Chapter 262 – Change the rules with one’s own strength

“The most spectacular episode in history, Pan-Universal Entertainment unveils a treasure of a newcomer.”

On the official forum of Pan-Universal Entertainment, the latest episode’s video was prominently pinned to the top.

The cover featured a scene from the supervisory institution’s Void Refinement Realm experts battling the Medicine Immortal Sect.

Zheng Tingwen and others were stripped bare and had their limbs plucked, floating naked in the air confronting Du Ge. To protect himself, Du Ge used spiritual power to control their limbs, forming a defensive circle around himself. It looked both horrifying and hilarious, incredibly eye-catching.

“I watched the live broadcast of this episode, the newcomer is super fierce, it’s been a while since Pan-Universal Entertainment had such an impressive newcomer.”

“I watched it too, a total crush, but it’s a pity it was too short, it ended just as I was getting into it.”

“Damn it, I didn’t even get a chance to place my bets.”

“Has the flesh and blood fighting style changed? I haven’t watched the live broadcast in a while, it’s just a bunch of cowards over and over, no passion, it puts you to sleep.”

“Does anyone still watch this crappy live broadcast?”

“If it weren’t for making some quick cash, I would’ve stopped watching ‘Resource Game’ a long time ago.”

“The latest episode is worth watching, short and exciting, the newcomer played the Keywords to perfection, and in the end, those guys still couldn’t guess that the newcomer’s Keyword was ‘Plunder.’”

“That damn guy, made me lose a big sum of money. I placed a heavy bet on a flesh and blood fighter with a concentrated Keyword, that guy had a high starting point, but showed no impressive performance later on, just trash, luckily he got killed. Otherwise, I would’ve stormed into Pan-Universal Entertainment and dug him out to torture him a hundred times over.”

“I did a bit better, I bet on ‘Chaos.’ In the end, that flesh and blood fighter was playing house with a bunch of kids until his death, even asking why they were killing him, it was so ridiculous it made me laugh, too many idiots.”

“Luckily, I placed my bet on the newcomer king just before it ended. At that time, Pan-Universal Entertainment hadn’t adjusted the odds yet, made a small profit, hehe, I rewarded that little guy with a bit of mental power, as a little sweetener.”

“I checked out the video, the newcomer king is too cool, he has his own set of ideas, I’m betting on him in the next match.”

“Before you bet on him, first you have to make sure he’ll play again; second, you have to find him among thousands of people; third, you have to ensure he randomly gets an excellent Keyword; without one of these conditions, I don’t believe you’d bet on him if he randomly got a Keyword like ‘sloppy,’ I’d rather believe he’s a shooting star that flashes by.”

“Yeah! After those flesh and blood fighters gain honor, they rarely compete a second time. I feel Pan-Universal Entertainment’s control over them is too lax, those outstanding seed players should be made to compete continuously, the ratings would definitely explode.”


“Pan-Universal Entertainment won’t do that, the Alien Star Battlefield is too cruel for those flesh and blood fighters, if they knew they’d have to compete continuously, they’d just give up hope.”

“Indeed, if those seed players kept competing, Pan-Universal Entertainment would suffer a huge loss.”

“They wouldn’t lose, if all the competitors were seed players, then it’s not certain who would win, nobody would turn their back on money, right?”

“I have a feeling, Pan-Universal Entertainment won’t let that surprising newcomer just fade away.”

“What I’m more interested in is the aftermath, the newcomer king released eight people from different planets, which means his combat style will be studied by all flesh and blood nations. The next Alien Star Battlefield will definitely be super exciting. He’s brought uncertainty to Pan-Universal Entertainment. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to the next Alien Star Battlefield.”

“Are there any network experts? I’m asking you to hack into Pan-Universal Entertainment’s servers, I heard that during the growth process of flesh and blood fighters, they go through basic training in the Simulation Field, I’m very interested in the newcomer king’s basic training. If you can find his training video materials, I’m willing to pay five hundred star coins.”

“After the newcomer king’s battlefield ended, the ratings for the other three battlefields have already dropped to rock bottom, I strongly suggest adding an extra match, letting that just-finished newcomer king compete again. Are there any higher-ups from Pan-Universal Entertainment here, please convey to the newcomer king that if he’s willing to compete again, I promise to reward him with 1000 star coins of mental power.”

