Chapter 209 – Meaningless assessment

The appointment of the International Criminal Police.

Yang Jian drove while heading to the designated location in Dachang City.

From what he learned from Liu Xiaoyu, the appointment assessment of the International Criminal Police is quite strict. In addition to being a ghost tamer, mental state evaluation and personality assessment are also extremely important.

After all, handling supernatural events in a city while having great power, if there are problems in the appointment, it may bring unimaginable disasters to a city.

However, Yang Jian belongs to the Special Operations Department.

Under the circumstances of having Zhao Kaiming, a police officer in Dachang City, he became the second police officer.

The reason why the higher-ups agreed was actually because Yang Jian had made several achievements.

Whether it was the Ghost Knocking on the Door incident, the Ghost Shadow incident, or the Huanggang Village incident, they all fully demonstrated his personal abilities. Rescuing police officer Feng Quan and Tong Qian before also received high praise from the higher-ups for Yang Jian’s style of work.

A ghost tamer who can rescue other police officers and solve various difficult supernatural events, such a person will naturally not be neglected by the higher-ups.

If it weren’t for Yang Jian’s reluctance to become an international police officer too early and the excessive use of the power of fierce ghosts, his appointment would not have been delayed until now.

“We’re here, this is it.”

Yang Jian’s car stopped in front of a municipal building.

The appointment location is here.

As soon as he got out of the car, someone was waiting specifically here.

“Is it Yang Jian, Mr. Yang?” A middle-aged man in a suit, who looked like a civilian, walked over with a smile.

“It’s me.” Yang Jian said.

“The higher-ups have already explained, please come this way, Mr. Yang.” The civilian said.

Yang Jian nodded.

This person did not enter the municipal building, but instead walked towards a small independent reception room nearby.

“Isn’t the appointment in the municipal building?” he asked.

“I’m not too sure about this, I’m only responsible for bringing Mr. Yang to the reception room. I don’t have control over the rest.” The civilian said.

Yang Jian didn’t ask further.

Soon, he arrived at the reception room, and there were armed police standing guard both inside and outside the reception room, with real guns and live ammunition, creating a somewhat tense atmosphere.

This reception room is strict on the outside but loose on the inside.

Without permission, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter here.

After entering an office, Yang Jian saw a somewhat decadent man in his thirties sitting in the office. He was yawning and lying on the table, holding a paper frog folded from a piece of paper, pressing the frog’s buttocks and jumping up and down, playing with it seriously.

“Knock knock!”

The civilian said, “Mr. Sun Yi, Yang Jian has arrived.”

“Someone’s here? Good, you can leave first.”

Sun Yi suddenly raised his head and took a quick look, then quickly put away the paper frog on the table.

“By the way, if there is nothing else, don’t disturb me. Without my permission, no one can approach this office, including the mayor.”

“Okay, Mr. Sun Yi.”

Yang Jian looked at this man, a special instinct told him that Sun Yi is also a ghost tamer.

However, the danger level is very low, and the ghost eye did not have a strong reaction.

It is not even as strong as the previous Ye Feng.

“Have a seat.” Sun Yi straightened up and pointed around, “Don’t be nervous, this assessment is relatively lenient, but there are still some procedures to go through. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? By the way, please be reminded that this conversation will be recorded.”

“It’s okay, just ask your questions. Just don’t waste too much of my time.” Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi asked, “Name?”

“Yang Jian.”




“…” Yang Jian said, “You should be able to find all these things.”

“Just routine, don’t be nervous.” Sun Yi said, “Why did you choose to become an international police officer?”

“For world peace.”

“How long have you been a ghost tamer?”

“Over a month.”

“You look very young, do you have a girlfriend? Have you ever thought about getting married?”

Yang Jian said, “Is this question important?”

“It’s very important. Whether you have a girlfriend or want to get married, it relates to the mental state of a ghost tamer. Please answer honestly.” Sun Yi said.

“Not considering it for now.” Yang Jian said.

“Then it means you have thought about it.” Sun Yi asked again, “Among the following photos, which type of woman do you like the most?”

After speaking, he took out a stack of photos and placed them on the table one by one.

