Chapter 81 – It is a heretical god!

The northern forest is an area that has not been completely controlled.

The reason is that the closer to the north, the more harsh the forest environment becomes.

There is a severe toxic fog in the depths of the forest, similar to miasma, which prevents pixel people from going deep into it.

In addition, the forest is complicated and easy to get lost in. Even with camels and horses, hunters occasionally go missing in the forest. Moreover, there are forest elemental creatures active in the depths, so the pixel people dare not go too deep.

Lu Yao has not taken action here because the forest has been quiet for a long time, with no monsters rushing out or any major disasters happening.

Now it’s time to make a move.

He turned his gaze to the mainland of the Western Continent.

Several hunters were reporting their findings to the leader, Senjian.

“There are primitives deep in the forest. They are very savage, don’t wear clothes, have no writing, and are very foolish.”

“The primitives worship heretical gods, and the gods bring them fire.”

“They hunt wild beasts as sacrifices and then go to a black mountain range deep in the forest. The heretical gods are in that mountain.”

“…The black mountain range is surrounded by toxic fog and is extremely hot. Smoke rises from the mountain, and fire erupts from the ground. We can’t get close.”

Senjian asked, “How do the primitives enter the mountain?”

A hunter said, “The heretical gods send messengers, a large bird that can take them into the mountain. Wherever the bird flies, the flames extinguish and the toxic fog dissipates.”

Senjian, the wizard, is already quite old.

Older leaders usually tend to be more cautious.

After discussing with Hamira and Yulian, they decided to temporarily seal off the area around the black mountain range. Until they have thoroughly investigated the truth of the heretical gods, they should not conflict with the primitives…

At the same time, Lu Yao has mobilized his forces.

The large map can locate the black mountain range. It is located in the deepest part of the forest to the north, almost bordering the sea and connected to some small islands.

The mist in the middle of the black mountain range has not completely dissipated, making it difficult to see the details.

To be safe, Lu Yao sent out the strongest lineup this time.

The Blood Knight Neville naturally serves as the main force, wearing all the combat equipment and serving as the main attacker.

Isabella accompanies as support.

There is the Deep Sea Lord guarding the sea, which has blocked the surrounding waters and is ready to provide support and conduct landing operations at any time.

Around the forest, the forest wolf pack and tree people have set up defenses to prevent this operation from affecting the normal lives of ordinary pixel people outside.

Everything is ready.

Lu Yao overlooks the target area. A faint green mist lingers around the black mountain range, making everything unclear.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a bonfire built with stones, and the fire has been extinguished.

A group of small people with dense body hair gather around the bonfire, crawling on the ground as if waiting for something.

Soon, a bird flies out of the green mist.

The bird is about the same size as a small person. It is pure white with flames burning on its feathers.

Its name is displayed above its head: [Frenzied Flame Bird LV10]

The Frenzied Flame Bird flies all the way to the foot of the mountain, passing over the bonfire, and the flames on its body immediately ignite the bonfire. This scene excites the primitives, and they kneel and shout.

Then the Frenzied Flame Bird stops in the air and overlooks the small people on the ground.

The primitives immediately present their offerings.

Surprisingly, it is a living baby.

Lu Yao is furious.

A heretical god!

They actually demand a baby as a sacrifice! They must be completely eradicated!

However, the Frenzied Flame Bird seems unsatisfied. It circles in the air and tries to leave.

The small people panic and take the baby back, and then offer a second offering.

This time, it is a small wild boar that has been tied up.

The wild boar is still alive and struggling. It can only squeal in vain because it is tied to a stick.

This time, the Frenzied Flame Bird turns around, seeming more satisfied.

Lu Yao identifies it again.

It is a heretical god!

Not only using living sacrifices, but also oppressing the poor primitives by offering their scarce food!

It must be killed in order to restore the natural ecology of this forest.

With the Frenzied Flame Bird leading the way, the primitives carry the small wild boar and walk into the black mountain range.

Meanwhile, Lu Yao is quietly taking action.

The Blood Knight rides a ghostly white horse, following behind without being noticed due to advanced camouflage. He traces a path into the black mountain range, following the small people in front.

The black mountain range is a large volcano, with a black mountain body and thick smoke rising from the cave.

The Frenzied Flame Bird lowers its flight altitude and walks along a small path towards the mouth of the mountain, with the primitives carrying the wild boar following closely behind.

Lu Yao’s perspective locks onto the head of the Blood Knight.

After entering the cave, the screen cuts to a completely new scene.

At the end of the winding and rugged volcanic path, there is a layer of yellow and red magma, and these bright colored blocks constantly emit bubbles and smoke.On a small island in the center of the lava lake, there was a pile of gray-black stones shaped like a giant egg.

A Flame Bird landed next to the stones.

The little people behind it carefully carried a wild boar to the front of the stones, placed the boar on the ground, and then prostrated themselves. The Flame Bird had dispersed the surrounding flames, so the little people were not injured.

The stones shook, and two fiery red tentacles stretched out from inside, grabbing the struggling wild boar and dragging the offering into the stones.

The pile of stones slowly arched upwards, revealing a brown soft body underneath, as well as diamond-shaped hard shells on its surface.

A name appeared above its head: “Scale-Horned Gastropod Giant Snail”.

Lu Yao double-clicked on its head.


Scale-Horned Gastropod Giant Snail LV29

Health: 777/777

Mana: 211/211

Damage: 18

Defense: 74

Speed: 5


Innately possesses high defense.

[Fire Element]

Can continuously recover health in fire, and attacks carry fire elemental damage.

[Burning LV10]

Attacks cause enemies to burn, causing continuous damage.

[Flame Surge L1]

Triggers a strong explosion on the target, causing high damage and burning mana. The damage effect is related to the ability level.


The snail’s stats gave Lu Yao a bit of a surprise.

This thing had incredibly high defense and decent damage, somewhat like a mage version of a treant. However, it was slower and had more limitations in combat.

Nevertheless, the level gap was clear at a glance.

Lu Yao directly ordered the Blood Knight to charge.

Blood Knight Neville, riding a ghostly white horse, with the status of “Sword of the Forest” above his head, charged at the enemy with his great sword. Under the effect of [Advanced Camouflage], his first attack dealt double damage.

A red number -230 popped up above the snail’s head.

In pain, the snail retaliated. Flames spurted from its body, like a spiral flamethrower, indiscriminately spraying fire around.

Except for the Flame Bird that flew away, several wild people who didn’t have time to escape were burned to ashes.

Under the effect of [Burning], a forced blood deduction of -1 occasionally popped up above the Blood Knight’s head.

He continued his tough and fierce combat style, getting close and slashing at the snail with his great sword.

Lu Yao was not worried at all.

The Blood Knight, equipped with various gear, was indeed overqualified for dealing with a monster under level 30.

Soon, the Blood Knight killed the monster. Unfortunately, the snail didn’t drop any equipment or materials, only leaving behind a heavy giant snail shell.

Lu Yao estimated that the Garlic Tribe would have to come and collect it, to see if they could make something out of the shell.

The battle ended quickly, but the situation here did not become clearer.

After using the Prayer of the Dying to communicate with the dead, Isabella came up with a shocking piece of news.

“Sir, the true ruler here is a dragon hiding in the lava.”

A dragon?

Lu Yao’s eyes lit up, and he flexed his fingers.

Finally, it was time for the regular big project for players: dragon slaying.

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