Chapter 186 – Performance results

Inside the wooden cabin.

Chen Mobai opened the head of the puppet, inserted a spiritual stone, and then activated the method of the Immortality Scripture.

A series of codes flashed across the screen embedded in the forehead, which then turned into an information stream flowing from the main controller to the entire body.

With a nervous heart, Chen Mobai began to watch as the puppet performing the method started to become transparent.

Streams of spiritual energy poured down from the spiritual stone, forming the scene of him cultivating the Immortality Scripture and absorbing the spiritual energy. After passing through the twelve-story tower and falling into the Dantian Qi Sea, it then flowed along the twelve meridians to the acupoints and Qi channels all over the body.

When it reached the Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, the spiritual power suddenly stalled.

Chen Mobai immediately began to observe carefully. About five minutes later, the spiritual power finally struggled out of this meridian, but he found that compared to the previous abundance, a third of the spiritual energy was missing.

“What’s going on?”

He pressed the pause button, made a mark at this point, and planned to review it after the performance.

Then the spiritual power reached the Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, and the same situation occurred. It stalled again for five minutes. When it turned out, the spiritual power value was reduced by another third.

Chen Mobai frowned, immediately paused again and made a mark. The good thing about his own stuff is that he can pause whenever he wants.

The spiritual power flowed along the twelve meridians in the body to the Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian and the Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian. Here, it ran very smoothly, and even slightly increased after coming out.

Seeing this, Chen Mobai had a vague answer in his heart.

According to the theory of the Five Elements Spiritual Root, the intestines and lungs contain gold. The wood attribute spiritual power cultivated by the Immortality Scripture may have been cut off by the hidden gold spiritual root when passing through the meridians of these two organs.

And the stomach and spleen nourish the earth, and the earth can nourish wood. The Immortality spiritual power passed through the stomach meridian and the spleen meridian was nourished by the earth spiritual root, so it grew stronger.

To verify his guess, Chen Mobai pressed the performance key again.

Sure enough, when the Immortality spiritual power passed through the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, it was probably burned by the fire spiritual root, and it was reduced by another fifth, but the spiritual power became even more pure.

Then it passed through the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian and the Foot Yang Bladder Meridian, and the wood spiritual power was nourished by the water spiritual root. The part of the spiritual power that was reduced due to the heat of the fire spiritual root grew back.

Finally, the spiritual power entered the Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian and the Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian. This is where the wood spiritual root is located. But after entering, it neither increased nor decreased, but Chen Mobai felt that the Immortality spiritual power, which was initially refined from spiritual energy, began to truly transform into his own power at this time.

Once again gathered into the Dantian Qi Sea, the spiritual power turned into a small whirlwind.

This represents the completion of a large cycle of the Immortality Scripture.

After watching it once, Chen Mobai did not linger, and directly pressed the fast-forward button to let the performing puppet run through all nine levels of the Immortality Scripture.

All he could say was that expensive things have their reasons.

In this complete performance, Chen Mobai found many small problems that he would definitely not care about during cultivation.

And these small problems have become the key to hindering his cultivation progress.

He didn’t know whether the Immortality Scripture given by Liu Wenbo had problems, or his spiritual root physique was not suitable for this method.

Compared with the slow but very smooth running Pure Yang Scroll, if he practiced according to the standard route of the Immortality Scripture, it might be a case of more effort but less effect.

Basically, every small realm needs to be adjusted, and the checkpoints in the front, middle, and back need to change a lot of the route to best suit Chen Mobai’s physique and spiritual root.

Chen Mobai is cautious. To verify his thoughts, he returned to the Tianhe Realm.

After showing his presence in the Bud Hall, he went to the Book Pavilion and did not hesitate to spend spiritual stones to buy the Immortality Scripture of the Shenmu Sect.

However, he misunderstood Liu Wenbo. The contents of the two Immortality Scriptures were exactly the same, but the version of the Shenmu Sect had some additional notes and examples to make it easier for new disciples to understand.

After returning to his wooden cabin, Chen Mobai looked at the results displayed by the performing puppet and fell into deep thought.

After the deduction, nearly one-tenth of the content of the Immortality Scripture had to be changed to perfectly suit Chen Mobai’s physique and spiritual root cultivation.

He wanted to start practicing according to this result, but he felt that the Immortality Scripture, which the Shenmu Sect has inherited from the Five Elements Sect for hundreds of years, must be correct.

The result of the puppet’s performance changed a bit too much, which made Chen Mobai a little uncertain.

He didn’t sleep all night.

When Chen Mobai woke up the next day, he had made a decision.

Building No.1, Chicheng Mountain.

Che Yucheng was a little stunned when he saw Chen Mobai carrying the performing puppet into his office.

“You said, you found two ancient books in a cave at your old home by chance, found them interesting, so you took the performing puppet modeled after yourself and tried it out.”

Chen Mobai nodded repeatedly. As a student, when faced with difficult decisions, he must ask his teacher for advice.In these past few days, Che Yucheng, the professor of the puppetry department, had taken great care of him, the little puppetry genius.

Chai Lun even said that as long as he maintained this rate of progress, as long as he successfully completed the Foundation Establishment, and asked to become a disciple, Che Yucheng would definitely agree to take him in.

Asking a future teacher for advice was also very reasonable.

As for the possibility of exposing the Tianhe Realm, Chen Mobai had thought about it.

But he had already made up a story about finding a treasure in a cave, after all, such fortuitous encounters had happened in the Immortal Gate before.

The things he had learned and seen in the Instrument Dance Academy these days were the best in his life.

He was willing to trust the teachers here.

Che Yucheng took out a blank USB drive, skillfully copied the performance results from the memory of the puppet Chen Mobai brought, inserted it into his own computer, and began to read.

At first, he was a bit careless, but after reading two pages, interest appeared on his aged face.

After reading, he closed his eyes, and about ten minutes later, he slowly opened them.

“These two techniques seem to be a combination of the ancient evil sects ‘Hall of Life and Death’ and ‘Flower Blossom Courtyard’. Where did you get them?”

“From the Taixu Mountain Range…”

Chen Mobai casually made up a story about a cave he had accidentally fallen into when he was a child. After hearing this, Che Yucheng nodded.

“Professor Che, what is the ancient evil sect?”

This was the second time Chen Mobai had heard this term. He had seen it before when he was researching the “God Devouring Technique”. The Immortal Gate National Library had also marked this keyword.

The “God Devouring Technique” was a forbidden technique!

Could it be that all forbidden techniques originated from the ancient evil sect?

Or to put it another way, it was precisely because they originated from the ancient evil sect that they were labeled as forbidden techniques by the Immortal Gate.

“Have you practiced the Critical Method?”

Instead of directly answering Chen Mobai’s question, Che Yucheng asked an unrelated one.

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