Chapter 175 – Depends on you

In the grassy valley, there stood a gray-white stone statue.


It had a straight and symmetrical trunk, with a dense and sharp conical crown at the top, like a petrified pine tree.


Lu Yao activated the True Vision Eye.



Songlv God Statue


Godhood: Present


Divinity: Shaky (2)


Divine Body: Novice Divine (2)



This novice divine being named Songlv God had just descended into the pixel world.


Lu Yao found it strange.


The other party clearly had 2 points of faith and 2 followers, but there were no pixelated figures around at all. Not only were there no figures, but there were also no other transcendent beings gathering around the god statue.


What exactly were its followers?


Lu Yao locked his gaze on the statue.


The initial faith and population growth of the Songlv God were very slow. Half an hour later, these two had only reached 19 points. But there were still no signs of any pixelated figures around.


Then Lu Yao saw the novice divine being perform a miracle.


A green light band, like an aurora, appeared above the statue, and the green light floated around.


Some of the surrounding trees visibly accelerated in growth, becoming tall and robust.


Lu Yao discerned that the trees catalyzed by the green light were all pine trees, with conical crowns and branches just like the god statue.


Was this a tree god?


Lu Yao clicked the mouse repeatedly and found that although these trees had grown, they were still ordinary plants with no data template.


Indeed, they were nothing more than normal pine trees.


However, strangely, the divinity and divine body data of the Songlv God continued to grow slowly and steadily. This indicated that many new followers had been born nearby, thus generating more faith.


It was quite strange.


Lu Yao moved the mouse and after several attempts, finally found the followers of the Songlv God.


They were a type of small pine squirrel, very small in size, almost all hidden under the crowns and branches of the pine trees, so Lu Yao had not noticed them at first.



Songlv Mouse LV1


Health: 15/15


Mana: 1/1


Damage: 1


Defense: 1


Speed: 5




Can use the environment to disguise and hide, not easily detected.


Forest Element LV1


A forest elemental creature that promotes rapid forest growth, with all attributes in the forest being enhanced. The effect depends on the level of ability and health.



There were also such transcendent creatures in the valley?


Lu Yao asked Isabella and Phileas, who was serving as the observer in the experimental area.


Isabella said that there had been no such group before.


Phileas also said, "Lord Yao, there are pine squirrels in the valley, but they are all ordinary animals. It should be that after the birth of this foreign god statue, it caused some kind of reaction."


"It is said that the birth of a new god will always cause some special changes."


The Songlv Mouse was the follower born after the descent of the Songlv God.


Lu Yao continued to observe the statue.


The Songlv God was very quiet, patiently waiting for the accumulation of faith and the proliferation of pine squirrels, and then repeatedly performing the miracle of the green light, creating more and larger pine trees.


Gradually, the area around the statue became a dense pine forest, with a large number of Songlv Mice coming and going in the trees.


These small animals only did three things.


Eat pine cones, hide pine cones, and give birth to baby pine squirrels.


Their numbers expanded rapidly, allowing the faith of the Songlv God to reach 200 points in less than an hour.


Hundreds of Songlv Mice gathered and gradually underwent a change.


The pine cones they planted, under the miracle of the divine being, grew into exceptionally tall and robust trees, making the pine forest in the valley stand out.


This attracted the Fighting Beetles.


As the irritable big brother in the valley, who liked to suck tree sap, when they saw such tall and powerful forests without any obstructing strange grass, they immediately swarmed over.


Faced with the powerful transcendent insects, the Songlv Mice were helpless. They could only escape from one tree to another, watching helplessly as the Fighting Beetles feasted on the trees, using their mandibles to bring down the trees.


Lu Yao looked at the statue.


Shouldn't the followers be helped when they are being bullied like this?


The statue of the Songlv God did indeed respond. It created a kind of red mist. The red mist lingered among the pine trees, and was quickly absorbed by the trees, causing the crowns to become red and green.


Then, the Fighting Beetles that ate these red pine trees, one by one, began to turn red and become listless. They often lay on the ground, as if they had suffered a stroke.


