Chapter 249 – When did you meet a wild woman?

“If I could hate you, I would hate you with all my might, even avoiding you when we meet…”

Igura hummed the theme song of the drama while writing down his thoughts in his notebook. This meant that he had finished watching another drama that ranked in the top ten of the “Hot Drama List” this year.

Yes, even entertainment works have rankings. The points rewarded by the Gospel List are distributed proportionally to investors, producers, actors, and behind-the-scenes staff, etc. – precisely because of the existence of the list, the quality of the film and television industry in the Gospel Kingdom far exceeds that of the Blood Moon Kingdom.

It’s not that Igura is biased. For example, the Blood Moon Kingdom is currently a market dominated by traffic, and the most appealing actors take away the most benefits. Here, the film and television dramas are led by screenwriters, whose authority is equal to that of directors. They not only receive the most benefits but also have the right to intervene in filming and actor selection. Therefore, the more popular the drama, the more perfect the story pace, making it impossible for you to break away from it from the first second, turning into a relentless drama-chasing machine that “just wants to watch the next episode.”

In addition to the script, filming equipment, filming techniques, acting skills, actor selection… almost every aspect of the Gospel Kingdom’s film and television industry completely surpasses that of the Blood Moon Kingdom. The difference between the two is as great as the Time Continent and the Sea of Knowledge – they are not on the same level.

Igura is increasingly convinced that the Blood Moon Kingdom is the most rubbish country in the world. The city cannot compare to the Gospel, the culture cannot compare to the Gospel, and even the leader of the Blood Moon heresy is weaker than the eternal presence of the Gospel. Apart from the moon being rounder, the Blood Moon Kingdom is worthless.

But he is not idle watching dramas for no reason. He has been watching dramas at 8x speed these days, just to observe the desires of the Gospel Kingdom.

Entertainment works are a reflection of modern people’s inner thoughts, and the more popular they are, the more so. For example, the love dramas in the Blood Moon Kingdom all start with sudden accidents, because the people of the Blood Moon yearn for non-daily relationships and detest their own real lives;

For example, many crime dramas depict the protagonist being framed by upper-class figures such as companies, senators, and government agents, representing the common knowledge of the people of the Blood Moon;

There are even stories of babies being mistakenly raised, where a baby with high comprehensive quality is raised in a low-level care center, and a baby with low comprehensive quality is raised in a high-level care center, and then the accidental intertwining of their lives becomes a metropolitan emotional drama, representing the Blood Moon people’s obsession with care centers;

In recent years, the most popular genre in the Blood Moon Kingdom is the end-of-the-world drama, where a sudden disaster destroys everything, and then the protagonist rises to the occasion, representing the need for expansion plans in various Blood Moon prisons.

One of Igura’s previous preparations was to investigate what kind of dramas his clients liked to watch. If the other party liked to watch end-of-the-world dramas, then the conversation would turn towards criticizing society and being disillusioned with the world; if the other party liked to watch love dramas, then he would talk about his own love story. After all, he is so good-looking, any love story happening to him would be reasonable.

The entertainment works that clients like to watch reflect their desires, and the dramas that the people like to watch naturally reflect the most superficial contradictions of the country.

Naturally, Igura has gained a lot. First of all, the two most popular genres in the Gospel Kingdom are “Professional Drama” and “Family Struggle Drama,” and sometimes the two are combined.

A professional drama focuses on the story of a particular profession, including but not limited to red hat wearers, professional gamers, rope-skipping athletes, fashion designers, medical professionals, chefs, etc. The basic plot is that the protagonist joins a new industry, gradually grows and understands the industry, and eventually enters the Gospel List, achieving success in both career and love.

The family struggle drama is a story of internal struggles within a family, with the background often being that the male lead, although older, is not talented, while the second male lead is a bastard but has entered the Gospel List at a young age, so the two sides fight for the inheritance.

If the two are combined, it becomes a “rebellious protagonist who, in order to inherit the family property, has to enter the ancestral industry and struggle to become the best in the industry and enter the Gospel List.”

For Igura, both genres are very interesting. The professional drama subtly conveys the concept of “no distinction between noble and humble professions,” and unlike the pale verbal propaganda of the Blood Moon Kingdom, the professional equality in the Gospel Kingdom is equal treatment. As long as your industry has a list, and as long as you can rank at the top, even if you are just a stinky social idler, you can receive the same points reward as a sorcerer professor.

The “family struggle drama” seems to be just an ordinary person’s curiosity about a large family, but it clearly has a deep real-life basis – the distribution of family property.

Through intense drama-watching, Igura can now barely understand the concept of a family, although as a heretic, he still cannot understand why someone would fight for a cub, but he accepts that this strange phenomenon exists.

If he understands correctly, the parents of the Gospel Kingdom will leave their property to their descendants, including the “professional skills” accumulated throughout their lives. If the parents are chosen gods, then their children will be more likely to become chosen gods.

If there is only one child, that’s fine, but what if there are two children? If one child is talented and hardworking but does not please themselves, and the other pleases themselves but has no talent?This is the soil of the “home drama”. The plot inside can more or less resonate with the audience, so the ratings are so high.

Whether it’s a professional drama or a home drama, there is a key factor: the Gospel Ranking.

