Chapter 187 – All must

“I borrowed the original from the library, but I haven’t had time to practice it yet.”

Chen Mobai spoke honestly. The Boundary Method was so magical that he had naturally included it in his cultivation plan.

However, he hadn’t even perfected his Qi Refining yet, and he was far from Foundation Establishment. There was no need to waste time on the Boundary Method.

“The Dual Phase Technique is quite interesting. If you really want to practice it, I suggest you temporarily give up the cultivation of the Pure Yang Scroll during your Qi Refining and focus on the Longevity Sutra,” Che Yucheng said, leaving Chen Mobai puzzled.

“Teacher Che, doesn’t the Dual Phase Technique require the cultivation of two mutually generating attributes from the Five Elements? If I only practice the Longevity Sutra, wouldn’t it be useless?”

Chen Mobai’s understanding was not enough, but Che Yucheng patiently explained to him, even taking out a Formless Puppet.

“Come, let me demonstrate for you.”

With that, Che Yucheng imported Chen Mobai’s body data model into the Formless Puppet. Then, to the latter’s astonishment, he input the Longevity Sutra, Dual Phase Technique, and Pure Yang Scroll.

Che Yucheng somehow set it up so that the spiritual power cultivated from the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll connected in the transparent Dantian Qi Sea, forming a phantom of a green cyclone below and a spark of fire in the middle.

“This is the Dual Phase Technique simulated by the Formless Puppet, incorporating the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll.”

Chen Mobai immediately nodded, although he still didn’t understand Che Yucheng’s meaning, it didn’t stop him from taking out his notebook to record.

The Formless Puppet was a high-end item that could run three techniques simultaneously.

However, running three techniques at the same time required Che Yucheng’s personal operation and couldn’t be fully automated.

Next, the Formless Puppet began to demonstrate the Longevity Sutra, all the way to the ninth level of Qi Refining, and attempted Foundation Establishment.

But this time, it failed.

“As expected.”

Che Yucheng seemed to have anticipated this result, while Chen Mobai could only take photos and notes, recording his doubts to ask later.

“Do you know why the Foundation Establishment failed?”

But at this moment, Che Yucheng pressed the pause button and began to instruct directly.

“Could it be that this technique doesn’t match my physique? Or is there a problem with the Longevity Sutra?”

“No, it’s the other two techniques that hindered your Foundation Establishment.”

Che Yucheng seemed to have understood everything after reading Chen Mobai’s Longevity Sutra and Dual Phase Technique.

“The Dual Phase Technique links the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll, and to establish a foundation with the Pure Yang Scroll, you need to cultivate the Three Yang Body. I have met all the Foundation Establishment conditions for the Longevity Sutra with the puppet, but due to the drag of the Three Yang Body, I couldn’t establish a foundation.”

With that, Che Yucheng began to set the conditions again.

The Formless Puppet, having perfected the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll and the Three Yang Body, simulated Foundation Establishment again and succeeded just like when it ran the Pure Yang Scroll alone.

“If you establish a foundation with any one technique alone, you have more than a 50% chance of success.”

Che Yucheng was very satisfied with this point of Chen Mobai’s, but he pointed to the screen on the Formless Puppet’s head, which showed the earliest age at which he could successfully establish a foundation by linking the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll with the Dual Phase Technique.

52 years old!

“This is too slow. If you establish a foundation at this age, you basically only have one chance.”

“Although the Formless Puppet shows you have more than a 50% chance of successful Foundation Establishment, it’s not 100%. If you fail, your life is ruined.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Mobai showed a look of realization.

He understood Che Yucheng’s meaning.

“Teacher, I understand. From now on, I will focus on one technique.”

As for which one to focus on, it would definitely be the Pure Yang Scroll, the main path of the Immortal Gate.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Che Yucheng shake his head.

He was wrong.

“Actually, this Longevity Sutra is quite interesting. It increases lifespan to give cultivators more time to advance and break through when practicing the Dual Phase Technique. It’s just limited by shallow understanding and can’t do better.”

“Teacher Che, what do you mean?”

Chen Mobai was completely confused, scratching his head. Then he saw Che Yucheng smile slightly and start to operate.

He had thought that running three techniques at the same time was the limit of the Formless Puppet, but Che Yucheng showed him the terrifying potential of the Formless Puppet, the pinnacle of the Immortal Gate’s puppetry.

The silver-haired old man’s fingers kept clicking on the screen, and he forcefully inserted another technique between the Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll, both of which were incorporated by the Dual Phase Technique.This technique directly severed the connection between the Immortal Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll.

However, it did not break the Dual Phase Technique.

It seemed like a seal, or perhaps a lock.

The link between the two techniques through the Dual Phase Technique was still there, but it would no longer function.

Then, under the circumstances where the Immortal Longevity Sutra was not perfected in both the Pure Yang Scroll and the Three Yang Body, the simulation of Foundation Establishment was directly successful.

After that, the seal of the Dual Phase Technique was unlocked, and the Pure Yang spiritual power, which was rooted in the Immortal Longevity Sutra, began to continuously absorb the wood spiritual power, began to grow vigorously, and quickly broke through to the Foundation Establishment level.

Afterwards, it was the continuous refining and devouring of the essence of the Longevity spiritual power by the Pure Yang spiritual power. However, when it evolved to the realm above Foundation Establishment, the spirit stone of this formless puppet was exhausted.

After Chen Mobai finished reading, his eyes widened, and he thought of the question Che Yucheng had asked at the beginning.

His breathing began to quicken.

“You young ones, due to your lack of ability, when faced with a situation where you can’t have the best of both worlds, will choose to give up one. But we old folks are different,” Che Yucheng said, copying the results of the formless puppet’s demonstration into a USB drive and handing it to Chen Mobai.

“We can use our knowledge and abilities to achieve the best of both worlds.”

Chen Mobai excitedly took the USB drive, bowed deeply to Che Yucheng in gratitude.

Che Yucheng sat down in his chair, pointed at the formless puppet whose spiritual energy was exhausted, and Chen Mobai nodded understandingly, indicating that he would come to recharge the spiritual energy every day.

Che Yucheng nodded in satisfaction, then began to give instructions.

“Actually, with your talent, you are not suitable for practicing the Pure Yang Scroll. I should have advised you to quit after the demonstration of the formless puppet. But now is a good opportunity.”

“You should focus on practicing the Immortal Longevity Sutra first. You should practice this technique according to the demonstration of the formless puppet. You should be able to achieve Foundation Establishment by the age of thirty.”

“You can link the Immortal Longevity Sutra and the Pure Yang Scroll with the Dual Phase Technique when you reach the ninth level of Qi Refining, or you can do it now. Anyway, with thirty as the limit, if you can practice the critical technique before thirty and meet the preconditions that I previously demonstrated with the formless puppet, then you can continue to maintain this seed of Pure Yang spiritual power.”

“Otherwise, you should give up the Pure Yang Scroll and focus on practicing the Immortal Longevity Sutra.”

“Only after Foundation Establishment, will you have a future.”

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