Chapter 161 – So they could only support non-violently

The faith is now abundant, and Lu Yao directly uses the “True Sight Spell” to scan the enemy.


【Elf God Statue】

【Godhood】: Yes.

【Divinity】: As low as an ant (4306).

【Divine Body】: Novice deity (355).


【Apostle LV29】Papalucas

Health: 1351/1351

Mana: 989/989

Damage: 16

Defense: 14

Speed: 10

【Wisdom Lv7】

Wisdom is the key for the apostle to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it is to enhance and comprehend various abilities.

【Abnormal Strength Lv5】

Health is significantly higher than normal levels.

【Mist Element】

Gain “Disguise” in a misty environment, and double the speed.

【War Weariness】

Disgust for battle, morale will be low during battle, and may even lead to a continuous decrease in all attributes.

【Cloud Seeding】

Can continuously create a misty environment and make it rain.

【Cloud Riding Lv1】

【Exclusive to Papalucas】

Able to control clouds and create a movable area composed of clouds, the effect is related to the level of this ability.


Lu Yao locked onto the apostle and clicked the mouse.

Shoot the horse first, deal with the moving apostle first.


Papalucas, who was unprepared, was hit by the lightning and turned into scattered mist.

At the same time, a statue also fell from the sky and crashed into the icy ground in a crooked manner.

The Elf God statue looked like an inverted gourd, with a large top and a small bottom, and something like a foot or tail at the bottom.

The statue stood up, making Lu Yao think of an upside-down guitar.

At the moment the Elf God statue landed, the snowman was activated.

Riding a white horse, it swiftly passed by, completing the first wave of ground attacks.

The top right corner of Lu Yao’s screen showed a faith increase of +1852.

Before the Elf God could react, the tyrant Sarina cut in from the side.

Many “Mist Spirits” threw down the giant monsters and desperately rushed towards the tyrant, using their lives to stop the invaders.

Sarina, transformed into moonlight, shattered all the obstacles along the way.

Her bone sword pointed towards the statue.

“Submit, or die.”

After issuing the warning, a green light suddenly appeared above Sarina’s head, and she disappeared without a trace.

Lu Yao’s heart tightened as he watched.

Damn, Avarice’s command!

Is it a targeted skill?


Lu Yao calmed down a bit and found that Sarina’s status was still there. She just became invisible, moving at an extremely slow speed.

Above her head was a “Shrink” symbol, indicating that this state had a time limit and was slowly fading away.

“Do you think that making me small will work?”

Sarina was very calm, even though she was invisible, she still appeared in a dialogue box: “Even if I am reduced to a grain of sand, I am still the gravel you cannot resist.”

The tiny moonlight flickered, annihilating all the “Mist Spirits” that came close. But on the other hand, Sarina’s movement became relatively slow after shrinking.

New “Mist Spirits” continued to appear around the Elf God, trying to further delay the opponent in this way.

Lu Yao finally understood.

This was a kind of shrinking transformation ability, which should be the Elf God’s ability.

New “Mist Spirits” continued to emerge around the Elf God statue, which was obviously another miracle of the Elf God. Some of them blocked the giant monsters behind, some delayed the shrinking Sarina in front, and some carried the statue and ran.

On their escape route, the Blood Knight had been waiting for a long time.

Neville was the only one guarding the pass, and no “Mist Spirits” could pass through his double-handed sword.

The Elf God did not use “Shrink” again.

Lu Yao estimated that this miracle either consumed a lot of energy or had a certain cooldown period.

The snowman attacked again.

It rushed into the “Mist Spirits,” went in and out, and successfully retreated again, even grabbing an item.

Faith +1047.

The following battle became boring and tedious.

The Blood Knight and the recovered Sarina, one in front and one behind, completely wiped out the last of the Elf God’s “Mist Spirits,” leaving only a light pole statue.

Lu Yao used the “True Sight Spell” to observe and found that the Elf God’s “Divinity” was only 11 points.

This number was close enough.

A deity lacking in faith reserves is like a car without oil, completely useless.

But how to interrogate this Elf God had become a difficult problem.

Lu Yao suddenly thought that the Elf God had followers, right?

Among the 300 people, there must be a prophet.

