Chapter 234 – Giant skeleton

Not long after Fang Yun left the strange place, a light gate appeared at the site of the giant footprint, and a shadow leaped out from the gate.

“Finally, I’ve arrived here, but it’s a pity that I have to sacrifice a treasure that even a Semi-Saint would grieve over!”

“Huh? How did those monster bones turn into ashes? How come there’s a hole dug where the real dragon bone was? Damn it! Who did this, come out! I’m going to kill you!”

“What’s this? Why are there so many black fog monsters, each one as powerful as a Demon King! It’s over, I have to use another treasure!”

The shadow suddenly took out a book, which burned into ashes, and a mighty river appeared on the spot, sweeping the shadow away and then disappearing.

Under the cliff, Fang Yun pushed hard and found that it was just an ordinary cliff. He couldn’t pass through it at all. Knowing that there was a strange force, he didn’t try again. He was very satisfied with his trip to the depths of the Dragon Cliff.

This real dragon bone is probably at the level of a Demon General, equivalent to a human Imperial Scholar. It’s most suitable for integrating into the War of Words. A too powerful dragon bone is suitable for honing the War of Words, but not for integrating into it.

Fang Yun guessed that this place should be separated from that strange place, otherwise the power of the giant claw would have rampaged through The Holy Land long ago. He wasn’t worried about being pursued, so he turned around and carefully observed his surroundings.

The trees here were similar to those in the Dragon Cliff Forest, but they were more lush and fresh. There were also many weeds on the ground, while there were hardly any weeds in the Dragon Cliff Forest.

Fang Yun took a deep breath. The spiritual energy here was very rich, dozens of times that of the Holy Origin Mainland. If an ordinary person lived here, their final physical strength would probably be stronger than that of a Demon General.

A big rabbit suddenly jumped out from behind a tree, looking at Fang Yun with teary eyes. It looked as if it was scared to death and was relieved to see him. It rushed towards Fang Yun and clung to his leg, refusing to let go. Its long rabbit ears kept trembling.

“Where are the others?” Fang Yun asked, looking down.

The big rabbit shook its head.

Fang Yun suspected that those people hadn’t entered the strange place at all, otherwise they wouldn’t have missed it. Or perhaps those people had been killed when they appeared around the giant claw.

Looking at the big rabbit’s cowardly appearance, Fang Yun asked, “Did you separate from them? Have you been hiding here without looking for the others?”

The big rabbit nodded vigorously, showing a look of admiration for Fang Yun’s intelligence.

Fang Yun reached out and tapped the rabbit on the head. “Follow me closely, and don’t reveal that my leg is healed, understand?”

The big rabbit immediately nodded vigorously, then looked puzzled, as if asking: How can I reveal it?

Fang Yun was amused and said, “Let’s go, follow me to find them.”

Fang Yun looked around. The trees here were towering, and he couldn’t see the exit of the Dragon Cliff at all. It was completely different from being inside the depths of the Dragon Cliff.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Yun walked to a big tree, recited the Speeding Poem, and his body was wrapped in spiritual energy. He climbed up at a very fast speed.

After climbing for a while, Fang Yun looked back and saw the big rabbit following him agilely, even more agile than a monkey. It was clear that it had been eating all kinds of good things and its body was much stronger than that of a Demon Soldier.

This big tree was more than twenty feet high. In no time, Fang Yun climbed to the top of the tree and found that he was in a sea of green. There were lush branches and leaves everywhere, and his view was blocked by many taller trees.

Fang Yun looked down at the rabbit and said, “Follow me.” Then he jumped to the top of the tree in front, moving forward quickly as if he had mastered the highest level of lightness skill, stepping on the branches and leaves.

The big rabbit followed with envy, jumping and running through the branches, squeaking from time to time, asking Fang Yun to wait for it.

Before long, Fang Yun arrived at the highest tree nearby. However, he didn’t immediately climb to the top, but hid in the canopy, observing the surroundings through the gaps in the branches and leaves.

