Chapter 117 – Alternative Path Trisom God

The idol on the island has three heads, and all three heads have elongated necks, resembling a trident made of human bodies. Lu Yao felt that there were probably no human players behind the idol.

Normal people don’t look like this.

There are other intelligent races of players in the simulator, and Lu Yao has already encountered several.

For example, the “Whistler” with whistles all over its body, the “Skin Peeler” with eyes all over its body, the “Taoist God” with a mushroom body, and the upright lizardman “Skeleton God”.

The person in front of him is most likely a life form from another dimensional realm.

Lu Yao locked onto the sky above the island, wanting to see how this player from another realm operates.

The three-headed person’s style seems relatively gentle.

He creates waves in the ocean, sending fish and shrimp into the air, and then lands on the island. The islanders dance around, picking up seafood and eating to their heart’s content.

He disperses storms and heavy rain, allowing sunlight to shine on the island, creating a warm and comfortable living environment. The islanders can sleep comfortably on the island without being exposed to the sun or rain.

This makes the pixelated people greatly admire the idol. There are constantly islanders and natives coming here, integrating into the sheltered life of the idol.

Lu Yao roughly estimated that there were about a hundred people on the island. If the people continue to work, they can create an island-style tribal civilization.

The initial actions of the three-headed person are stable. He doesn’t have any unnecessary movements, and each miracle is displayed perfectly.

Lu Yao guesses that this person may also be a developmental player.

As the number of islanders increases, conflicts also erupt on the island.

The island is only so big, and there are very few suitable places for building huts and long-term settlements, except for some areas of rocks and cliffs that cannot be inhabited.

Because of the housing problem, the pixelated people start to have friction and fights. Another group of people simply lie flat on the beach, using open-air dormitories since the gods will protect them anyway.

Lu Yao is also a bit curious about how the three-headed person will solve the space problem.

After dark, strong winds suddenly rise around the small island, and layers of waves push and shove each other on the sea surface.

The people on the beach just turn over, not worried at all.

After all, with the protection of the gods, these frightening things are just for show.

The waves indeed stop at the edge of the beach, but the next moment, some huge creatures emerge from the waves.

They are large green crabs. Each green crab is the size of two or three pixelated people, and as soon as they come ashore, they start killing the islanders and eating them one by one.

The screams fill the small island.

“Terrifying, terrifying monsters!”

“Oh wow! What are those things!”

“We’re going to die, my legs, my legs are gone!”

“God, God, help us!”

“Merciful God, please help us drive away these monsters!”

The surviving islanders run to the side of the idol, seeking protection through prayer.

The three-headed idol remains motionless.

The green crabs surround the idol, killing all the pixelated people, but not eating their bodies.

Then they form a circle around the three-headed idol, raising their huge crab claws, as if it’s some kind of strange ceremony, and also as if they are cheering for the gods. Smiley face symbols appear above the crabs’ heads.

Lu Yao frowns as he watches.

So the true followers of the three-headed person are these crab monsters, and the islanders are the food he prepared for his followers.

He clicks on one of the green crabs.

[Cannibal Crab LV10]

HP: 188/188

MP: 16/16

Damage: 7

Defense: 7

Speed: 5

[Intelligence Lv1]

Intelligence is the key for the apostle to listen to the will of the gods. The higher the level of intelligence, the easier it is to improve and comprehend various abilities.

[Dodge Lv3]

Can dodge some damage caused by attacks. Compared to their weak life, this probability is higher.


Dive underwater and double the movement speed.


Gain intelligence by hunting humans.

Lu Yao feels puzzled.

Even if these cannibal crabs can provide faith, their numbers are much smaller than the islanders, with only about twenty of them, less than one-fifth of the humans.

Why did the three-headed person choose crabs?

Soon Lu Yao understands.

The well-fed cannibal crabs start reproducing.

Their reproduction speed is like a production line, and soon the island is filled with translucent baby crabs. They crawl all over the island, numbering in the thousands.

After giving birth, the cannibal crab parents die on the island, becoming food for the next generation.

