Chapter 199 – Sorry to interrupt, please carry on

Before Lu Yao could act, a dozen or so tiny figures emerged from the cracks in the Overlap Zone.


Dressed uniformly in black, they looked around cautiously.


The janitorial hamster nearby paid them no mind, indicating that dealing with these stowaways wasn't its responsibility.


Lu Yao tapped on the profile of the leading figure in black.




【Boto Clan LV10】Boto


Health: 74/74


Mana: 18/18


Damage: 2


Defense: 0


Speed: 6




Extremely vulnerable and easily injured.




Capable of constructing altars, strengthening the faith of believers in a region through prayers and offerings to the deities.



These otherworldly little people actually had the ability to build altars.


Lu Yao thought this was a good development.


Now he understood why the Skinners had built altars in the forest; altars could amplify the flames of faith. He wondered how long it would take for these little people to assimilate into this world.


But Lu Yao wasn't concerned.


The civilization of the Pixel World was nascent; any worldly beings that entered would be subtly influenced by living there. Over time, they would become part of the Yao Clan's cultural sphere.


Lu Yao was curious about the situation in the Overlap Zone.


Were this group from the Boto Clan refugees or an invading vanguard?


Before investigating, Lu Yao needed to ensure the external environment was stable.


The janitor continued to gnaw and repair the edges of the Overlap Zone.


Lu Yao summoned the "Janitor's Friendship" and shook it by the shore.


The janitor stopped gnawing, looked towards the sound of the bell, and a question mark appeared over its head.


After a moment's hesitation, it scurried over.


An opportunity.


Lu Yao was pleased, as this could buy him some time.


But it still wasn't safe enough.


He remembered he had a miracle at his disposal and decided to try it.


Lu Yao spent 1000 faith to activate the miracle "Replication," targeting the crack in the Overlap Zone, which turned green.


It worked!


He placed the replicated fake Overlap Zone on the ground next to the bell.


The returning janitor, upon seeing it, pounced and began gnawing at the illusion created by the miracle.


Lu Yao thought, as expected of an orange card miracle, it could even deceive a boundary beast.


The janitor, a minor entity shaped by the forces of order, undoubtedly had impressive abilities. Its disarmament was undeniable, but it also had flaws, lacking self-awareness and being merely a tool-like creature.


Understanding its working principle allowed for exploitation.


Regardless of whether the rules would patch this loophole later, it was useful for now.


Lu Yao instructed Isabella to monitor the situation above the Overlap Zone while he sent Sarina in to investigate.


"Yes, my lord!"


The Tyrant displayed a symbol of a crooked smile.


She had waited too long for this day!


Lu Yao locked his view on the Tyrant, entering the Overlap Zone with her.




In the real world, Lu Yao had seen the Overlap Zone through Isabella's eyes. It was a spectacle where two worlds intersected, full of bizarre phenomena.


However, through the simplification and compression of the simulator, the pixelated view didn't feel oppressive.


Here, the Overlap Zone was a desert with coal-gray sand. Amidst this ashen desert, a massacre was unfolding.


The killers were two Apostles.


One was 【Apostle LV37】 Karlo with bat wings, a gaunt body, and a head shaped like a weird triangle with a single eye.


Karlo's attack method involved shooting green light from its eye, turning those hit into twisted egg-shaped crystals.


The crystallized bodies were the bat-winged Apostle's trophies.


The other was 【Apostle LV39】 Yanihu, humanoid, wielding two large swords.


Yanihu displayed a dialogue box overhead.


"Pitiful heretics, God Bo has shown generous mercy, allowing you to rise from your lowly mire to become children of the gods. You mute, despicable vermin dare to defy and resist the Divine Oracle, proving your wretchedness."


"If you dare to blaspheme against divine might, why flee? Where can you escape to? The entire world is the pasture of the gods."


"Pray, despair, fear… all that you deserve."


"Insects are meant to be crushed."




The ones being hunted by the two Apostles were not from the Boto Clan, but a group of black figures, identified as the 【Wuzi Clan】.


