, the actual meat production was very low and far from enough to meet the average demand.

The pixelated people were still in the tribal stage, and animal husbandry was relatively backward. Whether it was sheep, pigs, or walking birds, they were mainly raised in a free-range manner, with a long breeding cycle. The fishing boats were limited in terms of the number of people and ships, so the amount of fish caught was also quite limited.

Meat could only be said to have a certain reserve, but the price was high.

Lu Yao noticed that many pixelated people were bargaining with street vendors and merchants on the streets, mainly because of buying meat.

Meat was still an expensive luxury for most of the pixelated people. At best, many of them could only afford salted and preserved fish, and they couldn’t afford fresh meat. Their main food sources were wheat and potatoes.

This scene made Lu Yao feel heartbroken.

Although my buddies can’t afford meat, I want to make sure you can eat meat!

So, how can we achieve that?

From a macro perspective, it was necessary to improve the entire livestock industry, increase the volume of livestock breeding, further reduce the cost of feeding, and accelerate the growth rate.

To be honest, this was quite a complex subject.

Lu Yao chose one entry point: feed.

Soybeans were not only high-quality pig feed, but they could also be consumed by humans. Moreover, soybeans themselves contained a large amount of oil and protein, which could be pressed for oil and further developed and utilized.

However, theory was one thing, and the actual direction the pixelated people would take with soybeans was another.

Just like grapes, Lu Yao initially thought they could make grape wine. As a result, the pixelated people surprised him by making wheat beer and turning grapes into a high-end sacred fruit.

Lu Yao continued to pay attention to the tribe.

After three winters, a 60-year-old farmer named Nong Liang discovered the secret of soybeans.

“The walking birds often steal and eat soybeans near the soybean fields, which shows that they really like soybeans. Since there are surplus soybeans in the granary, why not feed them to the walking birds?”

At first, Nong Liang did it secretly, using fresh soybeans to feed the two walking bird chicks he had bought.

The walking birds he raised were noticeably stronger than others of the same kind. The two birds not only had large and tall bodies, but also had dense feathers. When they walked, they exuded a domineering aura, resembling the Red Hare among birds.

Especially after slaughtering them, he obtained “high-quality meat.”

Nong Liang was very excited. He ran all the way to the temple and selflessly told the leader, Senjian, about this major discovery.

“Leader, soybeans can make the walking birds stronger and produce more and better meat!”

“Maybe we can also feed sheep, pigs, and fish with soybeans!”

The wizard Senjian attached great importance to this. After confirming that what Nong Liang said was completely true, he immediately discussed with Hamira and Yulian, and consulted other farmers and herders.

Soon after, they began to call on the entire tribe to feed livestock with soybeans to produce more meat.

At this time, a prompt appeared on the screen.

“Nong Liang invented soybean feed.”

“The Garlic Tribe has mastered the method of producing and using soybean feed.”

The feed policy brought about immediate changes. With the promotion of soybeans, the growth and breeding speed of pigs, sheep, walking birds, and even horses all increased significantly.

Soon, these changes radiated to the trading market. The price of meat decreased to some extent, allowing more financially constrained pixelated people to afford meat.

Lu Yao was a little regretful that Nong Liang died soon after promoting soybean feed. He didn’t even wait for the possible rewards of becoming a hero.

However, the pixelated people remembered him.

The name of the old farmer was engraved on the monument. Although it was only a short line, it became part of the tribe’s history and was remembered by future generations.

“Nong Liang: He was the first person to feed walking birds with soybeans. He let everyone know that soybeans are valuable feed. He let everyone eat more meat.”The Garlic Tribe began to plant soybeans like crazy, hoping to obtain more meat.

Before long, the scale of the soybean fields could rival that of the wheat fields, extending all the way to the forests and rivers. The soybeans attracted many animals, which in turn triggered a series of subsequent changes.

【The Garlic Tribe has learned how to raise and use cattle.】

【The Garlic Tribe has learned how to breed fish.】

Soybeans indirectly domesticated wild cattle and finally made fish farming a reality.

Black and yellow cows leisurely strolled on the grassland. Farmers pushed wheelbarrows full of soybeans with leaves to their side. Then these large livestock began to eat heartily, wagging their tails in satisfaction.

On the docks by the East River, there were now fish farms enclosed by stones and fishing nets. Fishermen threw in feed made from soybeans, and the fish in the water scrambled for food.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yao felt somewhat moved.

A long time ago, there were people in the tribe who had the idea of fish farming.

One was called Nong Yu, and the other was called Yu Huan.

Back then, they envisioned creating a water farm, raising fish like growing wheat, sowing in spring and harvesting in autumn. But they never succeeded until they passed away.

In the blink of an eye, many years had passed.

Later generations finally fulfilled their wild dreams, turning the dreams of their predecessors into reality.

Soybeans became the catalyst, making the long-stagnant agriculture of the Garlic Tribe thrive.

Before long, the thing that Lu Yao had been longing for finally appeared.

【The Garlic Tribe has learned how to produce and use milk.】

【The Garlic Tribe has learned how to produce and use sheep’s milk.】

【The intelligence of all people in the Garlic Tribe has improved to a certain extent.】

Seeing these two lines, Lu Yao felt a sense of accomplishment.

Finally, he managed to get the little people in the tribe to eat a meal of meat, eggs, and milk. As a god, he felt he had done his job well.

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