“Add an extra match.”

“Add an extra match.”

“Is it really as fun as you guys say? Don’t lie to me, if I find out it’s not as exciting as you say, I’ll come back and report each of you!”

“All the people above must be employees of Pan-Universal Entertainment!”

“Has anyone finished watching the video? Please come back and give feedback.”

“Super thrilling, I feel the rules for the next Alien Star Battlefield are really going to change, I suggest adding an extra match…”

Messages on the forum kept popping up one after another, scrolling in front of Bai Long’s eyes.

Bai Long watched the explosion of information triggered by Du Ge, unsure whether to feel joy or worry.

After pondering for a moment, his fingers tapped continuously on the virtual screen in front of him.

In no time, he had composed an email, packaging the video of Du Ge’s participation in the Alien Star Battlefield, the videos of three Simulation Fields, and the forum feedback, and sent it to the company’s executives.

In fact.

It wasn’t just Bai Long who was sending.

The managers responsible for the other three Alien Star Battlefields also reflected the special phenomenon brought about by Du Ge to their superiors.

After Du Ge logged off, the ratings for the remaining three Alien Star Battlefields had plummeted to a dismal level.

However, the replay and download volume of that ended battlefield’s video kept climbing, reaching new heights.

This edition of “Resource Game” by Pan-Universal Entertainment hadn’t seen such high discussion heat in a long time.

Just one Alien Star Battlefield, and Du Ge had already harvested tremendous fame for himself.

At this time.

Du Ge had returned to his home.

Having experienced Du Ge’s ‘plucking feathers from a passing goose,’ Nan Youlong went to report to his superiors with a belly full of shock and frustration.

The war mode of the Alien Star Battlefield might change because of Du Ge.

Qi Yuan Star had to come up with targeted policies, and the previous series of educational guidelines and talent selection plans all had to be adjusted accordingly.

This was a major project that had to be handled with extreme caution.

Either for the next decade or so, Qi Yuan Star would make a fortune, or one wrong step could lead to Qi Yuan Star’s complete downfall; he didn’t dare make the decision on his own.

Du Ge was at home experimenting with his skills. So far, he had nine skills.

Du Ge had confirmed that ‘Acting for Heaven’ did not carry over from the Alien Star Battlefield.

Of course, even if it did, it wouldn’t be of much use.

The real world had no spiritual power or internal energy; he couldn’t snatch anything from others.

However, without the coverage of spiritual power from the world of immortals and martial arts, the skill ‘plucking feathers from a passing goose’ brought him a lot of inconvenience in life.

Now, Du Ge dared not touch anything casually, especially the pair of twins he lived with.

When interacting with them, he had to be extremely careful.

Stripping them naked was a minor issue, but he feared that he might unintentionally pluck off their arms and legs. Qi Yuan Star didn’t have such high recovery abilities or medical skills.

Even if the limbs were taken off and reattached, they wouldn’t work as well as before, and it could lead to disability.

But it must be said that with ‘plucking feathers from a passing goose’ combined with ‘backstab,’ even without a blade in hand, Du Ge could take a life in an instant.

Although they had never truly fought, Nan Youlong, with only seventy-eight thousand mental power, was no longer a match for Du Ge.

It was a pity that aside from mental power, Du Ge hadn’t found a suitable skill to enhance his body in other ways.

‘At One’s Beck and Call,’ ‘Muddy Water Fishing,’ and ‘Benevolent Healer,’ these three skills could work perfectly together. As long as the news of his victory in the Alien Star Battlefield spread, and the resources from Pan-Universal Entertainment were distributed.

Du Ge was confident that with these three skills, he could quickly gain a leadership position on Qi Yuan Star.

But what’s the point of being the ruler of a planet that could collapse at any moment? He would still be at the mercy of Pan-Universal Entertainment…

Du Ge’s ultimate wish was to escape this world.

Thus, he was most looking forward to the next three Simulation Fields.

Without the risk to life, gaining two skills was a great deal.

If he was fast enough, maybe he could complete three Simulation Fields before the next Alien Star Battlefield opened, acquiring six skills…

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