Chapter 72 – Training begins

From the second day Lin Qiye arrived at the training camp, more and more new recruits began to arrive. The originally empty dormitory building was gradually filling up.

By the morning of the third day, Lin Qiye was awakened by the noise outside the corridor. He sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“Hmm? Why is this fatty up so early?” Lin Qiye glanced at the empty bed next to him and raised an eyebrow in surprise.

It seemed that this rich young master was indeed different.

After spending these two days together, Lin Qiye had a preliminary understanding of Baili Pangpang. He didn’t belong to the arrogant and domineering type of young master. Instead, he seemed to be trying hard to hide his family background and pretend to be from an “ordinary family,” but his acting skills were too poor.

He wasn’t a bad person, just a bit naive. That was Lin Qiye’s initial evaluation of Baili Pangpang.

Lin Qiye wasn’t afraid of trouble. In a certain sense, he even looked forward to having a roommate who was arrogant and always picking on him, so that he could rightfully beat him up and take over the whole room…

But unfortunately… he was just a harmless silly fatty!

This silly fatty happily interacted with him every day, often giving him gifts and speaking politely. Lin Qiye felt like he was punching cotton.

If he beat him up… he would feel guilty. If he didn’t beat him up… he couldn’t help it when he secretly put his feet on his face in the middle of the night.

What was even more infuriating was that after Lin Qiye was awakened by the stench, Baili Pangpang would sincerely look into his eyes with a seven-point expectation and three-point shyness, asking, “Qiye, have you answered me? Does my foot smell good?”

Fortunately, Lin Qiye didn’t have a knife at hand, otherwise this fatty would definitely not see the sun the next day.

Lin Qiye stretched his body, held the toothbrush in his mouth, and dragged an empty hot water bottle to prepare for washing up as he opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a crowd of people gathered in the opposite dormitory building. In the crowd, a fatty exuding a luxurious aura was shouting at the top of his lungs:

“Comrades! I brought some local specialties from my hometown for all of you. I hope you won’t dislike them. In the coming year, I hope everyone will take care of each other!

Hey, don’t fight over there, there’s enough for everyone!”

Baili Pangpang raised his round arm, which was covered with more than a dozen different brand watches, making his arm look like a mummy. It was simply extravagant!

The new recruits around him were instantly stirred up.

“Don’t misunderstand, I’m not a young master! I’m just an ordinary person. I just want to get along well with all of you…”

– Smack!

Looking at the chaotic dormitory building across from him, Lin Qiye’s mouth widened in shock, and the toothbrush in his mouth fell to the ground.

“What is the background of this fatty?” he muttered to himself.

Even those rich young masters wouldn’t be this wealthy, right? Giving a brand watch to each of the more than two hundred new recruits in the training camp? This was like throwing money!

However, even though the whole dormitory building was in an uproar, there were still some people who remained unaffected.

Lin Qiye noticed that on the same floor, a young man was leaning against the wall, coldly watching the commotion. He stood there as if he was in a different world, giving off a sense of being out of place. It was as if there was an invisible wall in front of him, isolating all the noise and commotion, and his eyes were calm like water.

On the corridor of the female dormitory building to the right, a girl with long hair was also standing on the corridor, squinting at Baili Pangpang in the crowd with disdain in her eyes.

The more Lin Qiye observed, the more he realized that there were quite a few people secretly observing this farce. Some had indifferent expressions, some had mischievous looks, some looked down upon it, and some were itching to join in…

Baili Pangpang’s move not only ignited the atmosphere in the new recruits’ dormitory, but also secretly revealed a hidden picture to Lin Qiye.

Similarly, when Lin Qiye noticed them, they also noticed each other.

Just at this moment, Instructor Hong, accompanied by several other instructors, walked into the dormitory area with a murderous aura. He looked up at the noisy dormitory building and cursed loudly!

“What the hell are you all doing?!

Is this a market? Huh?!!

Should I invite some strippers to dance and liven things up for you?!”

Several loud shouts echoed between the dormitory buildings, and the new recruits gathered around Baili Pangpang dispersed in an instant, leaving only Baili Pangpang holding a bunch of watches, quietly looking down and muttering to himself.

“I can’t see me, I can’t see me, I can’t see me…”

Instructor Hong’s mouth twitched slightly, and he continued to shout with a stern face:

“Don’t think you can be unruly just because the training hasn’t officially started yet!! Let me tell you, once you enter that gate, you are soldiers!!

Soldiers! Discipline must be observed!!

This is the first time! I’ll let it go this time! If I catch anyone causing trouble again, watch me drill you to death!!”

Instructor Hong shouted loudly, “Do you understand?!”

“We understand!!” voices came from the three dormitory buildings.

Instructor Hong’s gaze was sharp as a knife as he swept across the three dormitory buildings, then slowly spoke:

“Everyone gather at the training ground at 2 o’clock this afternoon!!!”

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the dormitory area with the other instructors.

Baili Pangpang looked down from the gap in the corridor, hurriedly stood up, and ran to Lin Qiye’s side with a bunch of watches in his arms.

“You scared me… luckily I hid fast, otherwise I would have been discovered!” Baili Pangpang touched his heart and spoke with a frightened tone.

Lin Qiye:…

“Ah, it seems that I won’t be able to give away the rest of these gifts.” Baili Pangpang looked down at the watches in his hand and sighed.”Why are you so insistent on giving gifts?” Lin Qiye couldn’t help but ask.

“If I don’t give gifts, how can I build good relationships with others?” Baili Pangpang said as if it was a matter of course, “My dad always says, the most important thing in this world is social etiquette…”

“…” Lin Qiye rolled his eyes, “If social etiquette is all there is to this world, then this society is already dead.”

After saying this, he didn’t care whether Baili Pangpang understood or not, he bent down to pick up his toothbrush and continued to walk towards the hot water room.

Baili Pangpang was left standing there, scratching his head in confusion.


In the afternoon.

Lin Qiye changed into the military uniform he had received from the supply station and headed straight for the training field.

Baili Pangpang, while trying to stuff his entire butt into his pants, hurriedly followed Lin Qiye, occasionally shouting, “Qiye, wait for me!”

By the time the two arrived at the training field, most of the people were already there. However, no one had formed lines yet, everyone was standing randomly, their heights and sizes varied.

On the martial arts stage, more than twenty instructors stood tall and straight, their postures as upright as pine trees!

Standing at the forefront, the chief instructor Yuan Gang looked down at the chaotic crowd below, his eyes slightly squinted…

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