Chapter 132 – Happy New Year

Proofreader&Editor: Howard Wong

The snow fell smaller and smaller.


The sky grew darker and darker.


Beside a low building, atop a rooftop, Lin Qiye sat quietly, with two black cases beside him, resembling a stone sculpture that hadn't moved for a long time.


The city stretched out like the sea's surface to the horizon, becoming farther and darker. At the junction of earth and sky, a sliver of sunset shone obliquely, gilding the uneven skyline.


The twilight's glow shone directly onto Lin Qiye, casting his silhouette long and stretched…


His deep eyes held a faint sunlight, watching a busy household in the distance, a slight smile on his lips. A breeze brushed through the youth's black hair, as if the air was filled with the fragrance of a meal.


After an unknown amount of time, a man approached slowly and stood beside him, gazing at the same household. After a long while, he spoke softly:


"Any regrets?"


Under the setting sun, Lin Qiye shook his head slightly, "No regrets."


"In a short time, you won't be able to return. The more frequently you come back, the more people will notice this place," Leng Xuan sat down next to him and said.


"I know."


"Actually, even if you didn't come today, they wouldn't have been in any trouble."


Lin Qiye turned his head, looking at Leng Xuan with confusion.


"Do you think the captain's promise to protect your family was just talk?" Leng Xuan's lips curved slightly, he extended his hand, pointing towards the low building,


"That day, when the captain and his deputy came to deliver materials to your home, they placed a Forbidden Artifact named 'Unfinished' at your doorstep. This artifact, like a translucent paper strip engraved with patterns, can open a small Forbidden Ruin.


If anyone with ill intentions tries to break through 'Unfinished's protective range, it will activate, transporting all marked living beings inside the house to another marked point, which is the underground of the Peace Office, ensuring their safety."


Lin Qiye was taken aback; he had never heard Chen Muye mention the existence of 'Unfinished', nor did he know that his aunt and Yang Jin were already under the protection of a Forbidden Artifact.


"'Unfinished'…" Lin Qiye murmured to himself.


"Like the 'No-Restrictions Zone', it's one of the few man-made Forbidden Ruins created by the Night Watchman, but it's not cheap. Even within the Night Watchman, not many can afford to use it." Leng Xuan seemed to recall something, his voice gradually softened,


"However, our Team 136, basically every member's family is protected by this thing."


Lin Qiye asked blankly, "Why?"


Leng Xuan gave him a meaningful look, "What do you think… why is the captain so poor?"


Lin Qiye's body jolted slightly, quickly thinking of something, staring into the distance.


Leng Xuan patted his shoulder, hoisted his gun case, and turned towards the stairs, his voice carried by the breeze to Lin Qiye's ears.


"Let's go, you won't be able to join the family's New Year's Eve dinner, but the other family… will always welcome you."


Lin Qiye took a deep look in the direction of home, where his aunt was placing plates of fresh, hot dishes on a modest wooden table, with Yang Jin sitting beside her, smiling.


After a moment, he smiled helplessly, stood up, and walked towards the stairwell.


Just then, a small, black, mangy dog appeared in front of him, scurrying over and rubbing its head against Lin Qiye's ankle.


"Little Black Pox?" Lin Qiye bent down in surprise, gently rubbing its head.


Little Black Pox licked Lin Qiye's hand and let out a satisfied burp.


"What did you eat? You even burped…" Lin Qiye laughed.


He picked up Little Black Pox and carried it down to the base of the low building, setting it on the stairs, and whispered softly:


"I'm leaving now, you should head home too, tonight, you're in for a treat…"


He rubbed Little Black Pox's belly, stood up, picked up the two black cases, and took one last look at the tightly closed door before turning towards the dim sky.


He stepped on the pure white snow, leaving a straight trail of footprints that stretched into the distance…








As Lin Qiye opened the door to the office, a rich aroma of food hit him, the sizzling sound of oil and ingredients fully mingling, rhythmically popping with the shaking of the pan.


There's no sound more comforting in the world than this.