There were a total of ten photos, and the women in the photos did not look like real people, they should have been synthesized by a computer.

And each photo of the women had completely different clothing, appearance, figure, and temperament.

In other words, there were different types such as mature woman style, beautiful woman style, student style, cute style, and so on.

“Only children make choices. A man naturally wants all of them.” Yang Jian said.Sun Yi looked at Yang Jian with some surprise, but in the end, he felt a bit annoyed.

Damn it, there’s also this answer. Why didn’t I think of it earlier? It made me agonize for over two hours.

“Here are some ability test questions, mainly testing your emergency response abilities. If five people are running towards you and one of them is a ghost, and you only have two bullets in your gun that can kill ghosts, how would you handle the situation?” Sun Yi asked, then took out a photo.

The background of the photo was a dim and dark city, a scene of desolation.

At this moment, a police officer stood on the road, pointing his gun at five survivors running towards him.

One survivor was a white-collar worker in a suit, one was a woman returning from grocery shopping, one was a child carrying a school bag returning home from school, one was a stunningly beautiful woman, and one was an old lady with wrinkles all over her face.

“This is an open-ended question, there is no fixed answer,” Sun Yi said.

“Turn around and run away. All five of them are ghosts,” Yang Jian glanced at the photo and said calmly.

Sun Yi was surprised, “Can you explain why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? The first one is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, like going to work. The background city should have already fallen, so it’s impossible for someone to go to work or buy groceries, let alone a child going to school. As for the woman, she’s too clean, not even a trace of makeup.”

“The old lady shouldn’t be suspicious, right?” Sun Yi asked.

“The old lady in the picture is running at the front. Is that the speed an old person should have?” Yang Jian said. “If you continue asking these kinds of questions, I have to doubt your professional level.”

“Or maybe the person who set the questions has a low IQ,” Sun Yi said. “Don’t worry, this is only the first question. Here’s the second one.”

“Same conditions, assuming only one of these five people is a human, how would you save that person?” Sun Yi asked.

“I wouldn’t save them. Four out of the five are ghosts, and I’m a detective. My life is more valuable than an ordinary person’s. Why should I sacrifice myself to save someone ordinary? Besides, if that person can survive among the four ghosts, it means a certain balance hasn’t been broken. If I take the initiative, I’ll die even faster,” Yang Jian said.

“Um…” Sun Yi was stunned.

You’re not answering the questions according to common sense.

“Alright, then the third question, an extension of the previous one. Assuming only one of these five people is a ghost and the other four are humans, and you have two bullets, how would you use the gun to kill the ghost hidden among the five people?” Sun Yi asked.

Yang Jian frowned, “This question is slightly more difficult than the previous two low IQ questions, but it’s still very simple. I would warn them to lie down and not move. Whoever rushes towards me will be shot.”

“But that could harm innocent people,” Sun Yi said.

“But it could also kill the ghost, right? With one bullet, I have a one-fifth chance of killing the ghost. If one person listens to my warning and lies down, my chance increases to one-fourth. If three people lie down, I have two bullets and a 100% chance of killing one ghost. And anyone who is a normal person would stop when warned,” Yang Jian explained.

“If someone continues to rush forward after the gunshot, they must be the ghost,” Sun Yi said. “Why not choose to fire a warning shot into the air?”

Yang Jian smiled, “That’s the most foolish behavior. I would waste a bullet. What if the warning is ineffective? Then my chance of killing the ghost would only be one-fifth, compared to the previous method of killing one person first and warning the others, the chance of surviving with the sound of the gunshot would be much smaller. If I fail, four survivors and one detective would die, and there’s also the possibility of killing the ghost with the first shot.”

“You’re gambling with people’s lives. It’s a very selfish act,” Sun Yi said.

“No, this is the fairest act. Don’t forget, there’s a detective present. If he can’t kill the ghost, he will die too. The reason for choosing the detective to shoot is because he has already determined in his heart that among the six people present, he is not the ghost. Under the uncertain circumstances of the other five, he must make a choice. Although this choice may sacrifice one or two people, it’s better than being wiped out completely,” Yang Jian explained.

