Chapter 148 – Feed me



"Ula ula ula…"


"Ah ah ah ah!!"


Bizarre sounds echoed across the training field as everyone, once they strapped on their wristwatches, seemed to transform into acrobats, performing all sorts of stunts in the open space.


Front flips, backflips, one-handed handstands, hanging by the knees, Thomas flairs, straddle jumps…


What was a regular training camp had turned into a full-blown circus.


Lin Qiye's mouth twitched slightly, and after a moment's hesitation, he slowly put on his own wristwatch.


The moment the wristwatch closed, a strong current surged through Lin Qiye's body. Caught off guard, his muscles involuntarily tensed up…


And so, Lin Qiye suddenly executed a front flip!


Just as he was about to flip again, Lin Qiye channeled his psychic power into the watch, barely counteracting the current and managed to stop the flow, steadying himself on the spot.


But as the instructor had said, the intensity of the current was constantly changing. Lin Qiye had to divide his attention to monitor its fluctuations while injecting corresponding psychic power.


"This is harder than I thought…" Lin Qiye sighed.


The instructor, looking down at the chaotic scene below, had his mouth twitching wildly, seemingly struggling to hold back laughter, then nodded and calmly commented:


"Hmm… there seem to be more people flipping this year than in previous years."


Out of the more than two hundred new recruits at the training camp, few, like Lin Qiye and Cao Yuan, stopped after a single flip. At most, there were about twenty. Half of the remaining recruits had to do over a dozen flips before they got the hang of it and stopped to catch their breath.


The other half were still flipping…


It must be said, the sight of nearly a hundred new soldiers in uniform performing synchronized backflips on the training ground was indeed quite spectacular…


The instructor seemed unable to hold back any longer and waved his hand, "Dismissed! Go have lunch!"


In fact, the new recruits were already dispersed in all directions, thanks to the acrobatic detonator's effect, and the formation had long since disintegrated. By now, the one flipping the most had already reached the cafeteria door.


Those who had calmed down were biting their teeth, focusing on injecting psychic power, and slowly moving towards the cafeteria…


Their cautious demeanor was as if they were collectively suffering from hemorrhoids.


However, some, in their eagerness to eat, simply let go and flipped their way to the cafeteria at breakneck speed.


Soon after, Lin Qiye and Cao Yuan stood in front of the dining table.


"Why aren't you eating?" Lin Qiye asked, puzzled, as he picked up a piece of meat and looked at the pale-faced Baili Pangpang beside him, "Not hungry?"


"Hungry." Baili Pangpang stared at the food on the table and swallowed, "But I'm afraid I can't control myself…"


As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't resist the temptation of food any longer and quickly reached out to grab a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth…




Baili Pangpang did a sudden backflip, and the meat in his hand dropped to the floor with a slap.


Baili Pangpang: (?﹏?)


Fortunately, there were no chairs next to the recruits' dining tables; everyone was standing while eating. Otherwise, such flipping would have flipped the entire table over.


Hiss… Could it be that the cafeteria was designed this way for this very situation?!


"Is it that hard? I think it's okay," Cao Yuan casually picked up a piece of meat, chewed it in his mouth, and smacked his lips from time to time, "Mmm, the meat today is really delicious."


Baili Pangpang stood there looking pitifully at Lin Qiye, his eyes seemingly brimming with tears…


"Feed me…" he said with a mournful face.


Lin Qiye sighed helplessly, bent down to pick up the piece of meat from the floor, and stuffed it into Baili Pangpang's mouth.


Lin Qiye became the tender mother and strict father to Baili Pangpang, hand-feeding him. Once Baili Pangpang was happily eating, he would occasionally do a couple of backflips to amuse Lin Qiye.


Lin Qiye: (???_??)


Without comparison, there is no harm. As it turned out, it wasn't just their table that was doing this…


Shen Qingzhu stood next to the dining table, one hand on his forehead, helplessly watching his three followers, Deng Wei, Li Jia, and Li Liang, who couldn't stop flipping, and he sighed deeply…


"Brother Shen, I'm hungry~"


"Brother Shen, Brother Shen… I wanna eat!"


"Uh, cough cough, Brother Shen… Could you please feed us…"


Shen Qingzhu took a deep breath, grabbed the bowl and chopsticks from the table, and as he approached the three, he spoke fiercely:


"Damn it, behave yourselves… one at a time!!"




Thump thump thump—!


"Come in."


The door to the Chief Instructor's office opened slowly, and Yuan Gang looked up to see the young man entering the room, his eyebrows rising slightly.


"It's you?"


Lin Qiye walked up to the desk and saluted.


"Reporting! I have a matter I'd like to discuss with you."


Yuan Gang nodded slightly and put away the documents on his desk, "Sit down and talk."


Lin Qiye sat down across from Yuan Gang and, after a moment's hesitation, took out a silver nameplate from his pocket and placed it on the table.


Yuan Gang's eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of the nameplate.


"A Forbidden Artifact?"


"That's right." Lin Qiye nodded, "I obtained this as spoils of war during a confrontation with a group of Devotees over the holidays. It seems to possess a Forbidden Ruin known as Blood Boil."


"Sequence 209's Blood Boil…" Yuan Gang nodded, looking at Lin Qiye as if he understood his intention, "You want to hand it over?"


"What would I get if I did?" Lin Qiye asked cautiously.


"The Night Watchman's reserve of Forbidden Artifacts is not abundant. Although Blood Boil isn't considered highly dangerous, it can be quite effective in certain situations. Handing it over should get you some merits or cash, depending on what you want."


"Cash? How much?"


"By market price, about two million or so."


Lin Qiye gasped!


He had taken this item from the body of Scorpion One. To be honest, Lin Qiye didn't like this Forbidden Artifact much, and it wasn't very useful in actual combat, so he had always thought about disposing of it.


But when it came to dealing with Forbidden Artifacts, Lin Qiye neither knew how to assess their value nor where to sell them. Even if he found something like a black market for Forbidden Artifacts, he didn't have the time to look for a suitable buyer…


After much thought, he still felt that handing it over to the Night Watchman was the most reliable option: safe and with immediate profit.


Lin Qiye pondered for a moment and then slowly spoke:


"I choose to hand over this Forbidden Artifact. As for the terms of exchange… two million in cash will suffice.


But I also want to know some information."


"What information?"


"About Chen Muye and Wu Xiangnan." Lin Qiye said calmly, "I want to know… what exactly has happened to them?"

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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