Chapter 78 – Entered a new era

It started to drizzle.

The short autumn quietly left, and the temperature dropped overnight.

At night, there were fewer pedestrians on the street, only sporadic dog barks and cat meows could be heard. Near the outskirts of the motorcycle factory dormitory, the street lamp cast a long shadow of a passerby.

The person returning home late at night was Lu Yao.

The reason he came back so late was because the company had a gathering. Mr. Huang, the boss, had a narrow escape from a disaster and finally showed some generosity by treating everyone to a meal at Hai Di Lao.

Originally, Apostle Shilute locked Mr. Huang in the car and asked him where the key was. Mr. Huang looked confused.

Shilute choked Mr. Huang’s throat, almost causing him to die in the car.

However, after the intimidation, Shilute also confirmed that Mr. Huang really didn’t know about Jia Xiaokai’s situation – he didn’t even know that Jia Xiaokai had been arrested and thought that Jia Xiaokai had fled abroad to avoid his creditors.

These pieces of information were confirmed by Isabella after she questioned Shilute’s ghost.

Unfortunately, as an Apostle of the “Lamp God” Lin Zecheng, Shilute’s knowledge was quite limited. He only followed the orders of the gods and was just a high-level tool.

Lu Yao ran back home and put down his umbrella and bag, then sat in front of the computer.

Daytime was for work, and nighttime was for life.

He had actually thought about it.

Now that he was different from ordinary people and had some special abilities, should he consider quitting his job and stepping out of the life of a laborer?

Lu Yao seriously pondered.

After resigning, he would have to find another way to make money.

The fastest way to make money was undoubtedly through those major projects in criminal law.

But did he have the courage?


Was he prepared to hide and live a life on the run for the rest of his life?


Did he have the ruthlessness of a ruthless killer and the madness and arrogance to go against all normal people?

Still no.

Most importantly, Lu Yao really didn’t like the life of traveling for work.

For a gray or black practitioner, it was an essential experience to run around everywhere, an experience that couldn’t be avoided.

Lu Yao realized this deeply.

From the bottom of his heart, he was a complete and thorough good person, not cut out to be a villain.

He crossed out the branch of illegal projects.

There was only one option left.


Seeing these two words, Lu Yao’s head started to ache.

As a person who disliked trouble, he probably wouldn’t have the chance to start a business in his lifetime.

Using a simulator to cash in on some precious metals in the pixel world?

That would require finding a store or a buyer, which would easily attract attention from others.

He might even be seen as a fat sheep and become a target, whether it was the surveillance of criminals or the questioning of the police, it would be endless trouble.

Eliminating all the wrong answers.

The remaining answer, no matter how far-fetched, was the closest to the correct option.

Continuing to work seemed to be the most suitable choice for him at the moment.

It wouldn’t attract attention, and he would have a fixed time to operate the simulator and continue to develop.

Take things slowly.

Lu Yao didn’t think there was anything wrong with that.

On the computer screen, the people of the Garlic Tribe had already started to tame horses.

Camels could also be used, but they were much slower than horses. They were better at carrying heavy loads. Horses were the upgraded version of livestock transportation.

The addition of dogs made the tribe lively.

The Garlic Tribe had an abundance of food, so the number of dogs grew rapidly. They not only served as hunting dogs but also became pets for some people.

Based on this, the game enthusiast Mu Ke also came up with something new.

“Mu Ke invented dog fighting.”

“The Garlic Tribe learned to tame and use fighting dogs, and everyone’s morale improved slightly.”

This was the first time Lu Yao had seen that the tribe’s inventions increased morale.

With the appearance of dog fighting, the tribe became full of martial spirit, and the pixel people easily turned into hot-tempered individuals.

“Stop, your horse bumped into mine!”

“Why didn’t it dodge?”

“Don’t you apologize?”

“This is a matter between the horses, you’re meddling too much.”

“Let’s fight!”

“Who’s afraid of who!”

In this way, two pixel people who had friction because of riding horses each called their dogs over, and the two dogs fought each other.

They boasted about their own dogs. The winner proudly led their dog away, laughing, while the loser hung their head in disappointment, and the two defeated dogs slinked home together.

This was a miniature of the tribe’s daily dog fights.

When they encountered conflicts, they fought with dogs. When they were happy, they fought with dogs. When they were bored, they fought with dogs… Most of the time, the pixel people of the tribe just found an excuse to fight with dogs.

Soon, Mu Ke even held a dog fighting competition in the tribe.

He used a sheep pen as the venue and invited pixel people who were willing to fight dogs. Everyone gathered here to have a dog meeting. This small-scale event gradually became normalized, and after continuous expansion, it became the most important entertainment for the Garlic Tribe.

Another hero, Shang Li, took the opportunity to cooperate with Mu Ke and made the dog fighting competition bigger and stronger.

They had a stonemason build a huge circular arena, with dogs as the core for gladiatorial combat. In addition to fierce dogs, wolves, wild boars, bears, and even lions and other wild beasts began to appear here and fight.

One reminder after another popped up in the simulator.

“Mu Ke and Shang Li built a beast fighting arena.”

“The Garlic Tribe invented the beast fighting arena.”

“A prototype of a wonder has been discovered: the beast fighting arena.”

“The faith required for the first construction of a wonder has decreased.”

“The morale of the Garlic Tribe is soaring.”

“The Garlic Tribe is ecstatic.””The Garlic Tribe firmly believes that they have entered a new era under the guidance of the gods.”

——You will name this era ___.

Lu Yao didn’t understand, but he was greatly shocked.

The wheel of the era that he had tried so hard to push forward, the turning point was actually the arena.

Lu Yao typed two characters.

On the screen, a line of subtitles slowly appeared.

“From the very beginning, the people here have shown extraordinary potential.”

“From garlic to ironware, the land began to reveal its secrets, the ocean excited them, and the gods guided them into a new journey.”

“The Garlic Tribe has entered the Beast Fighting Era.”

The pixelated little people raised their arms and cheered one by one.

“Great God Yao, thank you for guiding us.”

“The Beast Fighting Era! This is the Beast Fighting Era!”

“In this new journey, we will stand out.”

“We are the chosen ones, we are also the only ones!”

“Under the protection of the powerful gods, a powerful era is coming!”

Watching the smiling faces appearing above the little people’s heads, Lu Yao couldn’t help but smile.

If there was any shortcoming, it was that entering the new era did not generate extra faith.

Never mind, it’s enough for now.

Lu Yao glanced at the upper right corner.

Population: 21,701 Faith: 24,117

As long as there is no large-scale god war, these faith reserves are not too few.

Only then did Lu Yao remember that he seemed to have overlooked a prompt.

The arena was the second wonder prototype, and according to the description below, the cost of building wonders had been reduced again.

He opened the “Miracle” column.

Sure enough, the consumption of the “Wonder” at the bottom had become 3000 points, exactly a 20% discount.

Lu Yao thought to himself, even if you give it to me for free, I don’t want it. I’m still counting on this place to develop.

He opened his bag, carefully took out the plastic bag inside, fearing to crush this fragile gift.

Inside the bag was the latest “Blessing”.

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