Chapter 164 – At our age, can’t we be a little arrogant?

Lu Yao rubbed his brow.

The new era brought a series of new transcendent lives, allowing ordinary people and transcendent sides to have more interaction and contact. The two groups that were once clearly separated are gradually intersecting.

He had been busy dealing with the transcendent side recently and hadn’t paid much attention to the secular side for a while.

Let me see how everyone is developing.

Lu Yao first focused on Yao City.

As the leader of the previous era, the cultural and religious center, Yao City remained orderly. The continuous influx of immigrants has steadily increased the size of the city, expanding and developing slowly to the north and west.

Lu Yao’s perspective paused over Yao City, and a series of notifications popped up in the simulator.

【Yao City has invented bulletin boards.】

【The knowledge of all people in Yao City has slightly improved.】

【Yao City has established a medical school.】

【Yao City has invented a new profession: physician.】

【The death rate of all people in Yao City has slightly decreased.】

【The birth rate of all people in Salt City has slightly increased.】

Lu Yao clicked on each prompt.

Selecting the bulletin board, the screen immediately jumped to the monument in Yao City, with a large wooden board next to it.

Many citizens were gathered around, and a scholar was explaining the contents of the board.

“…The Moon God Academy will recruit apprentices again this month. Citizens who aspire to become scholars can sign up early.”

“The medical school’s infirmary is already full of patients. Those in need, please go to the infirmary in Salt City to the west, where there are still available rooms.”

“The library of the Moon God Academy has received new books, including ‘Tribal History,’ ‘Tribal Trade Code,’ ‘History of Salt City,’ ‘Pawa’s Wonderful Adventures,’ and ‘Ladybug Chronicles.’ These are all scholars’ parchment manuscripts, so please be careful not to damage them when reading.”

“The hunter’s cabin in the north needs a night watchman. The reward will be discussed in person. Contact address is the butcher shop on North Street.”

“A sailboat at the port needs 10 sailors, with those experienced in sailing being given priority…”

Lu Yao understood.

The so-called bulletin board actually recorded various recent events and information in the city for citizens to view, like an early newspaper.

To cater to some illiterate citizens, scholars from the temple were explaining the contents on the side.

In addition to the one next to the monument, Yao City had four more bulletin boards, each fixed on the four streets to the east, south, west, and north, but only the one in the central square had a scholar to interpret.

Lu Yao moved the mouse and clicked on the prompt related to the medical school.

The perspective jumped to the side of the Moon God Academy, where there were eight stone houses surrounded by walls on all four sides, which was the medical school.

Many people in the medical school were wearing white robes, and the term “medicine” had been added to their personal attribute panels.

【Medicine】: Skilled in healing, with a certain probability of inventing new drugs or treatment methods.

Lu Yao continued to double-click on the houses of the medical school to enter an overhead view of the interior.

The infirmary occupied half of the rooms in the medical school.

It was very simple inside, with only grass mats on the floor, and patients lying on them. Physicians were examining the patients one by one, treating local wounds, and further observing.

“Ah, my head hurts! It feels like my head is about to split open.”

“You reek of alcohol. How did you manage to bring alcohol in here? If you drink too much, of course you’ll have a headache the next day.”

“It’s so boring here. I can’t read, so I just drink to pass the time…”

“My hand, I can’t feel my hand. Wait, it’s still there, right? Why isn’t it listening to me, left hand, left hand. Wow! My left hand can’t move!”

“That’s because you slept on it! It’ll be fine in a while.”

“Physician, can we play War Chess here?”

“No. This is the infirmary. Please do not disturb everyone’s rest and treatment!”

“The physician is so strict…”

Lu Yao observed for a while.

The medical school had two functions: one was to impart medical knowledge to relevant scholars and train physicians; the other was to treat patients.

Although it couldn’t be compared to a real hospital, this was already a breakthrough from nothing. Previously, the little people didn’t even have a dedicated place for treatment.

The medical school seized the present and invested in the future of potion research. The potion spoon was indeed as he had initially said, combining theology and herbalism to effectively help more people.

How was the progress next door?

Lu Yao clicked on the small map and arrived over Salt City.

The game interface also flashed a series of reminders.

【Salt City has invented noodles.】

【Noodles have become popular in Salt City.】

【Salt City has invented a new profession: chef.】

【Salt City has invented the salt-drying method.】

【Salt production in Salt City has increased significantly.】

【The glutton discovered sour raspberries.】

【Noodles and sour raspberries have become unique products of Salt City.】

【The morale of all people in Salt City is high.】

—Great God, a believer has made a feat far beyond the same group. Do you need to transform him into a hero?


Lu Yao now noticed a pattern.

