Chapter 31 – Wen Qimo

Wu Xiangnan’s brows furrowed tighter as he heard Lin Qiye’s response.

Just as he was about to ask something else, Hong Ying suddenly sat up, her red eyes staring at Wu Xiangnan angrily as she shouted, “Wu Xiangnan! What do you mean by this? Zhao Kongcheng is dead! Our teammate is dead! Yet you still cling onto his matter! Don’t you have any grief in your heart?!”

Wu Xiangnan opened his mouth, paused for a moment, and calmly replied, “I am also saddened by Zhao Kongcheng’s death, but the truth is equally important.”

Hong Ying stared at him fiercely, her chest heaving violently. She sneered twice, slammed the black box in her hand heavily on the ground, and turned to walk towards the exit of the basement.

Wen Qimo wanted to say a few words to persuade her, but he felt his sleeve being pulled and turned his head in confusion.

Si Xiaonan was standing beside him, shaking her head.

“So, those at the scene…”

“Xiangnan, that’s enough!”

Just as Wu Xiangnan was about to question Lin Qiye, Captain Chen Muye, who had been standing on the sidelines, suddenly spoke up and interrupted him.

“Lin Qiye has already made it clear. There’s no need to continue questioning the details. This matter ends here.” Chen Muye put his hands in his pockets, walked behind Wu Xiangnan, and patted his shoulder.

Wu Xiangnan turned his head in astonishment and saw Chen Muye’s unquestionable gaze. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded helplessly.

Chen Muye walked to the sofa opposite Lin Qiye and sat down slowly.

“The matter with Zhao Kongcheng is over. Now it’s time to talk about you, Lin Qiye.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“From what I know, Zhao Kongcheng once invited you to join the Night Watchman, but you refused. Later, he even told us that he had lost you. If you didn’t come out with Zhao Kongcheng’s body, we might never find you again…

So why do you want to join the Night Watchman now?”

Chen Muye stared into Lin Qiye’s eyes, his gaze deep and unfathomable.

“For the sake of repaying a favor.” Lin Qiye said calmly.

Chen Muye was taken aback, “A favor?”

“We made a promise. I will join the Night Watchman.” Lin Qiye paused, “But I have one condition.”

“What condition?”

“I will only stay in the Night Watchman for ten years. After ten years, I will leave.”

Upon hearing Lin Qiye’s words, everyone present was stunned, and their expressions became strange.

“The Night Watchman is not a volunteer organization. Once you join, you cannot leave. So the ten years you mentioned… I cannot promise you that. No one in the entire Night Watchman organization can give you that commitment.”

Lin Qiye was about to say something, but Chen Muye spoke again:

“However, if after ten years, you have the ability to leave the Night Watchman on your own and make the higher-ups of the Night Watchman helpless, then it’s a different story.

In any case, if you want to leave the Night Watchman through proper procedures… it’s impossible!”

“Alright.” Unexpectedly, Lin Qiye nodded decisively, “If I can’t leave after ten years, then it’s my problem.”

Upon hearing Lin Qiye’s almost unruly response, both Si Xiaonan and Wen Qimo were astonished, their mouths gaping open. Even the cold and aloof Leng Xuan’s eyelids twitched as he looked at Lin Qiye for a moment.

“In that case, I will immediately submit your application to the higher-ups. However, before the training, you will not be considered an official member.” Chen Muye said.


“The Night Watchman is an organization with semi-military management. Before officially joining the Night Watchman, all new recruits must undergo a one-year training program, learning combat, firearms, tactical deployment, Forbidden Ruin usage, and other skills.”

“When does it start?”

“Every September, which is one month from now. And until you complete the training, you will only be a temporary member of our team.” Chen Muye suddenly seemed to remember something and solemnly reminded, “Temporary members do not receive food and accommodation.”

Lin Qiye:…

No food and accommodation?

Wasn’t the Night Watchman supposed to have good benefits? How could they be so stingy?!!

“Then, where will I stay for this month?” Lin Qiye panicked.

Go back to Auntie’s house? No, no, no, if he went back, there was a 99% chance he wouldn’t come out again. They might even run away together…

But he had to inform Auntie, at least let her know he was safe. So he planned to write a letter back, saying that he was joining the military, which would put her mind at ease.

But the problem now was that the Night Watchman didn’t allow him to stay overnight. Did that mean he had to sleep on the streets?

“It’s okay, you can stay at my house.” Just then, Hong Ying, who had been secretly hiding behind the door, stuck her head out and said softly, “My house is quite big, giving you a room is not a problem.”

“Hong Ying, didn’t you leave in anger?” Wen Qimo widened her eyes in surprise.

“I, I… I remembered that I forgot something, so I came back. Is that not allowed?!” Hong Ying glared at her, walked into the house, picked up the black box on the ground, and turned to glare at Wu Xiangnan.

Wu Xiangnan:…

Under Wu Xiangnan’s speechless gaze, Hong Ying walked up to Lin Qiye, spoke gently, “Little Brother Qiye, don’t worry. Now that you’re a member of our team, I will definitely look out for you!””He’s a temporary member,” Chen Muye corrected seriously, “And besides, it’s not certain who’s older between you two. You can’t just casually call him ‘little brother’.”

“Captain, you’re too rigid!” Hong Ying stuck her tongue out at Chen Muye, tore a piece of paper from the table, wrote an address on it, and stuffed it into Lin Qiye’s hand.

“Little brother Qi Ye, I have to go practice shooting. If you can’t find me after you finish the paperwork, just go home first.”

Hong Ying’s face was very close to Lin Qiye’s, close enough for him to clearly smell her faint fragrance and see her eyelashes trembling slightly…

Her clear eyes were smiling at Lin Qiye, like a pool of autumn water in a golden maple forest, clear and moving, full of warmth.

It had to be said, Hong Ying was very beautiful.

Fair skin, delicate nose, crimson lips, exquisite features, voluptuous…

Lin Qiye quickly averted his gaze.

His face inexplicably flushed.

This was the first time he had been so close to a girl, especially a girl as natural and clear as Hong Ying.

“Th…Thank you, Sister Hong Ying.”

“Hahaha!” Hong Ying suddenly stood up and laughed excitedly, startling Wu Xiangnan behind her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Wu Xiangnan said irritably.

“None of your business!” Hong Ying pouted, “Who asked our new little brother to have such a nice voice…”

Lin Qiye’s mouth twitched slightly, and he subconsciously turned his head to one side.

At this moment, Wen Qimo walked over with a smile, “Hong Ying, stop bullying the newbie. Qi Ye, let’s go. I’ll show you around and tell you about the Night Watchman.”

Lin Qiye, as if pardoned, followed Wen Qimo out the door and down the stairs to the ground floor.

“Qi Ye.” In the corridor, Wen Qimo suddenly spoke.

“What is it, Senior Wen Qimo?”

“Cough, cough… Don’t call me senior, it’s too formal, and I’m probably only two or three years older than you.” Wen Qimo scratched his head a bit embarrassedly, “Just call me by my name, or Qimo, like they do.”


“Actually, I have a favor to ask.” Wen Qimo stopped, looking seriously into Lin Qiye’s eyes.

“What is it?”

“Tonight… Can I stay at Hong Ying’s house with you? I’ve wanted to go for a long time.”

Lin Qiye: ……

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