Chapter 143 – Routine

“Where did you learn to draw these talismans?”

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing the slightly serious expression on Luan Jingsheng’s face, Chen Mobai felt a bit nervous, thinking that he had noticed that these talismans were not from the Immortal Gate.

“I felt something was off with the ‘Resurrection Talisman’ you drew earlier. It could have been drawn more simply and effectively, but instead, the strokes were unnecessarily complex. I initially thought that the teaching material you received was misprinted.”

“But now, seeing these four talismans that clearly belong to the same set, each one has had a stroke altered. They’re not incorrect, but the changes increase the failure rate of drawing them, making it more difficult for those who learn from these materials.”

“For someone like me who has already reached the first level of talisman creation, I can force myself to draw them based on my daily studies. But for beginners who follow these materials, they would probably waste at least a year and a half before they could get started.”

After hearing Luan Jingsheng’s words, Chen Mobai was stunned.

He remembered his hard work practicing every day in Qingshan Village, but he never succeeded in drawing a single talisman. He had thought that he lacked talent in this area and his confidence had taken a hit.

He never expected this.

The book “Shenmu Sect’s Talisman Creation Insights” that he got from Nanxi Market had been tampered with. All five methods of creating life talismans in it had been altered, not only wasting the time of those who studied it, but also potentially discouraging some from joining the Shenmu Sect.

He wondered if Lu Shu, who gave him the book, knew about this.

If he did, it meant that Chen Mobai was too naive and failed to see that this guy was a true villain with a knife hidden behind his smile.

Chen Mobai instinctively believed that Lu Shu didn’t know about this and was probably deceived as well.

However, thinking about the intrigue among cultivators in the Tianhe Realm, he felt that he might have misjudged people.

With a myriad of thoughts, Chen Mobai finally calmed down using the “Mind Nurturing God Casting Technique”.

“Thank you, Brother Luan. I got this set of talisman drawing books from a street stall. I thought I had found a treasure because it seemed to have an ancient style. I didn’t expect…”

Chen Mobai didn’t dare to tell Luan Jingsheng the truth, so he sighed and made up a convincing reason.

“I’ll try to draw them and correct the strokes for you. Come find me tomorrow.”

Luan Jingsheng was a straightforward person. Since Chen Mobai had sought him out, he was happy to help.

“Thank you.”

Chen Mobai could only express his gratitude again, and then treated him to a meal.

“In the future, if you want to learn talisman drawing, you should buy official teaching materials.”

“I still have the three basic talisman books published by Danzhu Academy. I can give them to you if you need them.”

“Try to avoid buying these unlicensed products from street stalls in the future. They are mostly fake, designed to deceive students who think they can find treasures.”

After several interactions, Luan Jingsheng considered Chen Mobai a friend and gave him sincere advice during their meal.

“Brother Luan is right. I won’t buy them again.”

Chen Mobai said, hesitating, but eventually couldn’t resist taking out the Red Flame Sword Talisman refining notes given by Qi Rui and asked Luan Jingsheng to take a look.

He didn’t dare to trust the cultivators from the Tianhe Realm too much.

“Actually, the reason I trusted that stall owner was because I really found a good item.”

“The ‘Red Flame Triple Sword Talisman’ that I used to counter the ‘Heavenly Heart Sword Talisman’ during the duel was bought from that stall, and it even came with a drawing tutorial.”

“Could you help me check this one too, to see if there are any problems?”

Upon hearing this, Luan Jingsheng was surprised. He had seen the spectacular scene of the “Heavenly Heart Sword Talisman” and “Red Flame Triple Sword Talisman” clashing on the stage in his friend circle.

He never expected that Chen Mobai had found it at a street stall.

His initially casual attitude instantly became serious, and he started to check the screenshot of the Red Flame Sword Talisman refining notes that Chen Mobai had sent him.

“This first-grade superior talisman seems fine in terms of strokes, unlike the previous five. But whether there are any problems, I would need to try drawing it myself to know.”

“But my skills are limited. I’ve only mastered three first-grade superior talismans. To learn this Red Flame Sword Talisman, I would probably need to focus on it for at least a month.”

“If you’re not in a hurry, I can try drawing it for you after I finish refining another talisman artifact.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Mobai immediately shook his head.

“I can’t delay you for such a long time. With my level, it would take at least one or two years of basic practice to draw this Red Flame Sword Talisman. I can figure it out slowly by myself then.”

Hearing this, Luan Jingsheng nodded.

He practiced both talisman and artifact creation, but he focused more on artifact creation.

To fully understand and master this Red Flame Sword Talisman would indeed be a waste of time for him.

The next day, Chen Mobai personally went to get the other four life talismans with corrected strokes from Luan Jingsheng. The latter even carefully drew a sample for each one for him to refer to if he didn’t understand.

Chen Mobai was very touched, but he felt embarrassed to give him a Good Deed, so he gave him two tubes of first-grade superior Qi-restoring Spirit Water instead.

At first, Luan Jingsheng didn’t want to accept it, but after Chen Mobai insisted, he reluctantly took it.

When Chen Mobai left, he also gave him the three basic talisman books filled with his own notes.

With the correct samples as references, Chen Mobai’s talisman creation skills immediately improved. He successfully drew all five basic life talismans of the Shenmu Sect in just ten days.

He finally understood that his talent in talisman creation was actually quite good. The reason he had failed so many times before was entirely because he was misled by the incorrect teaching materials.One could only say that the waters of the Tianhe Realm were too deep, and he had suffered too little.

However, after this incident, Chen Mobai finally understood why the shops opened by the major sects in the market of the Tianhe Realm were so expensive.

At least, they would guarantee that the things they sold were correct.

If you bought a cultivation method with the same name but at a cheaper price from a stall, it might have been altered by someone with ulterior motives, deliberately released to harm independent cultivators.

The Tianhe Realm was indeed fraught with danger everywhere.

Chen Mobai learned a lesson from this, and was also grateful that he did not practice the “Black Water Technique”, otherwise he might have been tricked.

Just as he was preparing to go to Qingguang Island to pick up things again, Wu Wan came to him with a face full of excitement.

The reverse deduction of the sacrificial training method of the “White Jade Bell” was completed.


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