Inventions and creations no longer belonged to just one person.It seemed more like the entire city’s people were relaying and inspiring each other until a certain moment when a qualitative change occurred, and many of the inventions became associated with the city itself.

In the shops of Salt City, noodles and sour raspberries began to appear as new commodities.

The former was abundant and easy to preserve, transported to Yao City, Sanilo, and various ports and docks by camel carts and horse-drawn carriages. The latter was still in small quantities, mostly consumed locally.

Little chefs began to appear on the streets.

They usually wore white chef hats, each with their own style of dress, and their personal panels featured a “Culinary” skill.

After the New Era, the little people also had their own data panels and “History.” However, they lacked the six-dimensional attributes of Apostles, Prophets, and Heroes, missing out on this significant boost.

“Culinary”: Skilled in cooking, with a certain probability of making high-quality food.

With the emergence of chefs, the number of food stores in Salt City visibly increased. Salt City was becoming increasingly prosperous, and it was common for little people to dine out.

After looking around, Lu Yao clicked to transform a hero.

The screen perspective fell on a young man named “Farmer Crave.”

In the portrait, the youth was riding a strutting bird through the countryside at full speed. He held a large chicken leg in his hand, carried a patched cloth bag on his back, stuffed full of grapes, potatoes, and berries.

Below his personal screen, it read:

— Just tell me what you love to eat, and I’ll know what kind of person you are.

“Hero Lv1” Farmer Crave

Attack 0 Defense 0 Knowledge 2 Mana 0 Luck 3 Morale 0


Wisdom Lv1: Wisdom is key for Apostles to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to improve and comprehend various abilities.

Farming Lv1: Skilled in planting food, with a certain probability of improving new foods.

Culinary Lv1: Skilled in cooking, with a certain probability of making high-quality food.

Gourmet Lv1: Skilled in discovering and promoting fine foods.


At 14, discovered sour raspberries by observing and tracking strutting birds.

At 19, cultivated sour raspberries, turning them into a new fruit variety for Salt City.

Sensing the blessing of the gods, Farmer Crave looked up from the bushes, kneeling on the ground with a dialogue box appearing above his head.

“Thank you, Lord God, for your favor. I will continue to strive to find various new foods, so that everyone has more to eat!”

A very practical and sincere young man.

The pixel world needs such down-to-earth people.

Lu Yao looked at the top right corner.

Population: 86,332

Yao City: 31,199

Salt City: 27,765

Sanilo: 19,138

Others: 8,230

As the population base increased, the rate of population growth also picked up. After the opening of the New Era, many small human settlements were born on the borders, and some of these people also migrated to Yao City and Salt City.

Of course, many of them would eventually gather in the ghost town of Sanilo.

Yao City had been far ahead, but now it was closely pursued by the newly revitalized Salt City. The population gap between the two cities was narrowing further.

In fact, as long as Salt City didn’t mess up, it could quickly recover with its natural salt pools and trade routes.

Its open and inclusive city atmosphere, coupled with an endless stream of various commodities and efficient trade, had a huge attraction for all pixel people.

Lu Yao estimated.

The old mayor, Shang Li, was holding back a strong determination to make one last push in these final years to realize the unfinished business of the past and truly surpass Yao City.

He glanced over.

Shang Li was now 98 years old and still surprisingly without the ghost symbol above his head, robust in health.

At this moment, the old mayor was discussing something with the Prophet Dorennunu, both with smiles above their heads.

“Prophet, scholars have been moving to Salt City one after another. Salt City’s appeal has now surpassed Yao City.”

“Dun dun dun, Salt City’s ‘Sunset Festival’ allows for revelry and drinking in the streets, just this point alone wins over Yao City by a lot. The young Drug Spoon is still so conservative, not suited for the current situation.”

Dorennunu said, “Although Yao City is indeed a formidable opponent, we in Salt City are the frontrunners of the New Era. Now they are behind, let them chase after us slowly and act according to our mood.”

Shang Li said, “Prophet, isn’t that a bit arrogant?”

“At our age, can’t we be a little arrogant?”

Two old men’s heads showed big smiling faces.

With an attitude of ‘the stronger the enemy, the more we win,’ they amused Lu Yao as well.

Just then, a message suddenly popped up in the Simulator.

“Sanilo has invented the Sanilo City Vault.”

“Discoverable Wonder Prototype: Sanilo City Vault.”

“Transcendent beings have developed worship for you due to the appearance of the Sanilo City Vault, greatly enhancing faith.”

Lu Yao looked at the top right corner.

Faith +6312.

Thanks to: ‘Crying Madman’ for supporting with 500 Qidian coins, ‘Book Friend 20190124191419779’ for supporting with 100 Qidian coins.

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