Chapter 199 – Realize

Chen Mobai had quite a few items on hand, but the only ones suitable for a woman were a white jade bell and a green handkerchief.

However, compared to what Qing Nv had given him, the green handkerchief seemed a bit shabby.

After choosing the gift, Chen Mobai wrapped it up and was about to return to Danxia City to send it off.

Suddenly, Qing Nv sent a message.

It turned out that Kong Feichen was planning to return to Linwu Cave early, and he could help deliver the gift.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was better to have one person do the job than two.

Chen Mobai made another trip to Taixu Mountain and handed the white jade bell to an increasingly impatient Kong Feichen at Chixia Academy. The latter took it without a word and left immediately.

“Thank you.”

Chen Mobai could only shout at his retreating figure, but Kong Feichen didn’t stop for a moment.

After returning the gift, Chen Mobai was eager to take the “Spirit Awakening Pill”, but it happened that the jade sprout spirit rice in the seven-acre spirit field he had opened up was ripe, so he had to delay for another two days.

Using a handheld reaper borrowed from his grandfather’s house, he spent half a day harvesting all the spirit rice from the seven acres, and then carefully selected the seeds for next year’s crop.

The rest, he planned to use for brewing wine.

The yeast for brewing wine had already been prepared, and it was his grandfather’s secret recipe.

Every family in Qingshan Village brewed their own wine, and each family’s yeast was different. However, the Tang family’s yeast, as the village chief’s, was recognized as the best.

After choosing a spacious place to sun the rice, Chen Mobai couldn’t wait to return to Di Yuan Star.

He was going to take the Spirit Awakening Pill.

To avoid being disturbed, he told his grandparents and mother that he was at a critical stage in his cultivation and needed to retreat for a while. They were even more anxious than Chen Mobai, assuring him that not even a mosquito would be allowed in.

Chen Mobai didn’t choose a special place, he just took the pill on an empty stomach with warm water in his room as Qing Nv had instructed.

The effect of the Spirit Awakening Pill was indeed extraordinary.

After taking it, an inexplicable clear stream emerged in his sea of consciousness, cleansing his brain, the most mysterious part of his body, as if opening the door to his purple mansion, causing his inspiration to explode, his thoughts to leap, and his divine consciousness to become unprecedentedly lively.

He didn’t waste any time, and immediately picked up the book on the Critical Method that he had borrowed from the Dao Academy library.

The first one he read was naturally the original text of the Critical Method.

The previously obscure and difficult to express text began to lift the fog at this time, revealing the true secrets hidden behind it.

After understanding the general outline at the beginning, Chen Mobai read through it eagerly, and soon finished reading it all.

After finishing, he closed his eyes and recalled the text and understanding of the Critical Method, which were as clear as a print.

Taking a deep breath, he sat cross-legged on the bed.

Chen Mobai felt that he should be able to succeed in cultivation, but because his realm was not enough, he could not attempt Foundation Establishment, so he didn’t know whether his understanding was correct or not.

However, he could test it with the Two-Phase Technique.

Under the state of the Spirit Awakening Pill, Chen Mobai’s thinking was exceptionally active.

He closed his eyes and recalled the Two-Phase Technique that he had long memorized in his mind. The classical Chinese text that he had only half-understood in the past was translated into the simplest and easiest to understand text by his brain at this moment, and he understood it thoroughly.

Then he recalled the Longevity Sutra and the Qi Refining Chapter of the Pure Yang Scroll.

The two Qi Refining techniques that he thought he had fully understood had a deeper understanding under this state.

He found that although he had used the simulation puppet to deduce the most suitable route for his spiritual root physique, he didn’t know why it had to change like this.

He was just passively using the results of the simulation puppet’s deduction.

But now, Chen Mobai understood it all.

So that’s how it is.

In a moment of realization, the Five Elements spiritual power vortex in Chen Mobai’s Dantian Qi Sea, which was estimated to take about half a year to fully transform, dissolved in an instant and turned into strands of extremely pure spiritual power that merged into the green spiritual power of the Longevity Sutra.

Qi Refining Eighth Layer!

This breakthrough in realm, although early, was natural, like water flowing into a channel.

At the same time, he saw all the details of his two Qi Refining techniques at the Qi Refining realm before Foundation Establishment, clearly and without omission.

The Two-Phase Technique was the same.

This secret technique from the Five Elements Sect was also thoroughly understood by him, word by word, sentence by sentence.

In the Dantian Qi Sea, the green spiritual power of the Longevity Sutra occupied the place where the Five Elements Technique vortex used to be, and a small flame of Pure Yang spiritual power was wrapped in its center, almost forming the image that Che Yucheng had deduced with the No-Phase Puppet.

Between the Wood and Fire spiritual powers, there was a clear distinction, but under Chen Mobai’s divine consciousness link, a clear graft was formed.

With a move of his divine consciousness, the Two-Phase Technique started to operate.

A strand of the original source of the Longevity spiritual power was seen to be injected into the Pure Yang flame.

In an instant, Chen Mobai’s Pure Yang Scroll realm, which had been deliberately stagnated, also broke through to the Qi Refining Sixth Layer.

The Two-Phase Technique was also completed!

Feeling that the Longevity Sutra’s Qi Refining Eighth Layer, which had just broken through, was falling a bit due to the birth of the Pure Yang spiritual power, Chen Mobai immediately took a bottle of Qi Restoring Spirit Water.

Then he didn’t waste any time and immediately used his latest understanding of the Critical Method to start severing the link between the two.

But he found that the understanding in his mind and the actual implementation had some discrepancies.However, Chen Mobai did not panic. In the state of “Spiritual Awakening”, he was unprecedentedly calm.

After recalling all the details, he believed he had found the cause of the discrepancy.

The Foundation Establishment technique was created for the purpose of Foundation Establishment. If it was to be used to sever the Two-Phase Power, some corresponding modifications were needed, just like how Chen Mobai adapted the Immortality Scripture to suit himself using the method of simulation.

Che Yucheng should have known this, but he didn’t expect Chen Mobai to master the Two-Phase Power and the Foundation Establishment technique within a year, so he didn’t inform him in advance.

Chen Mobai began to recall all the content related to the Foundation Establishment technique that he had read in the Daoist Academy library.

He quickly thought of the borrowed “Jade Lock Golden Barrier Scripture”.

Another hour passed, and a look of enlightenment appeared on Chen Mobai’s face.

He sighed, opened his eyes with a vacant expression.

His left eye glowed with a blue light, and his right eye with a golden light.

He had also mastered the original Foundation Establishment technique, the “Jade Lock Golden Barrier Scripture”.

He separated the Immortality Scripture and the Pure Yang Scroll that were originally linked together.

Looking out the window, the sky had completely darkened.

The clock on the wall showed it was 4:34 in the morning.

He had taken the Spiritual Awakening Pill at exactly noon, and unknowingly, half a day had passed.

There were still seven hours of medicinal effect left, he couldn’t waste it.

Having achieved his goal ahead of time, Chen Mobai took out the Divine Control Technique that he had prepared and set aside.

Next to the Divine Control Technique, there was a thick stack of textbooks from the first to the tenth grade of the Instrument Dance Academy’s Talisman Course.

A total of thirty books, from first-order to third-order talisman knowledge, were all included.

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