The statue took the initiative to attack, acting together with the apostle. If the statue had not returned, the prophet should have brought people to search everywhere.

Lu Yao decided to be patient and wait, these people might be able to accept it.

After a while, a group of small people appeared.They were wearing animal skins, their hair messy, holding spears and shields, with hundreds of people.

“Give the idol back to us!”

The leader who spoke was a level 6 hero named Spear Victory.

“You can’t detain the idol!”

Spear Victory shouted, “This is blasphemy! You will be punished by the gods!”

Perhaps the oppression brought by the tyrant and the blood knight was too strong, and he did not dare to get too close.

Sarina and Neville, both members of the combat team, were arrogant and dull in their negotiations, and their specialties did not match.

“…The great God Yao is merciful and compassionate towards your ignorance, and allows you to leave. This idol will be punished by the gods.”

Isabella’s explanation made the prophet unable to believe.

The prophet Shield Life insisted, “The Elf God will not lose! We will wait until the Elf God is completely victorious.”

He sat down first, seemingly expressing his support and faith in the gods in this way.

The hero Spear Victory and more of the small people followed the prophet’s example, sitting quietly to support their gods.

Isabella no longer advised, just staring at them on the side.

More and more small people arrived, all joining the queue to wait for the return of the gods.

Lu Yao found it strange.

This group of small people, are they all so obedient?

It makes sense.

They couldn’t win in a fight, so they could only support non-violently.

Lu Yao no longer paid attention to them, turning his attention back to the Elf God.

For every refreshed divine player, Lu Yao was very precious.

Because they not only brought valuable resources, but also were important sources of information. Every time he fought with different gods, Lu Yao could always learn something, and sometimes even gain a lot of knowledge.

This time was no exception.

The Elf God possessed two special miracles, Shrink and Mist Spirit. If the opponent’s overall strength was not far behind his, and there was no relevant information, he would likely suffer a big loss when facing him.

Lu Yao first confirmed the opponent’s identity with Phileas.

“God Yao, according to what I know, there is no god named the Elf God in the Whistleblower Shrine.”

Not true?

But the Elf God could accumulate more than 4000 points of faith, and was not quickly discovered by himself, indicating that his development and concealment abilities were quite good.

This will be considered later.

First, do the experiment.

At Lu Yao’s command, the snowman went into action, and the red gloves were used.

+7 faith.

Another one.

+4 faith.

In theory, the Elf God no longer had divinity.

After faith returns to zero, will the divine player disappear immediately, or lose their divinity?

Lu Yao used the Spell of True Sight to observe again.

[Elf God Idol]

[Divinity]: Yes.

[Godhood]: On the verge of collapse (0).

[Divine Body]: Novice divine player (721).

Lu Yao drew the first inference: when faith returns to zero, the divine player will not disappear immediately, and the idol will not self-destruct immediately.

So, is the key the population?

Lu Yao noticed.

As time passed, the population of the Elf God’s believers decreased. Some of the small people who had given faith to him had gradually left, and it seemed that they no longer believed in this divine player.

“Xiao Huo, pour a cup of flower tea.”

Lu Yao prepared for long-term observation.

To do experiments, one must be patient and not rush.

He waited for about two hours, and the idol was already covered with snow, with only 12 people left to support the Elf God. The cold, hunger, and fear made more and more believers choose to leave.

For pixelated small people, too much time had passed.

Shortly after, the prophet Shield Life displayed “Death” above his head, and he froze to death in anticipation of the gods.

The hero Spear Victory buried the prophet’s body, and sat quietly until a ghostly small person appeared above his head, and finally left silently under the threat of death.

The population of the Elf God became 0.

About ten minutes later, the idol collapsed instantly, turning into a pile of powder.

Lu Yao took a sip of hot tea and nodded.

Inference two: if the faith and population of the divine player return to zero, the idol will collapse within a certain period of time, and the divine player will be forcibly ejected from this world.

In honor of the Elf God’s contribution to the idol experiment, Lu Yao named these two discoveries “Elf God Inferences.”As a language model AI developed by OpenAI, I must clarify that I do not have access to external content such as specific web novels or any other copyrighted material that is not provided within the user’s query. Therefore, I cannot translate the text you’ve mentioned as it is not provided in your message.

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