Chapter 115 – Burning top floor

At Wen Qimo’s persistent request, he finally stayed, but not in the same bed as Lin Qiye, instead, he slept on the floor in the living room.

Looking at his sunny smile, Lin Qiye rolled his eyes silently, starting to doubt if this guy really wanted to stay to protect himself…

“I’m going out for a walk.” Lin Qiye packed his luggage simply, glanced at the sky outside the window, and said.

“Do you want me to accompany you?” Hong Ying asked, raising her head.

Lin Qiye hesitated for a moment, “No need, where I’m going, it’s not convenient for a girl to go.”

Wen Qimo was taken aback, his eyes lit up, “Then… can I accompany you?”

“…I’m just going to the hotel to find a friend, what are you thinking?”

“Oh, forget it then.”

Lin Qiye intended to go to the hotel to see Baili Pangpang, after all, as the host of Cangnan, it wasn’t very polite to leave him aside. If he brought Hong Ying, he was worried that she might accidentally see something unpleasant…

“It’s a critical time now. Will it be safe for you to go alone?” Hong Ying hesitated.

“It’s getting dark soon, it’s actually safer for me to go alone,” Lin Qiye’s mouth curled up slightly, “And the vice-captain said that I don’t need too much care. I’m actually quite capable now. Besides, there are many instructors lurking in the city, and Leng Xuan is also hiding somewhere secretly. Nothing will happen.”

Hong Ying nodded, then seemed to remember something and brought out a black box from the room, handing it to Lin Qiye.

“Take the knife with you.”


Lin Qiye changed out of his military uniform in the room and put on a casual suit. He also found a black gentleman’s hat from the closet and put it on to cover his face.

After hesitating for a moment, he took Zhao Kongcheng’s knife and the knife he brought from the training camp, carrying two black boxes, and quietly walked out of the villa.

Kailansi Grand Hotel, luxurious presidential suite.

“Goodbye, Mom, I’m going on a long journey tonight~~

Don’t worry about me~ I have the joy and wisdom of life~~”

A chubby man with a bath towel wrapped around his waist walked out of the bathroom, holding a glass of red wine and swaying lightly. He slicked back his wet hair gracefully and danced to the rhythm of the music, like a plump dancer, doing a 360-degree turn in the corridor and swaggering into the living room…

Then his smile froze on his face.

In the living room, Cao Yuan was sitting on the sofa, holding a scabbard and looking at him with a crazy look in his eyes.

“What the hell… How did you come here? Didn’t I book a single room for you in the neighboring hotel?” Baili Pangpang crossed his arms, speaking irritably.

“The single room is not as comfortable as the presidential suite.” Cao Yuan shrugged and casually put his feet up on the coffee table.

Baili Pangpang: (`⌒′メ)

“Get out of here, you’re ruining my enjoyment.” Baili Pangpang waved his hand disdainfully.

“It’s okay, you dance, I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything.”

“…” Baili Pangpang’s mouth twitched slightly, “A grown man sitting in the living room with a knife, watching me dance? Do you think I can still dance?”

Cao Yuan pondered for a moment, “Then I’ll put the knife down…”

“It’s not about the knife.” Baili Pangpang sighed helplessly.

“Are you in such a hurry to get rid of me? Did you call…”

“Nonsense! I’ve always been clean and self-disciplined. How could I possibly call…” Baili Pangpang’s anger made his whole body tremble.

Cao Yuan tilted his head and thought for a while, “What does KFC have to do with being clean and self-disciplined?”


“I don’t care, get out, get out now!” Baili Pangpang glared.

“I’ll stay and help you catch the mouse.”

“Nonsense, this is a five-star hotel, where would there be mice?”

“Isn’t that one?” Cao Yuan pointed to a small mouse cowering in the corner of the room.

Baili Pangpang’s face turned pale, he took a step back, then angrily walked into the bedroom, “What the hell kind of hotel is this? I’m going to call the front desk to come and see…”


A dazzling flame burst out from outside the window, directly shattering a large area of floor-to-ceiling windows. The earth-shattering explosion erupted, and the rolling air wave mixed with the scorching flames directly lifted Baili Pangpang and Cao Yuan!

The thunderous explosion sounded, and the pedestrians on the street looked up and exclaimed!

Under the black night sky, the top of this skyscraping hotel had turned into a sea of fire, with glass shards mixed with burning furniture falling rapidly from the high altitude.

And in the midst of these falling objects, if someone were to carefully observe with night vision binoculars, they would see two figures falling rapidly.


Baili Pangpang, wrapped in a bath towel, screamed loudly as the sweeping wind passed by his ears, a strong sense of weightlessness enveloping his mind, his face extremely pale.

Beside him, Cao Yuan held the knife and was also falling rapidly, but his expression was calm.

He looked up at the burning top floor and muttered to himself, “Sure enough, there are mice…”

“Stupid Cao Yuan! Idiot Cao Yuan!

Damn it, after everyone else got off, they all avoided me like the plague, and you still have the nerve to come to me? Do you know how many people in this city want to take my life!

Aren’t you afraid of death?!” Baili Pangpang shouted loudly at Cao Yuan as they fell!

Cao Yuan raised his eyebrows, “Not afraid.”

Baili Pangpang was stunned, seemingly not expecting Cao Yuan to say this, then angrily said:

“Madman, madman!! Fortunately, I was prepared early, otherwise you’d be waiting to die with me!”Having said that, Baili Pangpang reached into his bath towel and pulled out a necklace.


Baili Pangpang pointed with his hand, and a golden radiance flashed, transforming into two soft clouds that floated behind them, relieving their bodies of gravity…

They gently descended to the ground.

Cao Yuan looked at Baili Pangpang, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, with a look of surprise and a strange expression on his face.

“Where did you hide the ‘Free Space’?”

Baili Pangpang’s face darkened, “None of your business!”

Cao Yuan looked up at the top floor of the hotel, where the sounds of violent explosions were still coming from.

“The instructors have made their move; they must be fighting the assassins.”

“Ah… not even letting me have a peaceful bath.” Baili Pangpang pinched the flesh on his belly and sighed.

“Is the life of the young master of the Baili family always this thrilling?”

“Hmph, I’ve encountered numerous assassination attempts since I was young, but the young master is still alive and well.” Baili Pangpang looked up at the night sky, “Tomorrow, my bodyguard team should arrive… then we’ll see who dares to lay a hand on me!”

Cao Yuan’s gaze fell on the surroundings, his eyes narrowing slightly, “I think, you’d better worry about surviving today first…”

Baili Pangpang turned his head in confusion.

Cao Yuan pointed towards the empty, deserted street and slowly said:

“Don’t you think it’s too quiet here?”

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