Sun Yi was speechless. He admitted that this answer made a lot of sense.

But the previous perfect answer was to fire a warning shot, and anyone who didn’t listen would be the ghost, then shoot them.

It not only matched the style of a detective but also followed the rules. It was a textbook answer.However, Yang Jian was right to remind him, what if the warning was ineffective?

How to choose which one to kill among five people with a single bullet.

“Alright, your answer has been recorded. Now, the fourth question, which is an extension of the previous one. Under the same circumstances, you only have one bullet, and among the five people in front of you, one is a ghost. At this moment, you have to shoot. Who among these five people would you choose? Or perhaps your intuition tells you which one of these five people might be the real ghost.” Sun Yi asked again.

Yang Jian raised an eyebrow: “This is an unsolvable scenario, isn’t it?”

“Pretty much.” Sun Yi nodded.

The fourth question was like a detective encountering an unsolvable supernatural event. A choice had to be made, but failure would result in death.

Because the detective in the question only had one bullet left.

Is it the white-collar worker in a suit?

Or the lady who just came back from grocery shopping?

Or the meticulously dressed beauty?

Or even the child carrying a school bag?

And the old woman with a face full of wrinkles, looking old and frail.

Only one shot could be fired.

And this shot must be fired.

There was a one in five chance of killing the ghost, with no room for other choices.

“If I have to kill one, I choose the child with the school bag.” Yang Jian said.

“What’s the reason?” Sun Yi asked.

Yang Jian said: “The white-collar worker might have wandered into this city while working, the woman shopping for groceries might be a survivor of the city, her groceries might not be bought but taken from an unmanned supermarket, the beautifully dressed woman, I don’t think a ghost would dress up so meticulously, the old woman, maybe she loves her home and doesn’t want to leave.”

“The only one I can’t think of a reason for is the child with the school bag. I can’t think of any reason why such a child would be wandering around the city without his parents caring, unless his entire family, including the child, is already dead.”

Sun Yi said: “Why couldn’t the child be a survivor who sneaked out to play?”

“Even if he sneaked out to play, he wouldn’t be carrying a school bag. Under the circumstances of the city’s fall, the first to evacuate would be women and children, right?”

“Do you have any other questions? Ask them quickly.” Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi said: “The next question is not about this. For example, after you become an international detective, what method do you plan to use to deal with the supernatural events in a city?”

The following was equivalent to a future work plan.

Yang Jian just casually bluffed his way through it, his answer was standard, as long as it sounded good, it was fine.

The questioning lasted for a full two hours.

All kinds of tricky questions, all kinds of personal hobbies were asked clearly, such as whether you like to watch movies, what kind of movies you like, whether you play games, have you ever had the idea of killing?

Please, watching movies and playing games are things that normal people do every day.

Yang Jian had thoughts of killing every day, and today he was still considering how to kill Wang Xiaoqiang and Ye Feng.

“Congratulations, you have officially become the international detective of Dachang City. We hope you will continue to work hard in the future.” After the last question, Sun Yi stood up and shook hands with Yang Jian enthusiastically.

“Is that it?” Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi said: “Yes.”

“What’s the point of asking those previous questions?” Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi thought for a moment and said: “Strictly speaking, there is no point. After all, you are the designated detective. This is just a routine. However, this assessment was not only recorded, but also filmed, and this information will become your file, following you for life.”

“……” Yang Jian.

As expected, he was wasting his time.

“Also, this is your new satellite positioning phone, and your detective badge.”

After saying that, Sun Yi took out a briefcase, which contained a phone, a badge, and a uniform.

“We need to retrieve Zhou Zheng’s satellite positioning phone, I hope you don’t mind.” Sun Yi said.

“Of course not.” Yang Jian said.

“Next, you need to get to know the important personnel of various departments in Dachang City, to facilitate your future work. Oh, by the way, the previous detective, Zhao Kaiming, is also here.” Sun Yi said.

Zhao Kaiming?

Upon hearing this name, Yang Jian’s face immediately darkened.

On his death list, the first one was not Ye Feng, nor Wang Xiaoqiang, but this Zhao Kaiming.

If you really count it, he is the real murderer hiding behind the scenes.

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