Chapter 191 – Synchronous object

“This ring is a sword training artifact.”

“Those who have mastered the sword will infuse their sword energy into it, which will then evolve into corresponding sword qi, saving time for sword cultivators to condense sword qi.”

“However, its main function is similar to that of a spellcasting puppet. It can help sword cultivators at the first stage to deduce the appearance of the second stage sword energy transformation, letting them know in which direction they should strive.”

After hearing Chen Mobai’s description, Ming Yihua fiddled with various equipment in the Dao Academy’s appraisal room for a long time, then tried it out himself, and finally discovered its true function.

No wonder it’s called the “Sword Casting Ring”.

Upon hearing this, Chen Mobai suddenly realized and understood why the thief from Nanshan couldn’t resist stealing it after recognizing it.

He didn’t know which true disciple of Jingguang Cliff had left it on Qingguang Island. It might have been left behind when they fell in battle with a monster, leaving this Sword Casting Ring.

In the future, if he successfully establishes his foundation, he could use this Sword Casting Ring to practice the Red Flame Sword Qi when he needs to use the Red Flame Sword Technique to cover the foundation of the Pure Yang Scroll.

“Where did you get this treasure?”

After the appraisal, Ming Yihua returned the Sword Casting Ring to Chen Mobai, who casually mentioned an ancient treasure street in Chicheng Cave.

“Aren’t all the things there scams? You actually managed to find gold in the sand and get your hands on something like this.”

As a first-grade treasure appraiser and artifact refiner registered with the Immortal Gate, and with the reputation of the Dao Academy, Ming Yihua is often invited to appraise so-called ancient treasures and artifacts.

Almost nine out of ten are fakes, all modern imitations by artifact refiners.

“Good luck, by the way, have you been in contact with Yun Yangbing recently? I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

Chen Mobai immediately changed the subject.

“He went with his department’s teacher to a research institute to set up a Spirit Gathering Formation a while ago, but he should be back today.”

Upon saying this, Ming Yihua immediately called Yun Yangbing, who was indeed at the Dao Academy.

Without further ado, Chen Mobai treated them to a meal outside.

“By the way, Old Chen, I’ve heard about your reputation as a puppet genius and farming prince. Didn’t you say you liked talismans? Why have you become so specialized now?”

Ming Yihua teased while eating.

Chen Mobai could only shake his head and smile bitterly. Puppetry and agriculture are unpopular majors in the Dao Academy, and the number of people in their class who chose these two courses is even less than half of the talisman department.

Only eleven people chose puppetry this year.

Even fewer chose agriculture, only seven.

If it weren’t for the fact that the seniors from the previous classes also chose these niche courses for the sake of credits, they probably wouldn’t even be able to form a class.

It was for this reason that Chen Mobai was able to stand out among the short, integrating the knowledge from the textbooks through practical operation, and barely securing the title of genius in these two courses.

“I guess I don’t have much talent in talismans. Come on, let’s not talk about this, let’s have a few more drinks.”

Chen Mobai immediately changed the subject again, asking about Yun Yangbing’s progress in practicing formations.

The latter could only shake his head and sigh.

“I overestimated myself. I might have to focus on ‘Earth Formation’ practice next year. After passing the second level of Earth Formation, I’ll think about practicing Sky Formation.”

Yun Yangbing also passed the first level of Earth Formation last month, to which Chen Mobai could only express his envy.

The two of them are true geniuses. Although Yun Yangbing failed to practice Earth Formation and Sky Formation at the same time, being able to complete the assessment of one of the hundred arts of cultivation at the age of twenty is quite common in the Dao Academy, but in the entire Immortal Gate, he is one of the top talents in formation.

As Chen Mobai drank with them, he also thought about whether he should take an exam for a certificate at some point.

However, because he has been focusing on the practice of the Longevity Sutra recently, his knowledge in puppetry and spiritual plants is not yet fully complete. If he takes the exam, he might fail.

For other universities, failing an exam a few times is normal.

But for students of the Four Dao Academies, if they don’t succeed in the first level certificate exam, it’s a disgrace.

Thinking of this, Chen Mobai felt that he should continue to study and improve, and take the exam when he is more confident.

“I heard that Zhong Li Tianyu broke through to the second level of Foundation Establishment a while ago.”

Ming Yihua brought up another matter, which Chen Mobai and Yun Yangbing also knew about.

Those students in the Deification class who practice the Three Harmonies Pact, and Zhong Li Tianyu have the same tutor. When the latter broke through, the group was buzzing with discussion. There were those who envied him, those who were inspired, and those who were disheartened and chose to give up.

“His Three Harmonies object is the Bagua Mirror of Ancestor Zhong Li, so he doesn’t need to waste time looking for it. After practicing the Three Harmonies Pact, he benefits from this fourth-grade magic weapon of the same bloodline, and his cultivation speed won’t slow down before forming the infant. It’s estimated that he can reach the perfection of Foundation Establishment and try to form the golden core before he turns a hundred.”

Even the usually cheerful Ming Yihua felt a bit sour at this point.Practicing the Synchronous Pact requires finding an object that resonates with the cultivator’s life essence. A good example is Zhong Li Tianyu, who directly uses the magical treasure of his bloodline ancestors. This makes his cultivation twice as effective, and he can break through realms without being bottlenecked.

However, if the choice is poor, it will hinder the cultivator’s progress, making the effort twice as hard for half the result.

The geniuses of the Deification class, although they have forcefully cultivated the Synchronous Pact relying on their powerful talents, they all want their synchronous objects to be as perfect as possible, at least a third-order magical instrument or a spiritual object.

So in this class, the only one who has confirmed his life essence object for the Synchronous Pact is Zhong Li Tianyu.

“Finding a synchronous object is not easy. One of my grandfathers had amazing talent, but because he was delayed by the synchronous object, he ultimately failed to form his golden core.”

Yun Yangbing chose the Pure Yang Scroll because he had this example at home.

“Right, we will first cultivate the Pure Yang Scroll. After reaching the Foundation Establishment, we can try to cultivate the spiritual instrument derived from the Synchronous Pact. This way, we can at least reach the door of forming the golden core. As long as I can form the golden core, I can say that I have lived up to my parents and friends in this life.”

Ming Yihua had a clear plan for his cultivation path, which was one of the reasons he chose the refining system.

Chen Mobai didn’t mention that he had temporarily put aside the cultivation of the Pure Yang Scroll, and only the Pure Yang Body was still progressing with the help of spirit stones.

After finishing their barbecue and beer, the three of them chatted a bit on their way back.

“When the spirit rice I planted matures, I will brew a pot of wine for you to taste.”

At the school gate, Chen Mobai’s words made Ming Yihua and Yun Yangbing look forward to it.

This spirit rice was not the Jade Bud Spirit Rice planted in the Shenmu Sect, but the spirit rice in the half-acre experimental field assigned to the new students of the Agricultural School.

Chen Mobai planted the Water Clear Rice from his hometown in the Taixu Mountain Range.

The wine brewed from this rice has a clear and mellow taste, sweet and refreshing, like drinking sweet dew. Long-term consumption can cleanse the body and rejuvenate the marrow.

Because he was familiar with it since childhood, the Water Clear Rice in his half-acre experimental field grew full grains, which was highly praised by the instructor Lin Wenkang, who said he had a talent for farming.

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