Chapter 33 – Carving the tombstone

“Oh.” Lin Qiye’s expression was calm.

Wen Qimo looked at him in surprise, “Oh? That’s it?”

“What else is there?”

“Don’t you feel excited and passionate?”

“I feel a little, but only a little.” Lin Qiye replied lightly, “I’m not interested in promotions or anything like that.”

Wen Qimo looked at him strangely, “I forgot that you are a ‘heretic’ who will betray the Night Watchman in ten years.”

Lin Qiye neither confirmed nor denied, and continued to ask, “According to what you said, are these four special teams already the ceiling of the Great Xia’s strength?”

“Of course not. They may be the ceiling of the Night Watchman’s team strength, but they are definitely not the ceiling of the Great Xia’s strength.”

“Are you saying that there are organizations similar to the Night Watchman in the Great Xia?”

“No, there is only one Night Watchman in the Great Xia, but above the Night Watchman, there are five human ceilings.”

“Human ceilings?”

“As the name suggests, they are the peak combat power that humans can achieve. Because their strength approaches the ancient deities in mythology, they are also called ‘half-gods’.”

“Can mortals stand shoulder to shoulder with deities?”

“Although I know you are quoting classic lines from movies and TV shows, it is indeed the case.” Wen Qimo looked up at the night sky with admiration in his eyes.

“These five people are the pillars of humanity and the only hope that humans can see in this vast mist.”

“Who are they?”

“I don’t know. They are too far away from us, and few people have seen their appearance or know their names. However… there are some interesting rumors.”

“What rumors?”

“These five human ceilings are called One Sword, One Rider, One Sovereign, One Nothingness, and One Master.”

“Sword, Rider, Sovereign, Nothingness, Master… What kind of rumors are these? They don’t seem to have any useful information at all.”

“It is said that the highest commander of the Night Watchman is the ‘One Sovereign’ among these five human ceilings, but… it has been a long time since anyone has seen him take action.”

“I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Have humans… killed gods so far?” Lin Qiye pointed to the sky, “Not those strange mythical creatures, but the truly ancient deities that exist in mythology!”

Wen Qimo fell silent for a moment and shook his head, “I don’t know, but I think… it’s unlikely.

In this era where the existence of deities has been confirmed, if humans really killed a deity, it would definitely cause panic among all the other deities. In that case, they would most likely join forces to exterminate humans first, and the situation humans would face would be even more dire!”

Lin Qiye nodded, “I understand.”

“Is there anything else you want to ask?”

Lin Qiye pondered for a moment, “Do temporary members have benefits?”


“Then I have no other questions.”

“So you asked so many questions, and the last one is the one you care about the most?”

“Of course.” Lin Qiye nodded naturally, “Special teams, human ceilings… those things are too far away from me. I prefer to stay grounded.”

“Alright…” Wen Qimo turned his head and asked, “Are you tired?”

“Not tired.”

“Then I’ll take you somewhere.”

“In the middle of the night… Is it serious?”

“…It’s serious.” Wen Qimo twitched his mouth.

“Okay.” Lin Qiye reminded, “Don’t forget, I’m still underage.”

Wen Qimo:…

A few minutes later, the car slowly stopped in a silent and deserted wilderness.

Lin Qiye opened the door and got out of the car, looking around cautiously at Wen Qimo.

“Why did you bring me here?”

Wen Qimo rolled his eyes silently and pointed to a nearby cemetery, “Over there.”

Lin Qiye looked in the direction he pointed, and fell into silence.

He could vaguely guess why Wen Qimo brought him here.

The two of them walked along the narrow path and soon arrived at the outskirts of the cemetery.

This cemetery was not large. Compared to the public cemetery on the outskirts of the city, it was obviously much smaller, but both the craftsmanship of the tombstones and the spacing between them were far superior to an ordinary public cemetery.

The tombstones here seemed more exquisite and orderly.

“What is this place…”

“This is the cemetery for the Night Watchmen stationed in Cangnan City.” Wen Qimo calmly spoke, “Since the Special Biological Response Team officially transformed into the ‘Night Watchman’ in 1936 and adopted the management form of one city, one team, this place has been designated as the final resting place for the fallen Night Watchmen in Cangnan City.””Of course, this is just the default arrangement. When someone officially joins the Night Watchman squad, they can specify whether they want to be buried in the Night Watchman’s graveyard, cremated, or buried back in their hometown, and so on…

Back then, Zhao Kongcheng chose to be buried in the Night Watchman’s graveyard. He said that he had too much blood on his hands, and he was afraid that if he returned to his ancestors’ graves, he might scare them.”

As Wen Qimo spoke, a smile crept onto his face, as if he could see the scene of Zhao Kongcheng saying these words without a care in the world.

Lin Qiye silently looked at the numerous tombstones around him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, “So many…”

In this graveyard, there were at least sixty or seventy different tombstones, and most of them were new.

“From 1936 to now, it’s been 85 years,” Wen Qimo said with a sigh, “At first, our casualties were not many, after all, each city wouldn’t encounter many mythical creatures each year, and even if they did, their Boundary wasn’t high.

But as time went by, the speed of the mythical creatures’ arrival became faster and faster, their strength became more and more terrifying, and our casualties… also increased.

Nearly half of these tombstones you see are for those who have sacrificed in the past twenty years.

Before Captain Chen Muye came to guard Cangnan City, it was said that two members would die here every year. It wasn’t until the captain arrived that the death rate significantly decreased.”

In Lin Qiye’s mind, the image of the silent figure in black emerged, and he couldn’t help but feel admiration.

“But Zhao Kongcheng just sacrificed himself tonight, and his tombstone is already prepared?” Lin Qiye suddenly thought of something and asked in confusion.


“Then why are we here…”

Wen Qimo raised his hand and pointed into the distance, “Look over there.”

Following his direction, Lin Qiye saw a faint light gradually brightening in the dark graveyard.

Under the dim light, Hong Ying sat next to an empty plot of land, her eyes red. She held a blank tombstone in her hands, and with a carving pen in her right hand, she was slowly etching into it.

Tears slid down her cheeks and onto the tombstone, which she quickly wiped dry.

At this moment, where was the vitality she had before?

“Didn’t she say she was going to practice shooting?” Lin Qiye stared blankly at the scene.

“She lied,” Wen Qimo shook his head, “The tombstones of the Night Watchmen are carved by the deceased’s teammates. It’s an unwritten rule. Originally, I should have been the one to carve this tombstone.

Although she didn’t say it, I knew very well that she was the one who wanted to carve Zhao Kongcheng’s tombstone the most.

They were very close, really close.

So even though her lie was so ridiculous, I turned a blind eye and let her secretly carve the tombstone.”

Lin Qiye and Wen Qimo stood quietly, watching Hong Ying who was engrossed in carving the tombstone, neither of them speaking for a long time.

Under the hazy moonlight,

In the silent graveyard,

Only the carving knife in Hong Ying’s hand was making a faint mournful sound.

“Shouldn’t we go up and say hello?” After a while, Lin Qiye asked Wen Qimo.

“Going up to say hello now would only make her feel awkward. She’s too thin-skinned.”

“But us standing here… feels like we’re peeping toms spying on someone’s secret.” Lin Qiye felt a bit uncomfortable.

Wen Qimo turned to look at him, a smile appearing in his eyes,

“Do you think… we’re the only ‘peeping toms’ around here?”

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