Chapter 122 – The second patient

The Deities’ Mental Hospital.

In the clean and bright courtyard, Nyx was wearing a black veil dress, sitting on a white rocking chair, swaying gently with the breeze, her eyes closed as if she was enjoying herself.

“Grandma, it’s time to take your medicine.” Li Yifei, dressed in a blue nurse uniform, walked over gently with a tray.


Nyx nodded obediently, took the medicine from Li Yifei’s hand, and swallowed them one by one.


“What’s wrong, grandma?”

“You said… when will Danaus give me another grandson? That way, you’ll have another brother, and life will be more lively.”


“Xiaofei, why aren’t you talking?”

“Grandma, your son can’t find a wife.”

“You can’t say that about your own father.” Nyx glared at him, assuming the air of an elder, “Although Danaus has a bit of a cold personality, he’s still quite good-looking.”

“…You’re right.”

As Li Yifei rolled his eyes and dealt with Nyx, Lin Qiye, wearing a white coat, walked over calmly.

“Danaus, you came to see me?”

Nyx saw Lin Qiye and immediately smiled.

“Mother.” Lin Qiye walked up with a smile, “How have you been lately?”

“I’m doing well, I’m doing well!”

Lin Qiye looked at the treatment progress bar above Nyx’s head, which was still at 78%. Since helping her break through 51% six months ago, the treatment progress had been increasing slower and slower, and it hadn’t moved for almost a month now.

Has the treatment effect of the medication reached its limit… Lin Qiye thought.

If he guessed correctly, simply relying on this small mental hospital wouldn’t be enough to further Nyx’s treatment progress. After all, Nyx’s illness was a mental one, and to completely cure it, he would need to find a way outside.

But unfortunately, he had been in training camp for the past six months. After the last lesson, he didn’t dare to let Nyx out for a walk again. If he wanted to continue to push the treatment progress, he would probably have to wait until after he graduated from the training camp.

“Mother, you should rest first. I have some things to take care of.”

Lin Qiye chatted with Nyx for a while, gave Li Yifei a look, and the two walked towards the direction of the ward.

Li Yifei asked in surprise, “Why are we here? The doors here don’t open, do they?”

“That was before.” Lin Qiye pushed up the glasses on his nose, “Now that I’ve broken through the mental boundary, maybe I can open the next door.”

“The next door? What’s behind the door?”

Lin Qiye stopped at the door of the second ward on the floor where the six wards were located, and looked up at the sign on the door that seemed to be a pen and a staff, and slowly said:

“Maybe… this hospital is about to welcome the second patient.”

Li Yifei widened his eyes, “Am I going to have another grandma!?”

“…Not necessarily, who knows what it will be this time.” Lin Qiye shook his head.

“Director… will there be a raise for another patient?”


Li Yifei sighed and silently accepted his fate, taking two steps back to leave the space in front of the door to Lin Qiye.

Lin Qiye stood in front of the door of the second ward, took a deep breath, and slowly placed his hand on the doorknob.

If he guessed correctly, each door here corresponded to one of his boundaries. Now that he had broken through to the “Pool” boundary, his psychic power might be enough to open the restriction on the second door.

Behind the first door was a melancholic Goddess of the Night, so what would be behind this second door?

With a heart full of questions, Lin Qiye pulled down the door handle…


With a crisp sound of machinery, the runes on the door disappeared, and the door slowly opened…

Sure enough!

Lin Qiye’s guess was correct. The six doors here corresponded to the “Lamp,” “Pool,” “River,” “Sea,” “Immeasurable,” and “Klein” boundaries.

He now had the qualifications to release the second patient.

The old door emitted a piercing buzz, and as the door gradually opened, Lin Qiye looked into the dark room, and Li Yifei also craned his neck to see who his second “grandma” would be.

In the dim room, a young man wearing a deep blue robe was sitting quietly, slightly turning his head, his deep and profound eyes fixed on Lin Qiye, like a sculpture that had not moved for thousands of years.

He had an ordinary Western face, but his eyes were like rivets, imprinted in Lin Qiye’s heart.

Lin Qiye still remembered that when he opened Nyx’s ward door, her eyes were vacant and confused, but this man now…

His gaze was not the least bit murky, but instead, it held an indescribable wisdom and calmness.

“You’ve come.”

The man in the deep blue robe spoke calmly, his voice slightly hoarse.

Lin Qiye raised an eyebrow, “You knew I was coming?”

“I knew.” The man nodded slightly.

It’s different from Nyx’s situation at the time… Lin Qiye thought to himself as he saw the mysterious man’s demeanor, then looked at the wall behind the ward.

At some point, the wall had revealed a few lines of small characters.

“Room 2.

Patient: Merlin

Mission: Help Merlin treat his mental illness. When the treatment progress reaches the specified values (1%, 50%, 100%), you can randomly extract some of Merlin’s abilities.Current treatment progress: 0%

Lin Qiye finished reading these words and then turned his gaze towards the man draped in a deep blue robe. His eyes immediately became complex.

Merlin… The legendary magician from English mythology?

Regarding English mythology, Lin Qiye knew too little. After all, in the hundred years when many continents were shrouded in mist, books and experts studying foreign myths had become increasingly scarce. If not for the resounding name of “Magician Merlin” and his relatively extensive knowledge, he might not have known of such a figure.

As the legendary magician who helped King Arthur ascend to the throne in English mythology, Merlin could be considered the progenitor of the British wizarding world. He was not only proficient in almost all categories of magic but was also said to possess the ability to foresee the future, powerful in magic and filled with wisdom.

However, as far as Lin Qiye knew, the so-called “Merlin” was not just one person, but a figure that the English had created by merging many legendary and mythological elements. The legendary magician before him should not only be the sage who helped King Arthur ascend, but also a “deity” created by the English longing for the unknown.

A deity of magic and wisdom!

Lin Qiye looked up again at the sign above the door, and now he finally understood what the drawn wand symbolized…

That being said, if the first room revealed a figure from Greek mythology, and the second room a figure from English mythology… Could it be that the six rooms here represent six different mythological systems?

If that’s the case, then among them… could there be a mythology belonging to The Great Xia?

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