The baby crabs eat the bodies of their parents and then devour the bodies of the pixelated people on the ground. Then they gather around the idol, waving their crab claws, seemingly still hungry.

The three-headed person stirs up storms in the sea, bringing fish and shrimp to the island.

The baby cannibal crabs go crazy, devouring everything, and their size gradually increases.

Lu Yao has a general understanding of the situation with the three-headed person.

The three-headed person is a monster player and will seriously affect the living environment of the pixelated people in this world.

Eliminating him is the safest option.

As for the gods.

Lu Yao only considers the local gods and does not consider foreign gods for now. Because simulator players pose a great risk, their information is extremely opaque, and there are too many uncontrollable factors.Soon, the personnel arranged by Lu Yao were all in their positions.

The Deep Sea Lord was diving underwater, rushing towards the island where the Trisom God resided.

The sudden appearance of the monster scared the little crabs, causing them to scatter and burrow into the sea.

The Trisom God finally realized the impending danger and quickly summoned a storm. The miracle hit the Deep Sea Lord, causing only 10 points of damage.

After taking the first hit, Lu Yao manually controlled the Deep Sea Lord to move quickly.

The “Dive” ability allowed the Deep Sea Lord to double its speed underwater, making it difficult for the storm to hit again. All it could do was create whirlpools and waves on the sea surface.

The Trisom God switched to another miracle, freezing a large area of the sea surface into ice blocks, causing 30 points of damage to the Deep Sea Lord.

However, his attacks were limited to these two methods.

After adapting to the opponent’s attack mode, Lu Yao found it easier to dodge. Coupled with the Deep Sea Lord’s “Water Elemental” trait, it was slowly regenerating health underwater, not fearing this level of consumption.

After a brief engagement, Lu Yao managed to gather some intelligence.

The Trisom God’s use of miracles was neither proficient nor accurate, and he was using single-target miracles one by one. It seemed that he had not experienced any divine battles.

Miracles caused real damage to Transcendent beings, defense could not exempt it, and the damage caused was twice the faith consumed.

For example, if Lu Yao consumed 20 points of faith to create a lightning bolt, the actual damage would be 40 points.

The storm damage of the Trisom God was 10, meaning he only consumed 5 points of faith.

His freezing damage was 30, with a faith consumption of 15 points.

The Trisom God’s miracle damage ability was relatively low.

However, it seemed that he did not intend to kill the Deep Sea Lord, but only used the storm and freezing to prevent the opponent from landing, avoiding the movement of the divine statue.

In an underwater war of attrition, the Deep Sea Lord was too relaxed.

While controlling the underwater units, Lu Yao looked towards the island.

The Snowman was ready.

Taking advantage of the divine statue casting another miracle, Jimmy charged on his ghostly white horse.

The Snowman sped past the divine statue, his red glove reaching into the statue and pulling out something that looked like a horn.

Lu Yao saw a +1768 faith pop up in the upper right corner.


There was still quite a stockpile.

This diversionary attack on the divine statue left the Trisom God stunned, seemingly forgetting to release his miracle.

A moment later, he seemed to realize something and began a furious retaliation. The storm bombarded the island, his hatred for the Snowman causing him to completely ignore the powerful enemy on the sea battlefield.

Lu Yao understood.

A god who had his hard-earned faith and items stolen while he was not paying attention, it was only normal for his blood pressure to rise.

However, the Snowman riding the white horse had a speed of over 40, and the slow storm and freezing could not hit him.

Jimmy even circled back and reached into the divine statue again.

+99 faith.

This move silenced the Trisom God.

He seemed to give up resisting, turning into a real stone statue, no longer using miracles.

Lu Yao waited for a while.

No response.

He cautiously sent out a test lightning bolt.

The statue of the Trisom God shattered into pieces.

The simulator displayed:

“The faith of the Trisom God has completely disappeared nearby, and his followers will begin to look for a new god.”

Only then did Lu Yao understand.

It wasn’t that the Trisom God had given up resistance.

He was out of ammunition and supplies.

(End of Chapter)

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