There were still a lot of leaves and branches around, and nothing else. But dozens of miles away, there was a row of mountains, including Dragon Cliff Mountain.

On the mountainside of Dragon Cliff Mountain, there was a platform where some skeletons were moving back and forth, seemingly making a fire and boiling water.

Fang Yun took out the thousand-mile mirror given by the Lu Ban family and looked over there.

The thousand-mile mirror and the poison-testing silver needle were both specially made, changed by the power of the Gong family or the Yi family, and possessed magical powers.

Fang Yun clearly saw that Li Fanming, Han Shoulu, and all the Presented Scholars and Demon Barbarians who had come here were tied up on the mountain. He wondered how it could be such a coincidence, then carefully observed the walking skeletons.

Those spirit bones looked like monsters made up of various bones at first glance. Some of them were humanoid, while others were beast-like.

The so-called spirit bones were like strange woods and weird grasses. They were a kind of life that had absorbed special powers in ancient lands and formed something similar to a demon. Strictly speaking, they were “strange monsters”, and together with the Demon Clan, they were called demons.Spirit Bones not only possess formidable individual combat power, but they can also stack together at any time, forming a Giant of Hundred Bones. It could even be said that Spirit Bones are stronger than the Strange Woods and Weird Grasses, as they are adept at controlling the Weak Water and the Mist of Strange Wind. In the Holy Land, the Giant of Hundred Bones has no nemesis.

Legend has it that in places abundant with dragon bones, the Giant of Hundred Bones can even suppress a member of the Dragon Clan.

Fang Yun originally wanted to continue searching for treasures in the Dragon Cliff, but his friend was captured, and he had to rescue him as soon as possible. If his friend was killed by the Spirit Bones, it would be too late. Moreover, he had sixteen marrow pearls and a large number of bone fragments, which were invaluable to the Spirit Bones and could be used for trade.

Although Spirit Bones are ferocious, they are easier to negotiate with than Strange Woods and Weird Grasses.

Fang Yun immediately jumped onto the tree canopy, wrote the War Poetry of Rapid Movement, and accelerated his run on the treetops, deliberately letting the Spirit Bones see him.

Unfortunately, the vigilance of the Spirit Bones was too low, and they didn’t notice him.

By the time Fang Yun was a mile away from Dragon Cliff Mountain, the Spirit Bones finally noticed him. They roared in anger, and nearly a hundred Spirit Bones collided together. Various bones overlapped and combined to form a Giant of Hundred Bones, creating a peculiar sense of harmony and beauty.

The lower half of this Giant of Hundred Bones resembled a lion or tiger, the upper half resembled a human body, but with four arms. The head was a small hill, composed of many skulls from the Demon Clan, Barbarian Clan, Human Clan, Dragon Clan, and so on, looking very strange.

This Giant of Hundred Bones was a full ten zhang tall, with a body of white bones and a faint red aura of blood and energy pulsating around it. Both its appearance and power were extremely terrifying.

The Giant of Hundred Bones could combine the power of blood and energy in its bones to launch an attack. Just in terms of the total amount of blood and energy, they were already close to a Demon Saint. However, due to their poor application methods, their actual destructive power was far less than that of a Demon Saint.

Unless they had a skull of a Semi-Saint.

Soon, Fang Yun arrived at the foot of Dragon Cliff Mountain, and the Presented Scholars also saw him. He had used the War Poetry of Rapid Movement earlier, so his agility wouldn’t be suspected. Now, he stopped using the War Poetry, took out a wheelchair from the Swallowed Lake Pearl and sat on it. Then he pushed the wheels forward with both hands, pretending that he hadn’t fully recovered.

After a while, he felt a light push from behind. Turning his head, he saw the big rabbit pushing the wheelchair.

The Presented Scholars shouted joyfully.

“Fang Yun, we’ve been waiting for you! Show them the Holy Fruit, they don’t believe us.”

“They even said they want to cook us, they’re so cruel.”

“Dear Spirit Bone friends, the Holy Fruit is here. Please let us go.”

