Chapter 142 – Rebirth

Proofreader&Editor: Lotas



Lin Qiye's straight blade was firmly blocked by the long halberd, as Han Shaoyun was surrounded by a raging wind. Wind blades on both sides closed in on Lin Qiye like scissors!


In the instant the wind stirred, Lin Qiye seemed to predict the trajectory of the wind blades, twisting his body mid-air and narrowly avoiding them.




The flame-wrapped long spear struck again. Hong Ying's brows arched as she let out a fierce shout, the crimson spear tip twirling in the air, creating blossoms of spear flowers.


In the next moment, Chen Muye's figure eerily appeared behind Han Shaoyun, like a relentless reaper, his twin blades silently slashing towards his neck…


Facing enemies on three sides, even Han Shaoyun began to struggle, especially with the troublesome Chen Muye among them. A single slash from him would peel off three layers of skin, if not kill!




From a distance, Leng Xuan seized the opportunity, his sniper rifle firing again. A bullet, with precise aim, avoided Lin Qiye and the others, striking Han Shaoyun's leg and splattering blood.


With his lower body injured, Han Shaoyun's movements noticeably slowed. Chen Muye took the chance, his figure briefly turning ethereal to dodge the halberd, then delivering two heavy slashes onto his body!




Han Shaoyun violently coughed up blood, his body visibly shriveling as the searing pain from three wounds burned his soul, blurring his consciousness.


Staggering to steady himself, he let out a low roar, and a whirlwind spun out, briefly repelling Lin Qiye and the others.


At that moment, Wu Xiangnan ran through the streets like a gust of wind, braving the fierce gales to embrace the unsteady Han Shaoyun!


Lin Qiye was stunned.


Han Shaoyun was even more bewildered. After a moment of daze, he forcefully tugged at Wu Xiangnan, trying to pull him away.


"Run!" Chen Muye shouted upon seeing this.


Lin Qiye and Hong Ying were initially clueless until Wu Xiangnan's cloak was lifted, revealing neatly packed explosives underneath, causing their pupils to shrink in shock!


Fortunately, Chen Muye quickly reached them, grabbing each with one hand and sprinting away.


Wu Xiangnan clung tightly to Han Shaoyun. Seeing the trio escape, a smile crept onto his face, then without a second thought, he pulled the thread on his chest!




A thunderous explosion followed, and a massive mushroom cloud rose. Flames engulfed the street as Lin Qiye and Hong Ying watched in a daze, frozen in place.


"Captain… what is this…"


Chen Muye patted their shoulders, "Don't worry, Xiangnan's Forbidden Ruin is 'Rebirth'. In the River Boundary, he has twelve chances to resurrect. He won't die."




Lin Qiye was truly shocked. Was there such an outrageous Forbidden Ruin in this world?


No wonder Wu Xiangnan had said his Forbidden Ruin was special, requiring perfect timing to act…


"Has he always fought using self-destruction?" Hong Ying couldn't help but ask.


"No," Chen Muye shook his head slightly, his gaze fixed on the devastated road, "A long time ago, before he was injured, he wasn't like this… Back then, he was very strong."


As the dust settled, only half of Wu Xiangnan's body was left, coughing as he emerged like a battered zombie from a movie, a chilling sight. Yet, astonishingly, his flesh was rapidly regenerating, healing before their eyes.


In just five seconds, he was back to his original state, without a scratch.


Wu Xiangnan lowered his head, looking at his hands. The deep red scars remained, a bitter expression in his eyes…




The wind swept through, clearing all the dust around.


Wu Xiangnan turned back, sighing helplessly, "The last chance for rebirth is used up, and still, I couldn't kill him…"


From the crater created by the explosion, a figure holding a long halberd slowly stood up. Though covered in wounds and looking utterly disheveled, he was still alive.


Han Shaoyun coughed as he stood, his gaze turning to the unscathed Wu Xiangnan, a look of shock in his eyes.


"You are the 'Blue Rain' squad's immortal…"




A bullet tore through the air, whistling towards Han Shaoyun who could no longer move as freely as before. Despite his best efforts to dodge, the bullet struck his shoulder!


The sniper rifle, one of the few firearms capable of injuring high-level Boundary users.


"So close…" Han Shaoyun's feet conjured a whirlwind, lifting him gently into the air. He looked into Chen Muye's eyes and calmly spoke:


"Just a bit more, and you could have killed me… It's a pity. Next, I will show you the true 'Great Wind Disaster'."


He rose into the sky, flinging his halberd into the ground. The surrounding blizzard suddenly quieted, and snowflakes fell from the sky as if heralding another heavy snowfall.


His hands came together in front of his chest, slowly uniting, and a deep blue appeared between his palms, gently spinning and growing larger.


It was the eye of the storm.


On the ground, Chen Muye's eyes narrowed slightly.


Lin Qiye's psychic power swept over the eye of the storm, instantly sensing the terrifying power within, his expression growing serious.


"Once this storm eye forms, the ensuing gale will easily tear through your No-Restrictions Zone, then sweep across Cangnan City. Its power is enough to flatten half the city…"


Han Shaoyun watched Chen Muye below, seemingly wanting to say more, but unable to speak. He frowned, speaking with resignation:


"To solve the problem at its root… you don't have much time left."


Lin Qiye, hearing the last sentence, paused, wondering if he was overthinking, but he felt… Han Shaoyun seemed to be hinting at something?




A sniper bullet streaked across the sky, aiming for Han Shaoyun, but as it neared the storm eye, it slowed down, as if an invisible barrier of wind had formed around it, trapping it firmly!


Hong Ying's eyebrows raised as she fired her spear with a rosy flame, streaking across the sky like a meteor. But as it neared the storm eye, it slowed down just like the bullet, eventually being completely deflected!


At this moment, Han Shaoyun seemed to be surrounded by an invincible domain of wind, impervious to any intrusion.


"To solve the problem at its root…" Chen Muye murmured, his brows furrowed in confusion.


As everyone felt helpless, the storm eye in the sky grew larger, and the hurricane began to spread out from the center where Han Shaoyun floated…




Shen Qingzhu, approaching the No-Restrictions Zone with Baili Pangpang and others, seemed to sense something, letting out a light exclamation and turning his head towards the gathering storm eye.


He hesitated for a moment, then slowly extended his right hand towards the distant sky…


And snapped his fingers.

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