Hong Ying sat next to the dining table, her eyes fixed on the stewed old goose, swallowing hard, her restless hands stealthily reaching for a goose leg…




Wu Xiangnan's chopsticks swiftly caught Hong Ying's hand, "Wait for everyone before eating."


"I… I'll just have a bite, just one!" Hong Ying carefully extended one finger.




Hong Ying lowered her head in disappointment, placed her chopsticks on the table, and lay flat like a salted fish drained of dreams.


Suddenly, she caught sight of Lin Qiye entering the room, her eyes lighting up again.


"Qi Ye, are you alright?"


"I'm fine." Lin Qiye shook his head, "Did they catch the archer?"


Hong Ying pursed her lips, shook her head with a sorrowful expression, "No, that guy was too fast. I didn't dare to use a Forbidden Ruin to chase him in broad daylight in the city, he got away…"


Lin Qiye nodded thoughtfully, "It's okay, he probably didn't mean any harm, it's just his identity…"


The identity of that mysterious person was something Lin Qiye was very concerned about. Not many people knew the location of his home, and moreover, that it was ambushed by the Mad Scorpion Squad. If not a Night Watchman, then who else had such power?


"Is the captain still cooking?" Wen Qimo came up from the basement, rubbing his flat stomach, and asked.


"He's been busy for almost two hours now, and that's with Si Xiaonan helping out. I don't know how much food he plans to make, I'm starving to death—"


Hong Ying complained with a mournful face.


A few minutes later, the kitchen finally quieted down. Chen Muye came out holding a large pot of fish soup, followed by Si Xiaonan carrying a load of bowls and chopsticks.


Finally, everyone took their seats.


A long table, eight seats, sixteen delicious dishes.


Chen Muye, Wu Xiangnan, Hong Ying, Wen Qimo, Lin Qiye, Si Xiaonan, Leng Xuan… and one empty chair, which should have been occupied by a man named Zhao Kongcheng.


Chen Muye slowly raised his glass, the orange beer casting a faint halo under the light, his gaze sweeping over everyone.


"A lot has happened this year, old friends have passed, new ones have joined…


But once again, we've successfully protected this city for a whole year.


As the captain of Team 136, as a Night Watchman, I want to thank everyone here on behalf of the countless beings in Cangnan City."


Chen Muye stood up straight, bowed deeply to everyone seated, then raised his head, his eyes serious:


"Hopefully, this time next year, it will still be us here… not one less.




Happy New Year! "


Everyone stood up from their seats, raising their glasses high, clinking them together, creating a crisp sound, the liquid rolling in different glasses like golden waves, connecting with each other.


"Happy New Year!!"








The sound of firecrackers came from afar, and brilliant fireworks rose from every corner of the city, blooming in the black night sky, the colorful flames swaying in the wind, gradually fading away.


"Bro, looks like it's just the three of us for New Year's this year."


Baili Pangpang handed a canned beer to Shen Qingzhu, who was staring blankly at the splendid sky, before coming back to his senses.


"No drinking during work," Shen Qingzhu shook his head.


"Have a little, even Cao Yuan, that half-monk, drank. You're just a worker, why be so pretentious?" Baili Pangpang grinned, pointing to the ceiling, "Besides, my bodyguard team has arrived, even if you pass out drunk, no one in Cangnan City can harm me."




"This is the boss's order!"




Shen Qingzhu pulled the tab on the can, releasing a fizzing sound. Cao Yuan also took a beer and joined them…


In the cramped, damp lovers' hotel, three young men sat by the window, watching the sky full of fireworks, clinking their beers together.


"Happy New Year!"




In the dim underground hollow.


An Qingyu, cloaked in a black cape, sat silently on the stone platform, the chessboard in front of him long gone, replaced by a half-drunk bottle of Sprite.


The hazy moonlight filtered through the grating above, illuminating half of the underground space, the distant sound of fireworks echoing in the vastness.


An Qingyu looked up at the moonlight, silent for a long time, then slowly raised his Sprite.


"Happy New Year."


He murmured to himself.

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