Chapter 126 – Note

“Oil-braised prawns!”

“Supreme crab casserole!”

“Captain’s braised pork!”

“Xiangnan roasted suckling pig!”

Hong Ying carried a full load of vegetables and meat in her hands, cheerfully shouting in the street, her eyes shining!

Lin Qiye and Si Xiaonan followed behind, also carrying ingredients, looking at the excited Hong Ying in front, they sighed helplessly.

“Sister Hong Ying, can you not be so ostentatious on the street? People are giving us strange looks…” Si Xiaonan whispered.

Hong Ying waved her hand nonchalantly, “Who cares? We’ve been cooped up in the office for so long, it’s rare to come out and have some fun. Why care about other people’s opinions? Besides, what’s wrong with being happy during the New Year, right, little brother Qi Ye?”

Hong Ying hugged Lin Qiye’s neck, smiling.

Lin Qiye sighed helplessly, “By the way, have there been any mysterious occurrences while I was away?”

“Yes, there was,” Hong Ying thought for a moment, “But it was just a ‘pool’ level lizard. It ran faster and was impossible to kill, but other than that, it wasn’t anything special. It’s much simpler compared to the Nandu Snake Demon with its abnormal intelligence.”

“Impossible to kill?” Lin Qiye asked in surprise, “How did you kill it then?”

“The knife couldn’t kill it, but my gun and fire could,” Hong Ying said proudly, “To be honest, I only fired one shot, and it died.”


“However, things are still a bit strange.”


“After I killed the lizard, when the logistics team went to check, it was only left with half of its body…”

“Only half?” Lin Qiye’s brow furrowed slightly, as if he had thought of something.

“Yes, I think my [Rose Flame Robe] was too strong and burned it to ashes, but the captain and Wu Xiangnan think it’s not that simple, because the head of the Nandu Snake Demon from last time still hasn’t been found…”

“Is someone secretly collecting mysterious corpses?”

“I don’t know.”

After pondering for a moment, Lin Qiye shook his head. He was still just a prospective Night Watchman who hadn’t graduated from the training camp. It seemed useless to worry about these things now. He left everything to the captain and Wu Xiangnan.

The three of them strolled leisurely through the streets and entered a relatively secluded alley. At that moment, a dark shadow flew through the air and shot straight towards Lin Qiye!

As someone with the Mortal Divine Realm, Lin Qiye was the first to react. Before the thing flew in front of him, he gently dodged to the side, and at the same time, a burst of darkness erupted around him!


It was a small metal arrow, and although it was fast, the arrowhead was not sharp. After hitting the asphalt road, the entire arrow was bounced up and fell to the ground with a clang.

Then, darkness completely enveloped it.

The expected explosion did not occur, and the metal arrow lay quietly on the road, like a small joke.

Lin Qiye and Hong Ying turned to look, only to see a figure in a black cloak standing on the opposite high-rise building. The sunlight cast a shadow over his face, perfectly concealing it.

Seeing that the two had noticed him, he immediately put away the crossbow arrow and ran madly to the other side of the building.

“Looking for death?!” Hong Ying snorted coldly, handed the two large bags in her hands to Lin Qiye, and then, with a flicker, she left like a wisp of smoke, chasing after the person.

“You two go back first. I want to see who dares to be so presumptuous in front of me!”

The figure had already disappeared, and Hong Ying’s voice came from the air. Lin Qiye stood on the side of the road, his brow furrowed slightly.

What was this?

An ambush?

With better skills, it would be easy to dodge this level of ambush, right? Especially for him, a double divine agent?

And with this kind of arrow, even if he was really hit, he might not die. Could it be poisoned?

Lin Qiye squatted down and carefully examined the metal arrow in front of him. With a sweep of his psychic power, he could perceive it clearly.

Suddenly, he put down the bags in his hands, took a roll of small paper from the arrow, and spread it out in his palm…

The next moment, his pupils suddenly contracted!

Lin Qiye tightly held the paper in his hand, without saying a word, he turned and put all the bags on Si Xiaonan’s slender arms, almost crushing her to the ground.

“Xiaonan, take these and go back first. I have something to do.”

Lin Qiye hurriedly left a word and ran to the other side of the road at a fast pace!

Si Xiaonan, carrying seven or eight large bags, opened her mouth wide, as if she wanted to say something. But before she could speak, Lin Qiye had disappeared…

In the desolate alley, Si Xiaonan, wrapped in a down jacket, looked at the bags in her hands and then at the empty surroundings. After a while, she pouted in frustration…

At some point, snowflakes began to fall again.

The thick snow from last night had not yet melted, and the pedestrian walkway was covered with footprints and broken soil. Lin Qiye’s figure shuttled through it quickly.

He passed through two street intersections in succession and found a black van parked in the parking lot. He took out two black boxes from the back of the van and then ran out like a gust of wind.

He ran straight to the roadside, looked around, and frowned more and more.

Although Lin Qiye was already an adult, he had not yet obtained a driver’s license, so he definitely couldn’t drive the car from Team 136. Moreover, today was New Year’s Eve, and there wasn’t a single taxi on the road.

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Qiye gritted his teeth and ran towards the direction of the old city with the black boxes in hand.

The piece of paper in his palm had already been soaked with sweat.The simple sentence effortlessly breached Lin Qiye’s psychological defenses.

“Old Town District, No. 3901, someone is going to harm your family.”

The characters on it were skewed, clearly written with a left hand, indicating that the note’s author did not wish to reveal their identity, yet they precisely mentioned that address…

The address he always worried about, yet could not approach.

That was his home.

Who wrote the note? How did they know all this? Was the information true or false? Why did they inform him of this? What role did they play in this attack?

These questions whirled rapidly through Lin Qiye’s mind, but now, he had no time to sit down and ponder them.

In his mind, there was only one thought left.

No matter who it was,

If they dared to lay a finger on Auntie and Jin…

Even if it were the King of Hell himself, they must be slain!

In the snow, the young man carried two black cases, his figure ghostly, his killing intent soaring to the skies!

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