Chapter 147 – Acrobatics Detonator

Upon hearing the question, Instructor Gu was taken aback.


"For fish that live in the deep sea…"


"For two-dimensional beings…"


"So, what makes us so sure that the world we live in now is the real one? What is true reality, and what is a 'world' truly?


What lies beyond this realm? Under the observation of higher-dimensional beings, what are we?"


Lin Qiye imitated Merlin's tone, throwing out a series of questions. When he finished the last word, the entire classroom fell into dead silence…


Lin Qiye gazed into Instructor Gu's eyes and spoke deliberately:


"Have you ever considered… that we might be creations of a higher-dimensional existence?"


Instructor Gu stood frozen in place.


After a long pause, he spoke uncertainly, "That shouldn't be the case…"


"Why?" A glint of joy appeared in Lin Qiye's eyes. "Do you have any evidence to refute my theory? To prove the reality of this world?"


Instructor Gu was left speechless.


Lin Qiye never forgot the madman in his mental hospital who constantly rambled that the world was fake. Merlin had been released for some time now, but no matter how Lin Qiye tried, he couldn't advance his treatment.


To this day, Merlin's treatment progress still remained at 0%.


Although he seemed normal when not obsessing over the reality of the world, the moment he was left alone, he would unconsciously start pondering its reality, and in the midst of his studies… he would transform into a pink starfish, running around with a fishing net, with Li Yifei unable to catch him.


Compared to him, Nyx, who quietly sat in the yard sunbathing and occasionally mentioned a few children, was like an exemplary student among exemplary students.


Setting aside the trouble, it was frustrating for Lin Qiye to have such a legendary magician in his care, yet unable to extract his power, only to watch helplessly… This made Lin Qiye extremely anxious.


Relying on his own power, he definitely couldn't provide any useful treatment. He could only place his hopes on the outside world. Since Instructor Gu was so knowledgeable, he should be able to refute Merlin's theory, right?


Just taking this first step would simplify the rest.


Instructor Gu lowered his head, his brows furrowed as if he was seriously contemplating Lin Qiye's questions. His expression shifted from calm to doubtful, to shocked, to confused…


After pondering for about five minutes, Instructor Gu looked up and took a deep breath.


"Lin Qiye, your question is excellent, but I can't give you an answer right now. Let me do some research and I'll get back to you."


He emphasized again, "Seeking truth and engaging in dialectics is what every scholar should do. I'm no exception. Rest assured, I won't avoid this question. Give me some time, and I will provide you with an answer!"


Determination filled Instructor Gu's gaze!


Lin Qiye nodded and returned to his seat.


The rest of the theory class proceeded as usual, but some of the more sensitive students could sense that Instructor Gu seemed a bit distracted today…


As soon as the class ended, Instructor Gu packed up his things and hurried out of the classroom, deep in thought as he walked.


"Hey, Old Gu, is class over?" Instructor Hong approached in the corridor, smiling and reaching out to greet him.


"Ah? Yes, fine."


Instructor Gu didn't even glance at Instructor Hong, giving a perfunctory reply before rushing past.


Instructor Hong stood there, somewhat puzzled, scratching his head as he watched Instructor Gu's retreating figure…


"What's with Old Gu?" Instructor Han happened to come by and asked in surprise upon seeing this.


Instructor Hong shook his head, "Don't know, seems like he's bewitched… Oh well, never mind him."




Training field.


Forbidden Ruin usage training.


"In our use of the Forbidden Ruin, the most important criteria can be divided into three categories!


The first is the power and lethality of the Forbidden Ruin, which mainly depends on the Ruin itself and is a fixed factor beyond human influence.


The second is the compatibility between the user and the Forbidden Ruin during its use. Do you truly understand your Forbidden Ruin? Do you know how to use it to unleash its greatest power? This can only be achieved through long-term adjustment with your Ruin; no one else can help you.


The third is the duration and coverage of the Forbidden Ruin. To put it simply, these are actually one thing… precise control of Psychic Power! This is the goal of our training!"


On the stage, an instructor opened two large cardboard boxes behind him and took out a silver wristwatch.


"This device is called ACE, and sometimes, we affectionately call it the 'Acrobatics Detonator.' Once you wear it on your wrist, it will continuously emit a psychic current for twenty-four hours. This current won't be fatal or harmful, but it will stimulate your muscles, causing you to make some unbelievable movements…


Your task is to continuously use your own Psychic Power for 24 hours to counter this psychic current, maintaining a balance between your Psychic Power and the current. If your Psychic Power output is insufficient, the current will flow through your body, but if the Psychic Power output is too strong, the ACE will react, allowing a larger current to flow through you.


Moreover, the size of the current it outputs changes unpredictably, meaning you must constantly adjust the total amount of Psychic Power you output to match the current's changes, not too much or too little, even while sleeping or eating. Otherwise…"


The instructor's lips curled into a smile, "In short, you must train your Psychic Power control to become an instinct. From now on, ACE will accompany you… until the end of the collective training.


Don't try to take it off, or it will trigger severe consequences.


Next, come up and get your wristwatches by squad!"


Under the curious gaze of the new recruits, each person went up to the stage to receive one of these silver wristwatches and then started to fiddle with them.


"This watch is so ugly, nowhere near a Rolex," Baili Pangpang said disdainfully as he examined the wristwatch in his hand, sighing.


Lin Qiye: …


At that moment, Cao Yuan had already silently put the wristwatch on his wrist.




The moment the wristwatch closed, Cao Yuan's body visibly shuddered, and then… he performed a perfect backflip!


Lin Qiye and Baili Pangpang's mouths hung open in disbelief as they watched Cao Yuan!


Cao Yuan steadied himself, looked down at the wristwatch on his wrist, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "Don't look at me… your turn, you'll do the same."


"Heh, you wish," Baili Pangpang snickered, slowly putting on the wristwatch while saying, "With my size, forget backflips, I'd struggle just to roll on the ground. How could I possibly…"




Before Baili Pangpang could finish his sentence, his hefty body suddenly sprang from the ground, performing a 720-degree free spin in mid-air, then landing steadily and executing a Thomas flair. With incredible agility, he began to do backflips across the field…


One, two, three, four…


Under the watchful eyes of all, Baili Pangpang's figure grew smaller as he flipped away.


"Ah ah ah ah!!! Help me!! Qiye, save me!!"


Lin Qiye watched silently as Baili Pangpang flipped away, moving swiftly towards the cafeteria, and fell into contemplation…

Proofreader & Editor: Lotas

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