Chapter 109 – La casa

In the night, Lin Qiye and Nyx’s figures appeared again on the rooftop of the dormitory building.

Lin Qiye still had a faint smile on his face. He sighed and turned his head…

And froze in place.

Under the dark sky, Yuan Gang held a knife and sat on the steps not far away, staring at Nyx intently.

Suddenly, he saw Lin Qiye standing next to Nyx, also frozen in place.

Nyx looked at Yuan Gang in surprise, then turned to Lin Qiye. “Is he also your friend?”

Lin Qiye: “…I guess.”

Yuan Gang stood up slowly, a strong psychic power suppression swept out. He walked step by step to Nyx, and calmly spoke:

“Yuan Gang, Deputy Captain of the Night Watchman of the Great Xia stationed in Unit 006 in Shangjing City. May I ask for your name, madam?”


Nyx narrowed her eyes, emitting an inexplicable aura. Even though there was no fluctuation of divine power on her, just this aura firmly suppressed Yuan Gang.

She looked at Yuan Gang with a hint of condescension.

“So, you are the Goddess of the Night.” Yuan Gang paused, then continued, “May I ask what brings you to our Great Xia?”

Nyx tilted her head and thought for a moment. “To find my son.”

Yuan Gang was taken aback.

Lin Qiye coughed twice and quickly added, “She means… she’s here to find the agent.”

Yuan Gang’s eyes showed a hint of understanding. “So the goddess is here to find the agent… Have you found him?”

“I found him,” Lin Qiye quickly spoke before Nyx.

“Where is he?”

“It’s me.”


Yuan Gang looked at Lin Qiye in disbelief, with a look as if he had seen a ghost. “You, you are not a Seraph…”

“I’m playing both sides.”


Yuan Gang turned to Nyx, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes. “Madam Goddess, what he said…”

“My son said it, so it is.” Nyx replied seriously.

Yuan Gang was dumbfounded.

After a while, he finally came to his senses and slowly said, “Madam Goddess, now that the agent has been found, please leave the territory of the Great Xia.”

Nyx turned to look at Lin Qiye, who cleared his throat.

“Well, the agent has been found, and you should… go home.”

“Okay.” Nyx didn’t hesitate at all. “Danaidus, remember to come back often…”

“Cough, cough, don’t worry! Goodbye!”

Lin Qiye waved his hand, and Nyx’s figure gradually faded, finally disappearing completely into the night.

The evening breeze swept through the empty dormitory building, leaving only Yuan Gang and Lin Qiye.

Yuan Gang silently sheathed his knife, his back completely soaked with cold sweat. Facing the terror of a deity was even more difficult than he had imagined.

He glared at Lin Qiye. “Kid… what’s going on?”

Lin Qiye scratched his head. “I was sleeping peacefully in bed, and then she suddenly brought me here, had a chat, and made me her agent.”

Yuan Gang:…

The way Lin Qiye spoke made it sound as if he was saying, “My friend came to see me, and then we had a casual meal.”

Come on, she’s the Goddess of the Night, not your next-door neighbor!

“Is it that simple?” Yuan Gang couldn’t help but ask, “And why did she call you Danaidus?”

“She’s a foreign deity, and my Chinese name didn’t sound good, so she gave me a new name.”

“…Wait, why is a foreign deity speaking Chinese?”

“That’s not important.”

“What task did she give you as her agent?”

Lin Qiye thought for a moment. “To visit home often?”


“Cough, I mean, she asked me to help her find a bracelet,” Lin Qiye said seriously. “Her bracelet is missing, and she asked me to find it for her.”

“A request for finding an item… that’s not too bad,” Yuan Gang nodded.

“But… have you really become the agent of two deities?” Yuan Gang frowned at Lin Qiye. “This has never happened in the history of the Great Xia.”

“It’s happening now.”

“…Alright.” Yuan Gang sighed. “Go on, go back to sleep. I’ll handle the rest.”

Lin Qiye nodded and walked down the corridor alone, feeling relieved.

It seems that patients shouldn’t be let out for a walk so easily… and even if they are, they shouldn’t use divine power, or they will definitely be discovered by the Night Watchman, and then there will be a lot of trouble…

But at least, with this opportunity, he found a suitable reason for his ability of the night, and in the future, he could openly use the two divine ruins.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiye’s mood improved significantly.

At this moment, on the rooftop of the dormitory building.

Yuan Gang sat alone on the steps, lit a cigarette, and dialed the phone again.”Hello? How’s it going on your end?” Shao Pingge instantly answered the call.

“The crisis has been averted, tell that human ceiling he doesn’t need to come.” Yuan Gang let out a long sigh of relief, speaking wearily, “Damn, facing a deity for the first time, that oppressive feeling was simply…”

“You had a direct conversation with him?”

“Yeah, it was the Goddess of the Night, Nyx.”

“…It seems that tonight, another deity will be added to the human-observed Sequence of Deities.”


“Alright, you get some rest. I need to go report to the Supreme Commander.”

“There’s one more thing, that kid named Lin Qiye has become an Agent for both the Seraph and Nyx.”


Yuan Gang detailed the situation to Shao Pingge, then hung up the phone, looking up at the bright moon in the night sky, silent.

“October 12, 2021, Night Watchman Yuan Gang, at the Great Xia Cangnan City No. 039 New Recruit Training Camp, observed the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, suspected of divine power damage, entered into the Deity Sequence, Sequence 043.

—《Night Watchman Deity Sequence Archive (Top Secret)》”

Meanwhile, hundreds of kilometers away from Cangnan City.

Above the turbulent and vast Yangtze River, an ancient carriage was smoothly sailing on the water, moving forward at an astonishing speed along the river.

The ordinary chestnut lean horse, carrying a carriage made of heavy wood, seemed to have no weight at all. With each step forward, it would drift tens of meters, its hooves treading on the rolling river as if on flat ground.

At the front of the carriage sat a boy in hemp clothes, holding the reins lazily, leaning against the carriage front, yawning.

Suddenly, his phone rang. The boy answered the call, had a brief chat, and then put the phone away.

“Master Chen, the Commander says the deity in Cangnan has left, we don’t need to go there.”

A moment later, an elderly voice came from inside the carriage:

“Hmph, in the middle of the night, making this old man run around for nothing…”

“Master, do we keep going, or turn back?”

“Turn back. That place in Cangnan is better avoided if possible.”

“Got it!” The boy flicked the reins, “Giddy up!”

The chestnut lean horse sharply turned around, carrying the carriage in a drift on the Yangtze River, heading upstream against the current…

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