Or, there is no drama that does not appear in the Gospel Ranking.

It may be the detonation point of the contradiction, or the dream of the protagonist, or the help to promote the plot… The root of everything can be traced back to the Gospel Ranking.

It seems that as long as you can make the list and become a chosen one, you can solve all problems; it seems that if you don’t become a chosen one, you are a failure in the story.

But it doesn’t matter. In the Blood Moon Kingdom, people without power and money are also redundant rubbish, and here they are just ranked on the list.

There is always something that will become the target of people’s pursuit, the criterion for distinguishing between the noble and the humble, even in the orphanage, the cute children who are often praised are more respected than the ugly children who often have runny noses.

Igura does not think that the list is bad, and even the opposite, this thing is really good.

Fair and just, directly from the gods… Igura only dares to use these labels when cheating some stupid customers.

Even the swindlers feel that the Gospel Ranking is too outrageous, which shows how outrageous this thing is.

Compared with the Blood Moon Kingdom relying on the Moon Shadow Clan to stabilize society, the Blood Saint Clan promotes technological revolution, and the rest of the clans exist as screws and fuel, the Gospel Kingdom’s ranking system does not know how many times better it is, easily driving the people to struggle for a lifetime, squeezing out the potential of everyone.

In terms of the utilization rate of the people, the Blood Moon Supreme Lord should report to the Omniscient Weaver to improve the class.

He flipped through the notebook, and the shadow drama also revealed many strange national psychological side writings, such as the fact that most of the female protagonists in most dramas are determined from the beginning, and even if there is a third party, they cannot intervene; such as the bizarre rumors about the “sewer” often appear, although the content is different, it can also be seen that the people of the Gospel are afraid of the sewer…

But what Igura is puzzled about is that he actually didn’t find the palace drama.

He was quite curious about the imperial royal family of the Gospel Kingdom, presumably the public has the same idea as him, but since it does not exist, does it mean that the royal family has ordered the prohibition of filming related dramas?

There are a few fairy tale animations with royal content, but Igura never watches cartoons. That’s what children watch. It’s a waste of time to watch them.

Looking at the time, Igura went from the audio-visual room to the living room to have breakfast. He happened to see Asho coming out of the game room grumbling.

“You’re playing virtual games early in the morning?”

“Otherwise, what else can I do? I didn’t recharge, so I can only spend time leveling up and getting equipment.” Asho said impatiently.

“No, what I mean is, why don’t you have anything else to do early in the morning?” Igura was a little dissatisfied. “You don’t really think you’re here on vacation, do you? Spend some time collecting information at least, watching books and documentaries is also fine.”

Asho thought for a moment. “I am investigating the characteristics of players who like to play virtual games, depicting their group portrait, trying to capture their pain points, and empower our plan that hasn’t written a single word…”

“Any results?”

“I was killed in the wild for the tenth time just now, it seems that the players here are all a bunch of hybrids.”

“Then why don’t you just not play?”

“But it’s fun, the plot is good, the graphics are good, and although I can’t beat other players, I can beat monsters, and the sense of accomplishment is very cool.”

Asho gritted his teeth. “Actually, as long as I recharge a little money, I can have a great gaming experience. At least I can’t beat them, but I can run away. But I don’t have money… When will Miss Annan give me money!”

“If Annan doesn’t give you money, can’t you earn it yourself?”

“How to earn?”

“You create a female character, and then seduce male players to send you gifts. Not only can you bypass the restrictions of not having a bracelet, but Annan can’t control you either.”

Asho looked embarrassed. “But I can’t pretend to be a cute girl, and I may not be able to seduce male players.”

“You actually directly crossed the psychological threshold of ‘playing a role’, are you already thinking about how to become cute? If I had met you earlier, you might have become my partner.” Igura teased, “Your daughter is quite cute, you can learn from her usual actions.”

“Learning from a little girl is too strange, Aunt Bokin, she doesn’t want it.”

While having a friendly sparring with Igura, Asho asked, “By the way, Igura, do you know any way to calm down quickly – the kind that doesn’t require a Sorcery Spirit?”

“I’ll teach you. Like I am now, with my hands in the shape of a knife, I can calmly chop at someone’s neck at a 45° angle, and the other party will probably calm down – always calm down.”

“Hey, Mr. Igura, please kindly guide me.” Igura looked at Asho, who was clasping his hands together and winking, and his brain paused for a moment.

It seems that this is the first time he has asked me for help… Igura impatiently scratched his head, walked behind him, and suddenly chopped his neck with a hand knife.

“Why did you chop my neck if you’re not going to tell me!””Calm down,” Igura said irritably. “For someone like you, this method is enough. Different ages, appearances, heights, and races all require different ways to calm down. If you’re not going to be specific, then this is all you get.”

“Oh, oh, oh!” Asho had great faith in the professional’s advice. “Well, the person in question is a beautiful human female with a great figure who likes to wear skirts, just a bit shorter than me, 19 years old, often changes her hair color and style, and has a lively, dignified, aloof, and scheming personality. Her main method of attack is the fist and claw style…”


“It’s not Annan.”

Igura was shocked: “Σ(っ°Д°;)っ When did you meet a wild woman?”

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