The Wuzi Clan moved clumsily, stumbling as if they had yet to fully master their limbs.


The two Apostles noticed the intruder and turned their gaze to the Tyrant.


Sarina requested, "My lord, please allow me to clear this area."


Lu Yao consented.


Negotiations and communication could wait until after a fight, which would help both parties remain calm and restrained during the dialogue.


This was the experience Lu Yao had gained from numerous divine battles.


Authorized, the Tyrant struck.


For her, it didn't matter who the opponent was.


In the battle interface.


The triangular-headed Karlo shot green light at her, but Sarina transformed into a moonlight blade, piercing through the enemy's body.


Above Karlo, four red damage values of -152 appeared.


Then, a light shone on Sarina, displaying the status 【Insight into Weakness】, and she struck Karlo again.


Above him, -633 appeared.


After being hit head-on repeatedly, Karlo's body swelled with green light, and green barriers appeared in the air as if entering a transformation phase.


At that moment, Lu Yao noticed Karlo's body turn red, with a crimson crescent moon symbol above his head.


The Execution Decree sign.


The Tyrant's killing threshold had been reached.


Sarina transformed into a beam of moonlight and landed behind Karlo.


The enlarged form of Karlo split in two, the green light collapsed, and the body displayed 【Death】.


The entire combo was executed so swiftly that the other Apostle hadn't reacted before their comrade was slain.


Beside him, Yanihu displayed an exclamation mark and a dialogue box appeared.


"Who are you?!"


"You do not belong to the Wuzi Kingdom, which of the many gods' Apostles are you?"


"I am a servant of 【God Bo】, the Lord under the title of the undefeated deity, the great 【Fearless One】!"


Lu Yao was enlightened.


So, this was how Apostles from different gods confronted each other.


When cornered, they would declare their allegiance, claiming protection from a titled deity to intimidate the opponent and secure a way out… But according to Apostle Yanihu, did this Overlap Zone connect to a battlefield of another world?


While Lu Yao pondered, Sarina was quicker with her sword than with thought.


She faithfully executed her cleaning duty.


Yanihu's two large swords flew out, nimbly defending him as he fought and retreated.


But the gap in rank and ability was too great; after taking two moonlight blades, Yanihu's health triggered the Execution Decree, and Sarina dispatched him with a single strike.


Lu Yao continued to distract the janitor while bringing in Isabella to interrogate the souls of the two Apostles.


Karlo's soul refused to cooperate and was slain again by Isabella, dissipating completely.


The remaining Yanihu became very forthcoming.


Isabella translated in real-time.


"God Bo is a deity under the title of the 【Fearless One】, but this attack was not commanded by the Fearless One; it was His own initiative."


"He discovered a newly ascended god, 【Wuzi Wang】, and maneuvered the World Ship to collide with the other, but a maelstrom caused a deviation."


"The two divine realms collided and became entangled, drifting into chaos away from their original regions and boundaries."


"Wuzi Wang was steadily defeated, and God Bo's forces gained an absolute advantage. His Apostles continued to hunt down the heretics, entering this Overlap Zone and killing one of Wuzi Wang's Sand Apostles."


"Yanihu and Karlo planned to finish off the heretics before returning to continue purging other areas…"


The two Apostles had chased an enemy Apostle into the Overlap Zone.


Then Sarina entered, and the situation turned into what it was now.


Upon hearing this, Lu Yao realized two gods were at war.


He didn't want to interfere.


Carry on.


He recalled Sarina and Isabella, and to be safe, captured Yanihu's soul to prevent leaks. Lu Yao stopped distracting the janitor, and the breach was quickly mended by the hamster.


The Pixel World was whole once more.


From this mini-adventure, Lu Yao looted a set of dual-wield swords from Yanihu.



【Lofty Dual-Wield Swords LV4】: Damage +2, Defense +2. Enables 【Sword Dance Technique】.



【Sword Dance Technique】: Allows for remote control of sword strikes.



Securing an item served as a memento for this mini-adventure.


Lu Yao refocused his attention on the Boto Clan members who had entered his world.

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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