Before long, the Fighting Beetles lost their appetite for the red pine trees.


The Songlv Mice, however, were unaffected. They continued to eat pine cones and plant trees.


In this way of transforming the pine trees, the Songlv God expelled the invading species.


The Fighting Beetles did not give up. They brought down tree after tree in retaliation, destroying the surrounding pine forest and leaving many Songlv Mice homeless.


The Songlv God performed another miracle.


It released a blue light, causing the pine trees to bear blue pine cones. These pine cones, shaped like spires and with scales on the surface, quickly took root and sprouted upon landing.


When the Fighting Beetles entered the pine forest, if they were hit by the pine cones, the cones would take root on their carapaces and grow into small pine trees.


Even if the Fighting Beetles helped each other and used their mandibles to remove the small pine trees from their backs, it would bring great pain. This was because the roots of these blue pine trees were very long and would quickly burrow into their carapaces.


After this back and forth attack and defense, the Fighting Beetles knew better and finally stayed away from the pine tree area.


With the help of the divine being, the Songlv Mice gradually gained a foothold.


The number of these small animals continued to increase, and they built nests in the pine trees, planting more pine trees and expanding their activity area. This steady and solid approach caused the territory of the Fighting Beetles to be continuously squeezed.


But good times didn't last.


The Songlv Mice entered the territory of the Strange Grass.


The Strange Grass didn't care whether they were Fighting Beetles or anything else. When the pine trees invaded their territory, they opened fire, punching and kicking, uprooting the pine trees and knocking them over.


They gave the Songlv Mice a solid lesson, cutting off the rapid spread of the pine forest.


Faced with the Strange Grass, it seemed that the Songlv God also had no response and no further action.The miracle of the Songlv God unfolds through the pine trees. Or rather, the pine trees are its tools for transforming the environment and nature. The squirrels that rely on the pine trees are its natural followers.


Judging from the miracle's package, the Songlv God is on a developmental path.


In the past, when facing other divine players, Lu Yao emphasized a lightning-fast attack, eliminating the opponent before they could pose a threat. Later, as he developed, Lu Yao also tried to communicate, but unfortunately, it wasn't very successful.


Now, he has finally encountered a new extraterrestrial player who has just arrived, and he is very concerned about this sapling, deciding to primarily observe.


Additionally, there is another matter that Lu Yao cares about.


The [Forest Element] attribute of the Songlv Mouse.


Among Lu Yao's recent goals, the [Golden Wilderness] is an important part. To obtain the next reward, or even to unlock this main god space, he needs to cultivate a forest element civilization.


Currently, there are two major habitats for forest element creatures.


One is the group led by the wandering elves in the forests of the Western Continent, which were created by Isabella as forest element creatures, and the other is the little elves of the new Southern Continent.


Forest element creatures themselves rely on the forest and are naturally Transcendent beings with extremely strong individual survival capabilities, so they have no urgent need to develop civilization.


Lu Yao once asked Isabella to push for development, but when the forest element creatures gathered, many disputes arose instead.


Forest wolves and giant lizards often fought fiercely, lynxes always wanted to hunt prairie hares, and wandering elves spent most of their time daydreaming…


Now with the emergence of the Songlv God, perhaps the squirrels could develop a forest element civilization.


To better facilitate the development of the Songlv God, Lu Yao made a series of arrangements.


Phileas continued as an observer, recording and reporting the development of the squirrels at any time.


The Deep Sea Lord was transferred to the nearby waters to ensure the stability of the surrounding sea area, preventing Cannibal Crabs and merfolk from interfering.


The White God was dispatched to the valley, stationed at the edge of the mountain range.


When necessary, he would solve some developmental obstacles for the squirrels, and could even provide some resources from behind the scenes.


Lu Yao looked down at the statue of the Songlv God, cheering it on.


Strive and fight!


The next opening of the [Golden Wilderness] depends on you.


Thanks: Utopia for supporting with 100 starting coins.

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