Chapter 271 – Sweet as Honey

Tongshan City First Hospital.

A young man and woman, both in their early twenties, met in a secluded corner on the second floor.

The young man asked, “Rosie, did you find it?”

The young woman named Rosie glanced at the small compass disguised as a watch on her wrist and shook her head: “There were only two newly deceased souls in the morgue, which I took the liberty of liberating, but found nothing else. What about you?”

The young man’s eyes faintly revealed a double pupil as he frowned, “No trace of yin energy, as if it vanished into thin air.”

“Zhong Xie, is it possible someone else took them out before us?” Rosie inquired.

“We’re the closest to this place, who else could be faster than us?” Zhong Xie shook his head, “Rosie, do you think they might have performed Body Possession?”

“Body Possession in broad daylight? That’s a bit unusual, isn’t it?” Rosie said.

“How about the fact that the Ghost King is wandering around in broad daylight?” Zhong Xie gave her a look, “Spirits have been appearing nationwide during the day, followed by a series of strange incidents. I always feel there’s a big conspiracy behind this.”

“Didn’t Old Zhang say that the seal on Tianshi Mountain hasn’t been loosened? It’s not the old ghosts from there that have escaped,” Rosie said, “The Ma family has already gone to Beimang Mountain to investigate.”

As they were talking, their phones rang simultaneously.

They took out their phones to find the same message:

“Fellow Daoists, please stay near where the spirits have appeared, and look out for people with sudden changes in temperament or bizarre behavior. It has been verified that today’s spirits are suspected to be the Heavenly Demon’s incarnations. If their actions match certain Keywords, their power will surge. Report back as soon as the investigation is clear. Do not act on your own, as those possessed by the Heavenly Demon may have Supernatural Powers. Unless you decapitate them, they usually recover quickly…”

Along with the message, they received a video that had disappeared from the internet of a street murder and a normally gentle streamer who suddenly began abusing a cat during a live broadcast.

“Heavenly Demon?”

After reading the message and analyzing the video, they looked up at each other, both seeing disbelief in the other’s eyes.

“Zhong Xie, what’s a Heavenly Demon? Have we encountered this thing before?” Rosie asked.

“There are inner demons in the process of cultivation, but Heavenly Demons only appear in myths. This is the first time they’ve appeared in the world. I knew it wasn’t normal for so many lost souls to suddenly appear during the day. It must be the Heavenly Demons, and the one who challenged the Bright Light Formation must be the Demon King.”

Zhong Xie shook his head, then his eyes flashed with excitement, “Let’s go find the Heavenly Demon and see what this new species is all about. They’ve been identified by the authorities in just one day. These Heavenly Demons don’t seem very smart…”

“Right.” Rosie nodded, clenching her fist with an eager expression, “They’re too dangerous; we must eliminate them. It’s our duty.”

Cultivators aren’t always content with simple lives.

Having learned the art of dragon-slaying, yet unable to show it off in front of the world, now they finally had the chance, along with a different new toy. How could they not seize the opportunity?


The two in the video didn’t seem that powerful. If not now, when would they act heroically?

Letting the Heavenly Demon escape would be irresponsible to society.

After all, the authorities would surely intervene afterward and smooth over the news…

The young are fearless.

The two set out to search the hospital, but after making rounds from the outpatient department to the inpatient department, they found no one matching the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon.

It must be said, sudden changes in behavior and odd speech are hard to judge without spending time with someone, and from appearances alone, it’s impossible to tell.

Moreover, the hospital is so large, with patients, family members, and medical staff. It’s too difficult to find a few people with abnormal behavior in the bustling crowd.

“How can we judge based solely on strange behavior and speech?” In a quiet spot in the inpatient department, Rosie looked at her compass again, “It’s impossible to find them. No serious incidents have occurred in the hospital, right? Could they have run away?”

“Do you think abnormal behavior might not only manifest in killing?” Zhong Xie whispered, glancing at the nurse’s station.

