Chapter 103 – Regret

Lin Qiye heard this, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

He held the small knife in his hand, and his figure shuttled through the jungle like a ghost. At this moment, he had no reservations and pushed his speed to the extreme.

Although there was a mysterious forbidden artifact suppressing him, the effect on the Starry Night Dancer was not ideal. Right now, he was like a player using cheats, possessing “dark vision,” “double recovery,” “super endurance,” “double speed,” and “full map view”!

In the positioning device of the instructors, Lin Qiye was swiftly passing through the entire Jinnan Mountain, heading straight towards the other side.

At this time, the four buses carrying other new recruits had already left, leaving only one bus loaded with numerous supplies and instructors, heading towards the exit of Jinnan Mountain in the night.

The drone’s power was gradually running out, and it had to return to base. The many medical soldiers who were originally chasing after Lin Qiye were starting to struggle, gradually being left behind by him, and eventually completely losing track of him.

If it weren’t for the small red dot on the map still moving rapidly, the instructors would have thought that Lin Qiye had already lost contact.

Entering Jinnan Mountain for nine hours…

Entering Jinnan Mountain for ten hours…

The instructors’ bus had already arrived at the other end of Jinnan Mountain. They got off the bus one after another, using their night vision binoculars to observe the movements ahead.

“How much longer does he have?”

“He’s very close… it’s only been two hours. How did he manage to do it?” The instructor holding the tablet couldn’t help but speak, “Even if the Forbidden Ruin Monument can’t completely suppress his forbidden artifact, this speed is too outrageous! Could he have turned into a ghost and floated out directly?”

“Are all the agents of the gods this abnormal? How long did Wang Mian take in the last extreme training?” Instructor Han Li asked.

“His best time was six hours, but that was almost at the end of the training. Before that, in the five previous extreme trainings, he never truly passed through the entire terrain.” Instructor Hong gazed at the black mountain in front of him, “Although the previous training location was not Jinnan Mountain, the two are almost the same, and the terrain of Jinnan Mountain is even more rugged… Not only him, in the history of the new recruits training camp, the number of people who can truly pass the extreme training is very few, and there isn’t a single person who has passed it on their first attempt.”

“If Lin Qiye can really pass through this, then he will have created history for our training camp…”

“He’s coming out.” The voice of that instructor appeared again.

All the instructors quieted down, raising their binoculars and carefully watching ahead.

Suddenly, under the black mountain in front, a muddy young man walked out slowly…

His military uniform was covered with scratches from branches and traces of mud. His military cap was nowhere to be seen, and he tightly held the small knife in his hand, his palm already bleeding.

In the moonlight, his handsome face became even clearer. He walked slowly in front of the instructors, stopping in his tracks.

“Have I completed it?” Lin Qiye asked hoarsely.

The instructors were stunned, and after a moment, Instructor Hong walked up and patted his shoulder.

“You’ve completed it,” he said, “You’ve made history.”

Lin Qiye’s body swayed slightly, unable to control himself from falling forward. Instructor Hong quickly caught him.

Lin Qiye was really tired. Even with the blessing of the Starry Night Dancer, in such high-intensity training, he had reached his limit, and even completely surpassed it! He was able to persist until here, not only relying on the night, but also on his astonishing perseverance and determination!

Instructor Hong helped him sit down, and Instructor Han Li handed him her water bottle, giving him a thumbs up.


Lin Qiye smiled slightly, took the water bottle, and drank it in big gulps.

For a full ten hours, apart from drinking some stream water in the middle, he hadn’t had anything to drink, and his throat was already parched.

“Drink slowly, drink slowly,” Instructor Han Li clicked her tongue.

“I suddenly remembered something.”

“What is it?”

“You still haven’t given me my compensation.” Lin Qiye said seriously.

“Compensation?” Instructor Han Li was taken aback, “What compensation?”

Instructor Han Li had only arrived this morning and was not clear about the battle between the new recruits and the Mask yesterday, but the other instructors were all too clear about it. When they heard Lin Qiye mention it, they all felt a bit awkward and turned their heads away.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be left out. I’ll make a trip to my place tomorrow.”

Instructor Hong walked over to him, holding a ring in his hand, and spoke somewhat helplessly.

“Okay,” Lin Qiye nodded.

“As the creator of history, do you want to try accepting a punishment?” Instructor Hong hesitated for a long time before asking the only question.

“I succeeded, why do I need to be punished?” Lin Qiye was taken aback.

“Hey, just for fun! There’s no one else around now, so let’s ask a question!”

Lin Qiye hesitated for a moment, then nodded, “Okay.”

He took the True Word Ring and put it on his ring finger.

Instructor Hong struggled for a long time before asking the one and only question seriously.

“What is the most regretful thing in your life?”

Lin Qiye was taken aback.

This question, even he didn’t know the answer. It seemed that he had many regrets in his life. That night, climbing onto the roof, seeing the Seraph, losing his eyesight, and losing the ordinary childhood that was within easy reach; or falling from the roof, being sent to the mental hospital, and being treated as a heretic from then on; or not being able to give his aunt and Jin a good life…

His whole life seemed to be full of tragedies and regrets.He didn’t know how long he had been silent for, but he turned his head to gaze into the distant pitch-black night sky and slowly, heavily, uttered the answer he had subconsciously ignored:

“I couldn’t save him…”

In a daze, Baili Pangpang opened his eyes.

“Huh? Why am I in a tub?” He looked around blankly at his stripped and clean self, currently lying in a large bathing tub. The tub was filled with some liquid, emitting a foul stench.

Instinctively, he wanted to get out.

“You’d better lie back down quietly,” Lin Qiye, who was also soaking in the tub, advised.

“Qi Ye, what’s… what’s going on?”

“I came back later than you guys, I’m not sure either. Anyway, the instructors prepared a medicinal bath for each of us, it seems to be specifically for relieving fatigue and strengthening the body.”

“And my clothes are…”

“I don’t know. When I came back, you were already lying in there like a plucked chicken.”


Baili Pangpang scratched his head, feeling that his previously sore arms seemed to have returned to normal, and he spoke in amazement:

“This medicinal bath seems quite effective.”

“It’s a Night Watchman’s secret recipe, of course it’s good.”

The dormitory door was pushed open, and Cao Yuan stood at the doorway with a toothbrush in his mouth, speaking calmly.

“Why didn’t you take a medicinal bath?” Baili Pangpang asked curiously.

“I’ve already gotten out,” Cao Yuan rolled his eyes and pointed towards the clear sky outside, “It’s already morning. The instructor said morning training is suspended, we’ll go straight to the cafeteria for food.”

“The cafeteria…” Baili Pangpang’s eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something, but then quickly dimmed.

Cao Yuan turned to leave, dropping a sentence behind him:

“I heard that today’s breakfast in the cafeteria is steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and soy milk.”


The plump Baili Pangpang suddenly stood up from the tub, his eyes wide and round, without a second word he stepped out of the tub, put on his shoes, and dashed out of the dormitory.

Lin Qiye turned his head, his gaze falling onto the clothes Baili Pangpang had forgotten to wear on his bed, and fell into contemplation…

The next moment, a girl’s scream suddenly rose from outside the window!

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