Chapter 116 – The general died before victory

In Yao City, a massive amount of resources were consumed to export beliefs, while Salt City has always been dedicated to urban infrastructure.

Nowadays, the population of Salt City has reached around 5,000 people, close to half of Yao City’s population.

In the city, the library and the hospital have become popular places for the little people to visit.

The shops have become more complete, with the tavern having the highest customer flow, followed by clothing stores and food stores.

There are many paddle sailboats moored at the pier, and the expanded lighthouse is even taller. A low wall has been built around the lighthouse, and houses for the night watchmen have been built. It has long been a landmark of Salt City.

However, all of these are the results accumulated before.

From an unknown day, the development of Salt City suddenly slowed down.

Now, the mayor of Salt City has become Shang Li.

Lu Yao did not see any fishing nets everywhere, and finally found the name of the fishing net on the monument built in Salt City imitating Yao City.

“Fishing Net: The first mayor of Salt City, the pioneer and leader of the city. He invented paddle sailboats and led everyone to the sea. He found paper from the grace of the gods, lightening the burden of memory for everyone.

He invented arithmetic and units of weight, giving trading fair standards. He built a library, allowing everyone to learn from the experiences and knowledge of their predecessors.

He is an eternal explorer seeking change, the founder of Salt City, and we will always remember him.”

Without any warning, Fishing Net passed away.

The Fishing Net in Lu Yao’s memory was still the young man who contemplated the water’s surface.

Fishing Net believed that ships were the shoes of people. His earliest wish was to create shoes that could take everyone further in the water.

Lu Yao had already adapted to the short life of the little people.

He just felt a bit regretful.

It was a pity for Fishing Net.

He had worked hard to lay the foundation of Salt City and had not had the chance to further expand, but ended up passing away like this.

Lu Yao looked at the screen.

After Mayor Shang Li and Commander Yan Ge talked, Shang Li rode his horse past the monument and stopped.

A thought bubble appeared above Shang Li’s head, containing his thoughts.

“…I originally wanted to wait for you to build this prosperous city and then make a fortune from you. Now I’ve suffered a big loss.”

“I didn’t make any money, but instead, I have to shoulder the burden you left behind. This is the worst deal I’ve ever made in my life. Did you do it on purpose…”

“Fishing Net…”

“If only you were still alive.”

Shang Li left on his horse.

Lu Yao locked his perspective on Shang Li’s head.

Shang Li was not young anymore, and his hair had turned white.

This new mayor arrived in Yao City in a hurry and had a separate meeting with the prophet Yaoshao in the temple.

Shang Li got straight to the point with the female prophet, “Fishing Net drew a sketch of the textile invention before he died. I hope to develop the cotton textile industry together with Yao City.”

Yaoshao said, “City cooperation is certainly good. But since you have mastered the technology of cotton textile, why do you need to cooperate with us?”

“We are short of manpower, which has disrupted our original plans.”

Shang Li succinctly said, “Many cotton growers, farmers, and merchants have already started buying or boarding ships to sail north in search of gems and gold.”

“The people of Salt City have a spirit of adventure and are extremely focused on obtaining excessive profits. Under normal circumstances, Salt City can develop textile technology on its own… but now Salt City is unable to complete it independently.”

“Of course, there is also a very important point.”

“To be honest, the drawings left by Fishing Net are incomplete. I have searched all the people in Salt City, but no one can understand Fishing Net’s invention. Only you, who are also an inventor, may be able to complete it thoroughly.”

Yaoshao asked, “How did Fishing Net die? Did he die of illness?”


Shang Li remained silent for a moment, “Fishing Net was checking the cotton in the cotton field when he was fatally hit by a mad cow. When he was dying, he forgave the child who was herding the cow. It is not good to announce such a cause of death to the citizens.”

“I see, what a pity.”

The two city leaders quickly negotiated the terms.

Ten percent of the income brought by the textile technology to Yao City will be transferred to Salt City for ten years.

Yaoshao obtained the drawings and immediately examined them carefully.

“An amazing invention, a precise and ingenious design…”

“It’s such a shame that Mayor Fishing Net died.”

A light bulb lit up above the female prophet’s head, and she couldn’t help but sigh.

A prompt appeared on Lu Yao’s screen.

[Yaoshao has invented the primitive waist machine.]

[Yao City’s textile technology has entered a new stage, and everyone’s knowledge has slightly improved.]

Then, Yao City began to manufacture primitive waist machines.

This is a very simple textile tool made up of wooden sticks, with twisted cotton and hemp threads wound around it. The textile workers use these sticks to spin the threads into cloth, and both men and women can easily use them.

After many textile workers appeared in Yao City, a large amount of cotton and hemp cloth entered the market and became one of the most popular and commonly used commodities.

Lu Yao realized that Shang Li was extremely shrewd.

Shang Li couldn’t understand the incomplete drawings, so they were just a piece of waste paper in his hands. But after cooperating with Prophet Yaoshao, he suddenly gained a stable income. This undoubtedly showed the effectiveness of a businessman’s mind.

After receiving subsidies from Yao City, Shang Li quickly opened a shipyard at the pier, specializing in the manufacturing and repair of ships, earning money from the numerous treasure seekers at sea.

Then, he hurriedly discussed cooperation with the prophet Dorennunu and started making statues and talismans of the White God.

The statues and talismans of the White God symbolized wealth and safety, and they were personally certified by the prophet. The sailors and merchants eagerly bought them… who wouldn’t want the personal protection of a god?

Shang Li’s inventions and creations were not as good as Fishing Net’s.But when it came to making money, no one could hold a candle to him.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and a prosperous city always develops faster in all aspects. Commerce was fully leveraging its advantages and specialties.

Lu Yao saw no problem with that.

He continued to be optimistic about commerce.


While recuperating, Lu Yao suddenly received a report from Isabella.

“Sir, a heretical deity has been spotted.”

On an island in the southern sea, Isabella found a statue of a god. This statue attracted some islanders to watch and settle. They built many huts around the statue.

Lu Yao selected the coordinates on the map and looked down at the island.

The stone statue on the island was seated, and the face of the statue was vague.

When the mouse clicked, the stone statue displayed [Unknown God Statue].

Lu Yao was excited.

The players here had refreshed again!

This time, Lu Yao planned to take it slow, not to be harsh at first. He could even let the other party develop for a while, gather more population, and then he would take over…

Lu Yao, eating an apple cut by a small fire, observed patiently in front of the screen.

But the more he looked, the more he felt something was wrong.

Why did the statue have two heads on its shoulders?

(End of Chapter)

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