Chapter 133 – Forbidden Artifact Master

Proofreader&Editor: Lotas

Dawn was breaking.


The fireworks and firecrackers that had resounded throughout the night seemed to show no sign of stopping, their booming symphony echoing in the early morning sky.




Lin Qiye pushed open the door and stepped out of the office, leaving behind the "business consultation" hall in complete disarray, with scattered bottles of liquor everywhere.


On the two sofas meant for guests, Wen Qimo and Wu Xiangnan lay sprawled like dead dogs, while Hong Ying, clutching the last bottle of alcohol, was draped over the dining table, muttering dreamily and giggling foolishly.


Si Xiaonan had returned to the underground bedroom to sleep off the night, and only Chen Muye, as if nothing had happened, was washing dishes in the kitchen.


As for Leng Xuan… he had vanished before Lin Qiye awoke.


Lin Qiye rubbed his temples. As a high school student who had just come of age, his tolerance for alcohol seemed quite good. Despite drinking so much with these lunatics last night, he woke up fairly clear-headed today.


He stepped outside the office and looked down the peaceful Heping Bridge street, taking deep breaths of the fresh air.


It was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the air seemed to be filled with a festive scent. The continuous sound of firecrackers in the distance, and the sight of streets plastered with Spring Festival couplets and the character "Fu" for fortune, brought a strong sense of the New Year.


Lin Qiye reached behind the door for a broom and began to sweep the snow.


As he swept, his brow furrowed slightly.


The training camp's holiday wasn't long, and if nothing unexpected happened, tomorrow, the second day of the New Year, would be the last day of the break. Yet so far, those enemies lurking in the shadows seemed to have made no significant moves.


Although he had encountered several attacks, most could be resolved with his own strength. But to say that none of the attackers were high-level enemies, Lin Qiye definitely didn't believe that.


Moreover, the mysterious Medusa agent, also known as the Serpent Woman from the Ancient God Church, had yet to appear.


Had the instructors already secretly eliminated them, or had they all run off to Baili Pangpang? Or perhaps… they were still waiting for the right moment?


He believed that the instructors must have taken action over these days, but as to how the situation had developed, he was still in the dark.


Cangnan City had undoubtedly become a storm center, and Lin Qiye, the eye of this storm, was ironically living the most peaceful life.


Just as Lin Qiye finished sweeping the last patch of snow and was about to turn back into the house, a buzzing explosion came from afar.


Mixed with the many sounds of firecrackers, the noise didn't seem so jarring. If Lin Qiye hadn't seen the thick smoke rising in the distance with his own eyes, he might have thought it was just his imagination.


Lin Qiye squinted towards the direction of the rising smoke.


"That is…"










Several fireballs erupted inside the hotel, blasting the old building, which had a sense of history, into a state of ruin. Amidst the billowing smoke, three figures leapt from the second-floor window.


Two of them landed steadily on the ground, while a chubby figure thudded onto his bottom, then hobbled out, rubbing his backside.


"You two… don't need to run so fast, wait for me!" Baili Pangpang's face still flushed from the alcohol, he shouted loudly.


Shen Qingzhu frowned, reached into the void with a grasp, instantly vacuuming the air from part of the second floor of the hotel, snuffing out the flames in an instant.


Then, with a flick of his fingertips, a compressed air bullet deflected the glass shards and other debris in mid-air, ensuring Baili Pangpang's safety.


Cao Yuan gritted his teeth, hoisted Baili Pangpang onto his shoulder, and ran towards the other end of the alley with difficulty.


"If you had drunk less last night, you wouldn't be so hungover now that the enemy has attacked!" Cao Yuan said coldly.


Baili Pangpang belched, chuckling, "My dear ministers, do not panic. I've always said that my bodyguard team has been protecting me in the shadows. Nothing will go wrong… nothing, burp!"


No sooner had Baili Pangpang finished speaking than four figures burst out of the hotel, swiftly crossing the sky and landing firmly in front of Cao Yuan and the others.


Cao Yuan's steps halted abruptly, standing still with Baili Pangpang on his back, his other hand reaching for the black box, his eyes filled with solemnity.


Shen Qingzhu, silent, stepped in front of Baili Pangpang, summoning a whirlwind at his fingertips, his eyes as cold as icebergs.


The atmosphere instantly froze.


In this tense atmosphere, Baili Pangpang let out another burp, his mouth curling into a smile as he waved at the four people in front of him from Cao Yuan's back.




"The Four Forbidden Artifact Masters of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, at your service, young master!"


The four menacing figures suddenly knelt on the ground, paying their respects to Baili Pangpang with reverence.


Cao Yuan: …


Shen Qingzhu: …


"Please rise, my dear ministers," Baili Pangpang said as he got off Cao Yuan's back, patting the shoulders of the two men, "Let me introduce you to the four great Forbidden Artifact Masters of the Baili family, my personal bodyguard team."


"Forbidden Artifact Masters?" Shen Qingzhu's eyes revealed confusion.


"Some high-risk Forbidden Artifacts are not for everyone to use. They must find the right master to maximize their effectiveness, and these people are known as Forbidden Artifact Masters."


Baili Pangpang explained while rubbing his backside,


"By the way, the term 'Forbidden Artifact Master' is generally only used by our Baili family, because in this world, only our family possesses so many high-risk Forbidden Artifacts…


Each of these four Forbidden Artifact Masters has the peak combat power of the 'River' Boundary, and together, they can even battle the 'Sea' Boundary!


That's why I said we are very safe…"


As Baili Pangpang finished speaking, the leading Fire Master stepped forward, holding three severed heads in his hand, clearly the three 'River' Boundary powerhouses who had just attacked the hotel.


"Young master, all the enemies have been eliminated. Please rest assured. Also, as per your instructions, we booked the entire hotel in advance, so no one else was harmed."


"Good job," Baili Pangpang nodded slightly, assuming the air of a wealthy young master.


At that moment, the Wind Master seemed to sense something, his brow furrowing as he stepped forward,


"Young master, there are still enemies approaching nearby. Please wait here, and we will return shortly!"


"Go ahead," Baili Pangpang waved his hand.




The four Forbidden Artifact Masters vanished from the spot, leaving only the three of them in the empty alley.


After a while, Cao Yuan spoke up in a deep voice, "Is this what they call real financial power…"


Shen Qingzhu finally snapped out of it, looking at Baili Pangpang with a tone that questioned the world,


"So… what do you need me for?"


Baili Pangpang pondered for a moment,


"To make up the numbers for a three-player game of 'Fight the Landlord'?"

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