Chapter 104 – Great gift

Today there is no morning training, so Lin Qiye took his time to soak in a medicinal bath before changing his clothes and heading to the cafeteria.

Cao Yuan was right. Today’s cafeteria was finally not serving the nauseating white steamed buns and raw meat, but instead, it had a fragrant Chinese-style breakfast: soy milk, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, pancakes, and rice porridge…

The cafeteria was crowded with new recruits who, after enduring the nightmare-like extreme training, were truly starving and stuffing food into their mouths like starving ghosts.

Lin Qiye looked at Baili Pangpang, who had already finished two trays of steamed buns, and his mouth twitched slightly.

“Qiye, these steamed buns are really delicious. I wonder if that old man Sun has had a change of heart… Want one?” Baili Pangpang stuffed his mouth with food and handed a steamed bun to Lin Qiye.

Lin Qiye didn’t refuse and took the steamed bun, holding it in his hand and eating it slowly with the soy milk.

“By the way, Qiye, how did you get out last night? Did you faint or were you shot?” Baili Pangpang seemed to have remembered something and asked.

Since Lin Qiye took too long last night, the other new recruits had already been sent back to the training camp, so naturally, no one knew about Lin Qiye’s solo journey through Jinnan Mountain.

“I walked out,” Lin Qiye replied calmly.

Baili Pangpang was stunned, not immediately understanding what Lin Qiye meant, and then he was shocked.

“You mean… you really walked through the entire Jinnan Mountain?”


“…What kind of freak are you?”


“You actually did it,” Cao Yuan quietly approached from the next table and put a large meat bun in Lin Qiye’s bowl, “fortunately, you didn’t embarrass us few heretics.”

Baili Pangpang scratched his head in confusion, “Wait, when you say ‘us few’ heretics, besides you two, who else is there?”

Lin Qiye and Cao Yuan both looked at Baili Pangpang.

Baili Pangpang:…

“I’m just a regular…”

“Shut up.”


After eating and drinking his fill, Lin Qiye put down his bowl and looked at the clock on the wall.

“You guys eat, I have something to do.”

With that, he turned and walked out of the cafeteria.

Baili Pangpang raised an eyebrow and nudged Cao Yuan, “Do you think he’s being so mysterious today for a reason?”

“Who knows,” Cao Yuan said expressionlessly, “it’s definitely not to meet a lover.”


“With his personality, do you think it’s possible?”

“…You’re right.”

After leaving the cafeteria, Lin Qiye went straight to the instructor’s office.


“Come in.”

Lin Qiye walked into the office, and Instructor Hong looked at him, feeling a headache coming on.

“I say, kid, aren’t you a little too eager? I told you to come today after last night, and you’re here so early?”

“I just happened to have the time,” Lin Qiye shrugged.

“Have a seat.”

Instructor Hong stood up, took an envelope and a small black box from the cabinet behind him, and handed them to Lin Qiye.

“Yesterday, Wang Mian already told us. Although the conditions are a bit much, we can accept them.

The left envelope contains a bank card with fifty thousand inside, and the password is written inside. You can withdraw it from any bank.

In the box on the right is the Forbidden Artifact we’re rewarding you with.”

Instructor Hong sat back in his chair and sighed, “You really can, not many people can fleece wool from Director Yuan.”

Lin Qiye was taken aback, “These are from Director Yuan himself?”

“Yeah,” Instructor Hong leaned back in his chair and spoke slowly, “It was the Director’s idea to have the Mask Team come and fight you, but we didn’t expect to lose like this… The Director took responsibility and came up with these conditions. We wanted to help him out a bit, but he wouldn’t have it.”

Lin Qiye looked down at the envelope and box in front of him, silent for a moment, then pushed the envelope back.

“I’ll pass on this.”

Instructor Hong was surprised, “This was what you agreed to before, and now you don’t want it?”

“I don’t want it.”

“You don’t have to do this. The Director is our leader and also holds a position in the Night Watchman Team in Shangjing City. Do you think he needs this fifty thousand?”

“It’s not about whether he needs it or not,” Lin Qiye said calmly, “I don’t take money from the military.”

Instructor Hong looked at Lin Qiye in astonishment and only spoke after a while, “Have you thought this through? If you don’t take it this time, it won’t be given to you next time.”

“I don’t want it.”

“Alright, you’ve got guts,” Instructor Hong nodded and took back the envelope, then reached for the box on the table…


Lin Qiye reached out and grabbed the box.

“This is mine,” Lin Qiye looked into Instructor Hong’s eyes and spoke solemnly.”…You didn’t want it, did you…” Instructor Hong grinned.

“I don’t want the money, but this thing is very useful to me.”

“Heh heh, just kidding with you.” Instructor Hong released his grip and chuckled, “You have no idea how pained the chief looked when he took this thing out.”

“What’s inside?”

“Open it and see for yourself.”

Lin Qiye opened the box in his hand, revealing a blue diamond-shaped crystal, no larger than a fingernail, yet its surface emitted a faint spiritual essence, clearly indicating it was no ordinary item.

“This is…”

“The Azure Heart. It’s a Forbidden Artifact salvaged from the East Sea over twenty years ago. Within a one-meter radius around it, the Azure Guardian of the Forbidden Ruin Sequence 278 is always active, capable of blocking most psychic attacks.

Of course, there’s a limit to the psychic attacks it can block. If the attacker’s psychic power Boundary is higher than yours, at best it can only weaken the attack.”

Lin Qiye’s eyes lit up.

Although he now had two Divine Ruins by his side, neither specialized in psychic abilities. In an open and fair fight, he was fine, but if someone used a psychic attack against him, unless he directly used the Seraph’s Divine Might to resist, he would be defenseless.

The Seraph’s Divine Might consumed a lot of psychic power and was more offensive than defensive. The Azure Heart directly compensated for this weakness.

“Nice item.” Lin Qiye nodded.

“Could it be anything but, coming from the chief’s hands?” Instructor Hong said with a smile, “Go back and find a string to thread it on, wear it on your body. We won’t talk about distant threats, but at least for those below the ‘Chuan’ Boundary, it’s absolutely sufficient.”

Lin Qiye solemnly put away the Azure Heart, “Please thank Instructor Yuan for me.”

Instructor Hong waved his hand, “Skip the formalities, hurry back, training is about to start.”

Lin Qiye bid a quick farewell to Instructor Hong and hurriedly left the office.

After he left, Yuan Gang’s figure appeared in the office like a ghost, his lips curving slightly as he looked at the envelope on the desk.

“Chief, what do you think of him?” Instructor Hong wasn’t surprised by Yuan Gang’s appearance.

“Very good. Even if Wang Mian hadn’t reached an agreement with him, I would have found a way to give him the Azure Heart. After all, he’s the Seraph’s Agent; we can’t have him dying too soon.”

Yuan Gang looked in the direction Lin Qiye had left.

“And now?”

“Now, I think he truly deserves this generous gift I’ve given.”

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