“What do you mean?” Rosie followed his gaze and saw a young man in a patient gown joking with several nurses. Whatever joke he told had the nurses shaking with laughter.

“He’s just a flirtatious kid,” Rosie said dismissively, giving Zhong Xie a look, “Kids these days mature early. It’s not that strange.”

“But I just saw him confessing to a man in his fifties,” Zhong Xie said.

“Probably a prank!” Rosie said, “Don’t you know there’s a game called Truth or Dare? When I was in school, I even spoke to a telephone pole…”

“What did you say?” Zhong Xie’s attention was indeed drawn back as he asked teasingly, “Is there hope for my illness?”

Rosie gave him a look and was about to retort when she saw the young man approaching them.

The two of them stopped smiling and fell silent.

The young man joking with the nurses wasn’t unusual, but his approach towards them was a bit off.

Was he a Heavenly Demon?

Zhong Xie gathered spiritual power in his palm, ready to cast the Five Thunder Spell at any moment.

Rosie flipped her wrist, and a small dagger slid into her palm.

The young man seemed unaware of their alertness and stood before them, surveying their faces with a warm smile, “You two, I’ve been watching you for a long time. It’s my luck to meet you in this vast crowd. Your handsomeness, your beauty, have conquered me. Is there a chance for us to have a passionate romance?”

“…” Rosie.

“…” Zhong Xie.

Zhong Xie dispelled the Five Thunder Spell.

Rosie’s dagger retreated back into her sleeve.

“Boring,” Rosie said, giving him a look, “Go play by yourself, I don’t like kids.”

“What a coincidence, I don’t like kids either,” the young man blushed, coyly saying, “After we’re together, I’ll be careful with protection.”

Rosie’s face flushed red: “Get lost.”

Zhong Xie watched the young man with interest, shaking his head, “Interesting, but you’ve got the wrong target, kid. She doesn’t like men. If you want to woo her, you’ll have to turn yourself into a woman first.”

“Handsome guy, I like a challenge,” the young man smiled, “My time is running out, and before I say goodbye to this world, I plan to have a passionate romance. Do you want to witness it?”

“Running out of time?” Rosie was taken aback.

“Yes, just as you’re thinking,” the young man tugged at his patient gown, smiling bitterly, “With the time I have left, I plan to try something different, to live without regrets. I intend to confess to everyone in the world, regardless of gender or age, and see how many successes I can get. I want to see how many people are willing to accept a different me, accept my love, just confessions, not relationships, and broadcast it live online. Would you be my witnesses?”

Zhong Xie and Rosie exchanged glances, their expressions hesitant.

Rosie looked at the optimistic young man and said, “I’m sorry, but we have more important things to do!”

“Really not possible?” The young man’s expression suddenly dimmed, “I saw you two walking around the hospital, thought you weren’t busy. The nurse over there agreed to help me record, but they really can’t leave.”

He handed over his phone, pleading, “Half a day, can you give me half a day? Just to hold the phone for me, to film a bit. I just started the live stream, and I don’t have many fans. As soon as someone is willing to take over, you can leave anytime…”

Zhong Xie was about to refuse, but Rosie stopped him, nodding and taking the phone, “Okay, I agree. But only within the hospital, and you must keep our identities secret. If we encounter a suspect, I will end the live stream early.”

“No problem,” the young man nodded excitedly, “My name is Chen Ziyong, I’ve been too busy confessing, I don’t even know your names?”


“Zhong Xie.”

They gave their names.

Watching the two take the bait, the young man named Chen Ziyong looked at the skills on his Interface, a mysterious smile on his face.

There it is.

The main storyline has arrived.

These two discussing the Heavenly Demon is one thing, but the information they received was incomplete. Discussing so close to me, don’t they know every Heavenly Demon has keen senses?

Sweet as Honey: No one dislikes a person who fancies them, as long as your words are sweet enough…

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