Chapter 106 – Won’t leave

“Nana! You can’t eat with your hands, you have to use chopsticks!”

“I don’t know how…”

“I just taught you yesterday! Look, hold the chopsticks like this with your fingers… Yes, just like that!”

“Eating like this is so troublesome.”

“Well, you have to learn slowly!”

“Fine… Everyone’s already eating, when will your dad be back?”


“Dana, how long has it been since he came home? Did he get into trouble again?”

“Um… don’t worry, my dad has a lot of things to do outside, he’s probably just too busy.”


In the activity room, Li Yifei, wearing an apron, sat helplessly at the table, facing Nyx who looked despondent in a black veil dress, lost in thought.

Outside the door, Lin Qiye, wearing a white coat, raised his eyebrows and walked in.

“Dana!?” Nyx’s eyes lit up when she saw Lin Qiye, “Are you back for dinner?”

Lin Qiye looked at her hopeful eyes and smiled as he nodded, “I’m back, Mother.”

“Quick, sit down! Sit down!” Nyx looked around and grabbed a small stool from the side, placing it next to her.

Li Yifei looked at Lin Qiye with resentment, “You actually came back…”

“How can you talk to your dad like that!” Nyx glared at Li Yifei.

Li Yifei:…

“These past few days of training have been exhausting, I just fall asleep as soon as I lie down at night, I don’t have the energy for this.” Lin Qiye sighed helplessly as he sat at the table.

He noticed the sumptuous meal on the table and was slightly surprised.

“Did you make this?”


“Where did you get the ingredients?”

“I saw a lot of vegetables planted in the yard behind the hospital, so I picked some.”

“The vegetables in the yard?” Lin Qiye pondered for a moment and pointed to the large braised fish head, “What about the fish?”

“It’s from the small pond next to the ward, isn’t it the one you raised?”

“….And the rice? Where did the rice come from?”

“Oh, I found it in the cabinet in the director’s office.” Li Yifei tilted his head, “What’s wrong? Is it expired?”

Lin Qiye opened his mouth and looked at Nyx, who had already eaten more than half of her meal, and silently shook his head.

“It shouldn’t… right?”

“I don’t think so, I’ve been eating it for a few days and haven’t had any stomach issues.” Li Yifei shrugged.

“….Li Yifei, you’re not human, you’re a snake demon, and snake demons don’t get stomach issues.”


Lin Qiye picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish, and chewed on it. The meat was unusually tender and didn’t seem like any variety found on Earth.

But since the two of them had been eating it for several days, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Lin Qiye glanced at Nyx, raised his eyebrows slightly, and leaned over to Li Yifei.

“What have you been doing during this time?”

Li Yifei was taken aback, “Nothing, I just chatted with her, taught her to play chess and cards, basked in the sun, and acted like a grandson to her… What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, you’ve taken good care of her.”

Li Yifei couldn’t see the progress bar above Nyx’s head, but Lin Qiye could. He remembered that just over ten days ago, Nyx’s treatment progress bar was only at around 20%, and now it had jumped straight to 48%!

Even without the progress bar, Lin Qiye could feel that Nyx’s health had improved a lot.

He remembered when Nyx was first released from the ward, she was dazed and treated everything as a child, and she was very resistant to speaking, at most she would chat with a vase.

Now, Nyx not only stopped treating strange things as children, but she also became a lot more lively, able to have normal conversations with Li Yifei, and there was a hint of liveliness in her eyes.

It seemed that having someone accompany her was very beneficial for her illness… Lin Qiye thought to himself.

Reviving Li Yifei as a hospital caregiver was truly the right choice!

Nyx’s treatment progress had now reached 48%, just a little more, and they could extract her abilities for the second time.

Should they try today?

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Qiye picked up a piece of fish with his chopsticks and put it in Nyx’s bowl.

“Mother, eat a little more.”

Nyx was stunned, she turned to look into Lin Qiye’s eyes, and tears actually welled up in her eyes.

“Dana, you’ve grown up…”


Under Lin Qiye’s gaze, the treatment progress jumped from 48% to 49%.

Lin Qiye: (????????)!

“Mother, have some more vegetables…”

“Mother, I think the fish tastes really good, you should try it…”

“Mother, let me serve you some more rice!”


Lin Qiye began to frantically serve Nyx food, and Nyx ate joyfully while silently shedding tears, leaving Li Yifei across from them stunned.

“Qiye, what are you doing…”

“Li Yifei.” Lin Qiye turned to look at Li Yifei, “Quick, show Nana your talent.”

Li Yifei: (?????) What?

“Talent! Go on!””Oh…” Li Yifei scratched his head, stood up from his seat, and after a moment of thought, said, “Grandma, I don’t have any special talents, so I’ll perform a handstand while eating for you!”

Lin Qiye: …

The two of them fussed around Nyx for a long time, but the progress bar remained unmoved. Lin Qiye sighed helplessly.

It seemed that this kind of thing really couldn’t be forced.

After all, he was a doctor who treated people, and although whether he could actually cure anyone was still a question, he couldn’t just mess around without a clue.

However, it was undeniable that this was the liveliest time in The Deities’ Mental Hospital, and also the time when the atmosphere was most human.

Li Yifei, holding a plate, diligently went to the kitchen to wash dishes, while Lin Qiye took out today’s medicine from the cabinet, carefully separated it, and prepared to feed it to Nyx.

Nyx still sat quietly on the small stool beside the table, staring blankly at the busy Lin Qiye, as if she had thought of something, a faint smile appeared on her lips.


“What’s wrong?”

“Our home… How long has it been since it was this lively?”

Lin Qiye hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, “I don’t know.”

“You children, after growing up, each of you went your own way, even though I have so many children, but in the end… it’s still just me alone.”

Nyx’s gaze dimmed slightly.

Lin Qiye looked at Nyx, silent for a long time, then carried the hot water and medicine over to her.

“At least, now you have us, right?” Lin Qiye spoke softly, handing the water to her,

“We… won’t leave.”

Nyx’s body trembled slightly, she looked into Lin Qiye’s eyes, and her eyes shone with an unprecedented brilliance!

At the same time, the treatment progress bar above her head moved forward a notch.

Nyx’s Treatment Progress: 51%

Reward acquisition condition met, eligible for another random draw of Nyx’s divine powers.

Nyx’s Treatment Progress has exceeded 50%, she may temporarily leave The Deities’ Mental Hospital for activities…”

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