Chapter 29 – Ten years

Lin Qiye’s knife pierced the ghost face, but that wasn’t the reason for the Ghost Face King’s painful howl.

What truly made the Ghost Face King let out such a heart-wrenching cry was Lin Qiye’s eyes. Under the scorching golden light, the ghost face melted like a candle, rapidly dissolving.

Although the golden light only appeared for an instant, it was enough to completely drain the life force from the already dying Ghost Face King.

In the end, under Lin Qiye’s gaze, the ghost face completely solidified into a wrinkled and semi-solid object, with no trace of the ghost face left.

At the same time, Lin Qiye felt a warm stream flowing into his body through the hand holding the knife.

He furrowed his brows slightly, stepped on the ghost face body beneath his feet, and pulled out the straight knife.

After some thought, he bent down and picked up the pale ghost face, feeling a moment of dizziness, almost falling to the ground.

Although he had the support of the Starry Night Dancer, after such a high-intensity and thrilling battle, Lin Qiye’s physical strength was greatly depleted. The most crucial point was that using the Seraph’s Eyes twice had completely drained his already limited psychic power, making it difficult for him to even walk.

As Zhao Kongcheng had said, with his current level, facing the Ghost Face King was a dead end.

If it weren’t for the Night Watchman severely injuring the Ghost Face King first, and if it weren’t for Zhao Kongcheng sacrificing himself to defeat the Ghost Face King, even with the Seraph’s Eyes and the Starry Night Dancer, Lin Qiye still wouldn’t have been able to match the Ghost Face King.

This was the mythical creature that had descended upon this world.

This was the “River Realm.”

Rainwater fell on his cheeks as he walked step by step in the blood puddle, stumbling towards Zhao Kongcheng’s body.

He reached the side of the body and slowly sat down.

“I told you before, being a hero is not that easy,” Lin Qiye looked at the already cold Zhao Kongcheng and muttered to himself, “You bet your life here, fighting to the death, but how many people know?

Do you know? Even now, in the city center miles away, it’s still bustling with lights and revelry.

They are singing in KTV, enjoying delicious food in hot pot restaurants, rolling in bed in hotels, eating popcorn in movie theaters…

And you, and you!

You can only die here silently.

They won’t know that in this pouring rain, a man with a knife defeated a mythical creature! They won’t know that they can enjoy themselves carefree… because someone sacrificed their life for them.

Is it really worth it?”

Lin Qiye gazed at Zhao Kongcheng’s pale face, as if waiting for his answer.

Unfortunately, he was destined to never speak again.

Lin Qiye continued, “Do you think I’m afraid of death?

You’re wrong, I’m not afraid of death at all.

Do you think a child who has seen angels since childhood, lost his sight, and was locked up in a mental hospital would fear death?

I have tried countless times to end my own life in the darkness, but the light has saved me time and time again.

The light that saved me is not those so-called ‘beings’ who run around the city for desires and complain about the unfairness of the world!

…It’s my family.”

Lin Qiye looked up, gazing at the pitch-black night sky, and slowly spoke:

“If beings have never saved me, why should I sacrifice my life to protect these ‘beings’?

So, I don’t want to be a Night Watchman.”

Lin Qiye turned his head and looked at the low house in the distance, a hint of confusion appearing in his eyes.

“But, I’m someone who owes others the most.

You saved my whole world,

What… can I do for you?”

Lin Qiye paused and continued, “I know that Night Watchmen have good benefits. Even if you die, your wife and children will receive the best treatment, not to mention the arrangements for the funeral. You don’t lack money, but I don’t have any.

So, how can I repay this enormous favor?”

Lin Qiye sat there blankly, after a while, he turned his head to look at the low house in the distance…

In the rain, he clenched his fists tightly,

And then weakly let go.

He seemed to have made up his mind, using the knife to support himself on the ground, he struggled to stand up and muttered to himself:

“I, Lin Qiye, have only three people to apologize to in my life: my aunt who has taken care of me for ten years, my cousin who has been burdened by me for ten years…

And you, who saved the lives of our family of three.

You saved my whole world,

As an exchange,

I will help you guard your world for ten years.

After ten years, no matter what the situation is, I will have no relationship with the Night Watchmen, no relationship with ‘beings,’

I will return to this home and continue my original life.

Is this deal… fair?”

Lin Qiye lowered his head to look at Zhao Kongcheng’s body in the pool of blood. He was lying there quietly, as if asleep.

“Since you don’t object, then it’s settled.”

Lin Qiye inserted the straight knife into the ground, facing a certain direction… and knelt down.

There, in the rain, was an ordinary low house.

“Aunt, Little Qi is leaving. Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye,

Because I’m afraid that once I go back… I won’t want to leave again.

I heard that Night Watchmen have good benefits. In these ten years of me risking my life, the subsidies they give should be enough for you and your child to live a good life. After ten years, I will make sure you have the best days…

I will repay your kindness in raising me after seventy years.”

Lin Qiye knelt in the rain, and water droplets fell from his hair, moistening his eyes.

He bowed down, knocking his head heavily a few times, his forehead pressed against the ground for a long time before slowly lifting it up.

He stood up slowly, took one last look at the low house, and pulled out the straight knife from the ground…

Then turned and walked away.

“Xiangnan! I’ve already arrived at the old residential area. Where is Old Zhao?!”In the heavy rain, a woman cloaked in a dark red cape stood in the middle of the street, completely drenched. She carried a long black case on her back and was bent over, gasping for breath.

“On the vacant lot two buildings ahead of you,” Wu Xiangnan’s voice came through the earpiece. He paused, his voice somewhat suppressed, “Hong Ying… you need to be prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

“We lost contact with him a few minutes ago, and the location of Old Zhao’s emblem hasn’t moved for several minutes…”

Hong Ying’s pupils suddenly contracted, her body trembling slightly. Then, like a sharp arrow, she shot forward, racing towards the front!

“Don’t talk nonsense!! Maybe, maybe he’s just tired…” Hong Ying gritted her teeth, her voice already choked with tears.

“Hong Ying…”

“Shut up!!” Hong Ying roared.

“Hong Ying! Old Zhao’s emblem location has moved!”

At these words, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared in Hong Ying’s eyes.

“I knew it, I knew it… he wouldn’t die so easily! Where is he?”

“He’s moving slowly… he’s getting closer to you.”

Hong Ying paused, instinctively stopping in her tracks, her gaze falling on a corner not far away.

The dull sound of thunder echoed in the distant clouds, and the rain, like a pouring curtain of water, obscured her vision.

Vaguely, a figure slowly emerged from the rain.

It was a young man,

He carried a knife on his back,

In his arms, he held the body of a man,

He stopped, using all his strength, and roared out loud!

As if declaring to the whole world!

“——I, Lin Qiye, am here to welcome General Zhao Kongcheng’s triumphant return!!!”

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