Chapter 98 – Mass social suicide scene


As soon as Baili Pangpang finished speaking, a drone emerged from the woods behind and shot a bullet, hitting a new soldier behind him.

The new soldier was stunned, took a few steps, and felt dizzy, then collapsed on the spot.

Immediately, two instructors ran out from the woods behind, grinning as they dragged the unconscious new soldier into the small woods.

Seeing this scene, Baili Pangpang cursed under his breath and quickly ran a few steps.

“What the hell! Wasn’t it just a paintball gun? Why did it knock someone out? And what’s up with those two instructors just now? Judging by their expressions, I feel like that brother’s virtue is in danger!”

Baili Pangpang ran up to the two of them and couldn’t help but complain.

Cao Yuan fell silent for a moment, “Is the punishment for failure… the loss of virtue?”

“I don’t think so…” Lin Qiye’s mouth twitched, “We have quite a few girls here!”

“True, so what are they doing in the small woods now?”

Baili Pangpang turned to look at the small woods, his small eyes filled with great confusion.

The two instructors carried the unconscious new soldier and placed him on a stretcher, carrying him back to the starting point at the foot of the mountain.

“Is this the first elimination in this year’s extreme training? Hehe, interesting…” one instructor saw the new soldier being carried down and his eyes lit up with excitement.

“Put the ‘Ring of Truth’ on him, then turn on the microphone and connect it to the Bluetooth speakers in everyone’s weighted backpacks…”

Instructor Hong directed everything methodically, and soon, the new soldier who was carried down was awakened by the instructor, tied to a chair and unable to move.

“Hey, hey? Can you hear me?”

The instructor’s voice suddenly came from the weighted backpacks behind everyone, startling them. Lin Qiye and the others stopped in their tracks at the same time.

“They even equipped the backpacks with speakers? What are they trying to do?” Lin Qiye asked in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound came from the speakers again.

“If you can hear me, then good, cough… well, let’s start the punishment. Your name is Wang Liang, right? What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in your life?”

“I peeked at the big sister next door taking a bath.”

“Oh? Was it nice?”

“It was nice, I often dream about her.”

“Did you get caught?”

“I was caught once, she told my mom, and then I got beaten up that night.”

“Oh~ Do you like that big sister?”

“I do, I often dream about her at night, and sometimes…”


Wang Liang’s cheeks turned red, his facial muscles strained, but he couldn’t control his mouth, and his hands were tightly bound to the chair, unable to move.

Facing him, Instructor Hong asked various embarrassing questions with a serious expression.

The other instructors listened to the conversation outside, trying to hold back their laughter, but couldn’t help but burst out laughing, and then gradually lost their patience and started laughing hysterically.

In the depths of Jinnan Mountain, all 238 members except Wang Liang stopped in their tracks… and began to laugh recklessly.

“Haha! This kid Wang Liang actually has such an embarrassing story!”

“Beast! Peeking at the big sister taking a bath?! And not taking me with you?!”

“I’m dying of laughter, hahaha…”

As they laughed, their faces changed.

An unprecedented chill surged through their hearts, and their faces turned as ugly as frost-bitten eggplants.

Baili Pangpang swallowed hard, his face pale, and hoarsely said, “Is this the punishment for being hit?”

“It should be the effect of some kind of forbidden artifact that forces people to tell the truth… this move is really ruthless!” Lin Qiye couldn’t help but speak.

The three of them glanced at each other briefly, then ran into the depths of Jinnan Mountain, with Baili Pangpang somehow finding the strength to run at the front.

He gritted his teeth, his eyes full of soaring fighting spirit, feeling like he was about to burst into flames.

Is this still a punishment?

This is a freaking mass social suicide scene!

These shameless and unscrupulous instructors dare to ask anything!

Under the influence of that forbidden artifact, even their own measurements blurted out. If it were him sitting in Wang Liang’s position…

The result is unimaginable!

At that moment, everyone rushed forward as if they had been injected with chicken blood, their eyes red!

At the foot of the mountain, in the temporary tactical tent, Instructor Hong looked at the rapidly moving red dots on the screen and nodded in satisfaction.

“How is it, the effect is still good, right?”

Instructor Han held his aching stomach and gave him a thumbs up.


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several missiles flew through the woods, screams followed, and then the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Lin Qiye frowned and looked at the woods to the side, then swiftly moved backward like lightning, avoiding two missiles.

“The drone on the left is flanking us,” he said in a deep voice.

“Then we can only go to the right,” Cao Yuan looked to the other side, his face somewhat grim, “The terrain there is much more rugged and will consume more energy.”

“I, I… I always feel like these instructors are doing this on purpose!” Baili Pangpang gasped for breath, “They’re trying to drive us to those ghostly places!”

“We have no choice,” Cao Yuan said calmly.

Lin Qiye was the first to rush into the dense forest of rocks and old trees, running, leaping, dodging, and maneuvering. He continuously cut through the entangled branches around him with a small knife, struggling to move forward.

In no time, his military uniform was covered in scars, and his hands were cut with small wounds from the sharp branches around him.

After all, he was just a high school student. Although he had gone through a month of remedial training, his physical fitness was there, and the consecutive intense movements were rapidly depleting his stamina. Gradually, his movements slowed down.

On the other hand, Cao Yuan’s body seemed unusually strong. Even after running for so long, he was only slightly out of breath and not too tired.As for Baili Pangpang… he already had the expression of a dying man. Although he looked like he could faint at any moment, he somehow mustered the strength to keep moving forward, step by step.

It was a mystery what secret he was hiding to be so terrified of that particular punishment.

Lin Qiye cleaved through the vines blocking the path with a single stroke of his blade, ready to pass through, when suddenly a rustling sound came from the other side, accompanied by a faint buzzing noise.

At that moment, Shen Qingzhu also slashed through the nearby obstacles and appeared right in front of Lin Qiye.

Their eyes met, and both of them were momentarily taken aback.

Then, two drones, one after the other, surrounded them.

“Damn it, we’re screwed!” they cursed in unison.

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