Chapter 35 – We are the regular army

Under the warm light, the tip of the long spear emitted a faint cold light.

What the hell… she actually hid a long spear in her room?!

Lin Qiye swallowed his saliva and hurriedly spoke, “No, Sister Hong Ying… I just wanted to ask if you have paper and pen.”

Hong Ying was taken aback. “Why do you need paper and pen so late at night?”

“To write a letter.”

“Hmm… I think I have some. Wait here!” Hong Ying put the long spear aside and went back into the room to search through her things.

Standing at the door, Lin Qiye could clearly see the situation inside Hong Ying’s room.

To his surprise, Hong Ying’s room was very simple, even one could say it was crude.

In this room, there was only a hard bed, a desk lamp, a desk, and a stuffed toy placed by the bed.

There were no extra decorations, no expensive mattresses, no sofas, no air conditioning… Lin Qiye found it hard to imagine that in such a luxurious villa, Hong Ying’s room could be so simple.

It was more appropriate to call it a hermit’s hut rather than the master bedroom of a villa.

The only thing in this room that matched Hong Ying’s age was the cute stuffed toy.

“Paper… paper, paper… found it!” Hong Ying’s eyes lit up as she walked to the door, holding a pen and a few sheets of paper, and handed them to Lin Qiye.

“Sister Hong Ying, do you usually… sleep here?”

Hong Ying turned her head and nodded. “As a Night Watchman, I can’t indulge too much in material comforts. I have to constantly train my willpower… If this villa wasn’t a legacy from my parents and didn’t require regular maintenance, I might have sold it and gone back to live in the dormitory.”

Lin Qiye fell silent for a moment. “I understand. Thank you… Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, you should go to sleep too.” Hong Ying smiled and waved at him, gently closing the door.

Lin Qiye walked downstairs and sat on a chair in the living room, turning on a bright light above his head.

On the table, there was a piece of paper and a pen.

The lonely chirping of cicadas faintly sounded outside the window, and the scorching heat of the summer night disappeared after the rain, with the silhouette of tree leaves projected on the table by the moonlight…

Lin Qiye held the pen and sat in front of the table, motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, he lightly started writing on the paper.

He wrote down the first line.

“To Aunt, Yang Jin…”

“Mom, Mom!”

Yang Jin shook his aunt, who was sleeping on the dining table, and called out softly.

His aunt opened her blurry eyes and slowly raised her head, rubbing her sore neck with one hand as she asked, “What’s wrong? Did your brother come back?”

Yang Jin shook his head. “No, but there’s a letter under the door.”

“A letter?”

“Yeah! It seems like it’s from my brother.”

“Little Qi? Hurry, hurry, open it and see!” His aunt said anxiously, watching as Yang Jin opened the letter and saying, “This child, he didn’t come back all night and didn’t even leave a message. He’s already at the doorstep of the house, but he didn’t come in. What does he mean by leaving a letter?”

Yang Jin opened the letter, and his aunt took it from him. The two of them leaned in together and carefully read it.

After a while, his aunt tremblingly put down the letter and sat there in a daze.

“Mom, brother said he joined the army.” Yang Jin picked up the letter and turned to look at his aunt.

“The army… the army? How… how did this happen so suddenly?” His aunt muttered to herself, “He never mentioned it before…”

“No, he did.” Yang Jin nodded seriously.

“He mentioned it?”

“In the past, he often told me privately that his biggest dream was to join the army, but because his eyes were always bad, he temporarily gave up on that dream.” Yang Jin paused and pointed to a few words in the letter, “And look, he also said in the letter that after his eyes got better, he secretly enlisted, but he didn’t tell you because he was afraid you would stop him. He took the train to Qiqihar by himself last night…”

“That’s not right.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I only received this letter this morning. According to what it says, he should already be on the train!” His aunt’s mind suddenly became clear!

“Um…” Yang Jin scratched his head, “Actually, I only found this letter this morning. It’s possible that it was already there last night, but I just didn’t see it.”

“But, this is too sudden!” His aunt couldn’t accept this fact, “And what if Little Qi’s eyes relapse when he goes to the army? No… this won’t do! I’m not at ease! I’m going to find the government, I want my nephew to come back!”

His aunt hurriedly stood up, not caring that she was wearing slippers, and rushed out of the house.

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks.

Outside the front door, two men in military uniforms were standing awkwardly, as if they were about to knock on the door.

If Lin Qiye were here, he would immediately recognize that these two men were Chen Muye and Wen Qimo.

“Who are you?” His aunt frowned and asked.

Chen Muye and Wen Qimo glanced at each other, and a gentle smile appeared on Wen Qimo’s face as he respectfully performed a not-so-standard military salute to his aunt.

“Hello, may I ask if you are Mrs. Wang Fang, the guardian of Lin Qiye?”

“Yes, I am.””We’re from the Cangnan Military and Political Office, here to deliver some enlistment procedures and subsidies for Lin Qiye.”

“Military and Political Office?” The aunt asked in confusion, “What is that?”

“It’s… specifically responsible for the enlistment of new recruits.”

“Oh… well, please come in and have a seat.” The aunt stepped back to let the two men in, then turned to make tea for them. “I was just about to look for you, something doesn’t seem right about this!”

Chen Muye and Wen Qimo had just sat down when they heard this. The latter broke out in a cold sweat.

Wen Qimo leaned over to Chen Muye and whispered, “Captain, can we… really fool her?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? Our documents are all issued by the regular army, they’re all real!”

“But, but you only submitted Lin Qiye’s application yesterday, there’s no way the documents could have arrived so quickly. Are you sure… these are real?”

“…” Chen Muye’s mouth twitched slightly, “They will become real soon.”

“But I don’t understand, we could have waited for the official documents before coming, why the rush?”

“It’s not us who are in a hurry, it’s Lin Qiye.” Chen Muye glanced at the aunt bustling in the kitchen and whispered, “He’s afraid his aunt won’t believe the letter and will go to the government for verification. But the lower-level officials don’t know about our existence… you understand what I mean, right?”

“I see.”

Wen Qimo nodded, sat up straight, and put on a standard smile.

“Ms. Wang Fang, rest assured, we are the regular army, and Lin Qiye’s enlistment in Wulumuqi has been approved, there are no issues!”

Yang Jin on the side helplessly held his forehead.

The aunt, who was making tea, trembled. The teacup in her hand flipped over onto the table. She turned around stiffly, her eyes wide open:

“He, he didn’t go to Qiqihar?!”

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