Chapter 139 – Han Shaoyun braves the wind and snow

Proofreader&Editor: Lotas

"The Night Watchman squad stationed in Cangnan City, huh…" Han Shaoyun's gaze swept over the crowd, shaking his head, "A Night Watchman squad from a third-tier city can't do much to me."


In the one-city-one-squad system of the Night Watchmen, the larger and more important the city, the stronger the average strength of the dispatched Night Watchman squad. For instance, the 006 squad stationed in the capital, Shangjing City, is comprised of a group of super-powerful individuals all at the "Sea" level, with combat strength even surpassing some special squads, making them a true ace team!


But as a run-of-the-mill third-tier city, Cangnan City's resident Night Watchman team inevitably has limited strength. After all, cities of this level are a dime a dozen nationwide. In fact, Cangnan City is one of the better ones; in some more remote cities, a Night Watchman squad might not even have a single "River" level member.


In such a city, as long as no special squad comes to the rescue, generally speaking, a "Sea" level could walk sideways with impunity.


However, looking at the whole country, there are only so many "Sea" level powerhouses. Who would bother to dominate a third-tier city? Even if someone did, within two days, a special squad would surely show up to teach them a lesson.


Upon seeing the members of squad 136, Lin Qiye first felt a surge of joy, then sank into worry…


If it were just him, he could rely on Nyx's Night Flicker to escape, but now with so many people here, how could they run?


Should he abandon them and leave on his own?




After spending so much time together, the members of squad 136 had become more than just comrades-in-arms to Lin Qiye. Perhaps, as Leng Xuan had said, this had become his second home.


He would not leave his family behind.


Lin Qiye took a deep breath, silently gripping the handle of his knife, a look of determination in his eyes.


On the road below, Hong Ying lifted her dark red hood, her bright eyes smiling as she looked up at Lin Qiye. She extended her hand and waved cheerfully at him,


"Little brother Qiye~ We've come to rescue you!"


Seeing Hong Ying still able to laugh so carefree in such a situation, the corners of Lin Qiye's mouth lifted slightly, "Fool…"


His figure suddenly leaned back, falling off the edge of the rooftop, and just as he was about to hit the ground, he lightly tapped his toes, his form ghostly flitting to the side, and in an instant, he was standing beside the others.


Han Shaoyun, with his long halberd in hand, silently watched this scene without making a move.


Lin Qiye stood next to Chen Muye, holding twin blades, glanced at the imposing Han Shaoyun, and calmly spoke:


"Captain, he's at the 'Sea' level…"


Chen Muye nodded, "I know."


"Can we beat him?"


"Let's try."




Hearing Chen Muye's words, Han Shaoyun on the rooftop shook his head again and calmly said:


"With just two of you at the 'River' level, four at the 'Pond' level, and one ordinary person… you can't win against me. There's no need for pointless sacrifice."


"I recognize you." Chen Muye suddenly spoke, "You're Han Shaoyun, the former captain of the Gusu City Night Watchman squad."


Han Shaoyun fell silent for a moment, "So what if I am?"


"You were once a captain, now why willingly become a lackey for the Ancient God Church?" Chen Muye's eyes narrowed.


"You don't understand." Han Shaoyun slowly closed his eyes, no longer looking directly at Chen Muye, his voice low and hoarse,


"When one day, you watch your own teammates die one by one before your eyes… perhaps, you will understand my choice."


Chen Muye frowned, about to say something, but Han Shaoyun spoke again:


"I'll remind you once more, my only target is that young man. If you leave now, I won't make it difficult for you. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices."


Chen Muye didn't speak.


He didn't need to.


Because everyone would know his choice.


Leng Xuan's hand lightly touched behind his waist, a flash of silver, and a massive grenade launcher was hoisted onto his shoulder. In an instant, he aimed at Han Shaoyun on the rooftop and pulled the trigger!




A grenade shot out from Leng Xuan's shoulder, trailing a white tail of flame, and in an instant reached in front of Han Shaoyun. Han Shaoyun's brows furrowed, his long halberd whistling out!




A blinding flash of fire exploded in front of Han Shaoyun, and as the fierce blast of the explosion was about to engulf him, a gust of wind burst from his center, swirling up the snow on the rooftop, forcefully deflecting all the blasts!


Almost simultaneously, a red-tasseled long spear sprang from the black case behind Hong Ying. She grabbed the spear with a backhand grip, a rose-colored flame erupting from her body, her legs forcefully pushing off the ground, leaving a trail of rose-red afterimage as she flew towards Han Shaoyun.


In the smoke and dust of the grenade explosion, amidst the wind and snow, a flash of crimson spear light flickered!


Han Shaoyun swiftly sidestepped the spear tip, the snowflakes swept up by the whirlwind around him dancing with the tip of his halberd, suddenly sweeping across, slashing towards Hong Ying's waist!


Just as the halberd was about to strike, the image of Hong Ying in Han Shaoyun's eyes transformed into a woman around thirty years old in green clothes, with flowing hair, smiling eyes, and a tender, water-like affection…


Han Shaoyun's pupils suddenly contracted, and his halberd came to a halt mid-air.


"Qingqing…" His eyes became misty, followed by a moment of clarity as he regained his senses, "No… a psychic illusion from the Forbidden Ruin?"


On the road below, Wen Qimo's fingers intertwined in a strange pattern, his gaze fixed on Han Shaoyun atop the rooftop, his eyes flickering with an unusual light.


Han Shaoyun forcefully suppressed the illusion with his overwhelming psychic power, the image of the woman in green disappearing, once again replaced by the figure of Hong Ying.


Wen Qimo grunted, a trace of cold sweat appearing on his forehead.


It was this momentary delay that allowed Hong Ying to reverse her spear, the tip blazing like fire, aiming straight for Han Shaoyun's brow!


Han Shaoyun's pupils shrank, he snorted coldly, his right foot stomping heavily on the ground, a rampaging ring of wind and snow burst forth from him, effortlessly flinging Hong Ying and her spear away, while the old building beneath his feet collapsed with a thunderous crash under his foot!


Han Shaoyun's figure landed steadily in the snow, his long halberd touching the ground, the wind clearing the rising dust, as he stepped out…


He stood on the other side of the road, his eyes slightly narrowed, looking at Wen Qimo, who was a bit pale.


"Forbidden Ruin Sequence 180, 【Heart Demon Binding Technique】…"


Wen Qimo stood up straight, chuckling lightly, "It's not a very powerful Forbidden Ruin, but it seems unexpectedly effective against someone like you, haunted by inner demons…"


"Is that so?"


Han Shaoyun said calmly, his halberd slightly lifting, and within the vast snowy field, whirlwinds suddenly appeared, lifting the snow off the ground, swirling into the sky, darkening the heavens!


Within ten miles, the wind and snow raged!


"Forbidden Ruin Sequence 079, 【Great Wind Disaster】."

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