“Your Majesty Moon Emperor! I told them I’m your guard, but they don’t believe me!” Niu Shan shouted.

Fang Yun noticed that although these people were somewhat anxious, they were not particularly scared, indicating that the Spirit Bones could be communicated with.

As Fang Yun approached, the Giant of Hundred Bones suddenly swung its hand towards a spot several dozen zhang to the right of Fang Yun, and a blood-colored light blade flew out.


The blood-colored light blade fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust, then continued to fly forward and cut, finally cutting a deep trench a mile long on the ground. The soil on both sides of the trench rolled up, emitting a faint smoke.

The ground of the Holy Land was tens of times harder than the land of the Holy Origin Mainland.

“This is the power of our casual strike, you should know the consequences of deceiving us!” A dragon head of the Giant of Hundred Bones roared, a powerful pressure rushed towards Fang Yun, even forming a substantial gust of wind, blowing Fang Yun’s clothes.

Fang Yun knew this was the Giant of Hundred Bones showing its power, so he immediately took out a Holy Fruit, a marrow pearl, and some extremely hard bone fragments from the Swallowed Lake Pearl, then quickly put them back into the Swallowed Lake Pearl. He held up the Swallowed Lake Pearl with his right hand, indicating that if the Spirit Bones dared to mess around, he would destroy the items inside.

However, to Fang Yun and the Presented Scholars’ surprise, the top of the Giant of Hundred Bones immediately turned into a noisy market, with all the Spirit Bones shouting desperately.

“Is it real? I actually saw the bone fragments of an ancient demon! If I eat it, I’ll be the King of Hundred Bones!”

“Those marrow pearls are also different. They’re also from an ancient demon! This human bastard must have gotten them from the Dragon Cliff, they’re ours!”

“Hand them over! Or we’ll cook you!” A dog head roared, the blue flame in its eye sockets was particularly vigorous.

“Hurry up, let those humans go, don’t let them die. If he dies, we won’t be able to eat the good stuff!”

“Eat, eat, eat!”

Fang Yun was a bit dumbfounded. The outside world always said that Spirit Bones were cunning, but they didn’t seem like it at all. After carefully recalling the words of Master Pen, he understood that they probably meant that Spirit Bones liked to deceive people.

Fang Yun didn’t expect that the ancient demon bone fragments in his hand were more popular than he thought. He immediately used his eloquent speech and said, “First, let my friends go and escort us out of Dragon Cliff, then we can discuss the trade.”

“Do you think we Spirit Bones are fools?”

“The humans actually deceived us, damn it!”

Many skulls shouted and yelled, while only a few skulls remained silent.Fang Yun said, “I have sacred fruits, marrow pearls, and ancient demon bone fragments in my hand. If you want them, you have to take us out of Dragon Cliff first. If you disagree, I will destroy everything in it now and then run away. You don’t need to pretend anymore. The Presented Scholar said you need the sacred fruits, not to mention I also have ancient demon bone fragments.”

As soon as Fang Yun mentioned the Presented Scholar, all these spirit bones wilted, seeming to be somewhat wary of the Presented Scholar, and some even showed respect.

Nearly a hundred skulls began to discuss, and it took half a Time before they came up with a result as the sun set.

The dragon head said, “Okay, we will take you out of Dragon Cliff, but you need to show your sincerity.”

Without saying a word, Fang Yun took out a handful of bone fragments and threw them at the giant skeleton.

Then, the giant skeleton dispersed, and more than ninety spirit bones began to scramble for the bone fragments, creating a chaotic scene. However, they didn’t use their real power, just brute force to scramble.

Not only were Fang Yun and the Presented Scholars at a loss whether to cry or laugh, even the big rabbit was rolling its eyes.

Fang Yun was originally worried about not being able to escape after the transaction, but now he understood that by the time the transaction was over and these spirit bones had finished scrambling, they would have long escaped far away.

The spirit bones quarreled for a quarter of an hour before they finally distributed the seven bone fragments and let go of the Presented Scholars.

…(To be continued.)

PS: The third update will be in the middle of the night.

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