Chapter 115 – Night Guard Department

Upon seeing these rules, He Gu fell into deep thought.

To enter the supervisor’s cafeteria, one must wear a mask and not reveal their identity?

What exactly is going on inside the supervisor’s cafeteria?

He Gu was very curious and took a peek inside from the doorway.

Through the glass door, He Gu saw an entrance hall painted with a ginseng plant.

The entrance hall completely obscured the view inside the cafeteria.

In front of the entrance hall, there was a cabinet with a variety of masks on it.

Everyone entering the cafeteria picked a mask from the cabinet to wear.

At the same time, He Gu noticed that even though he had hidden his injured left hand in his pocket, many of the blue-clothed people coming and going seemed to sniff out the scent of blood, eyeing He Gu with a strange look.

After hesitating for a while, He Gu decided not to enter through the glass door and chose to turn around and leave.

Although neither of the two rules here were instant death rules, He Gu was not willing to risk breaking them unless absolutely necessary.

Moreover, the way the people around looked at He Gu gave him an uncomfortable feeling, like a pack of wild beasts that had caught the scent of blood.

He Gu turned and quickly walked away, heading towards Cafeteria No. 4.

On the way, He Gu pondered the hidden rule he had just seen.

“Blood can make a delicious dish, or it can ruin a whole meal.”

Blood… that’s just blood, right?

It can make a delicious dish, or it can ruin a whole meal…

Does it mean blood can destroy certain things?

Like the so-called “fruit”?

Just like the blood of a black cat, it has a strong restraining effect on the people in blue!

Following this logic… then the blood of a crow should also restrain something!

Maybe it can restrain the people in purple?

He Gu quickly sorted through his thoughts, feeling that something was not quite right.

Neither the blue-clothed nor the purple-clothed could be considered “a whole meal.”

Perhaps there is a type of blood that can restrain all levels?

With this thought, He Gu immediately recalled the night when 401 helped him deal with the thing in the box, extracting a tube of purplish-red blood from it…

Thinking this, both 401 and his backer 111 became even more suspicious!

While thinking, He Gu arrived at Cafeteria No. 4.

After having dinner at Cafeteria No. 4, He Gu went to the inner warehouse area.

Just like before, He Gu arrived relatively early, carefully inspected Warehouse No. 44, and then stood at the door waiting for 452 to come to work.

After 452 arrived, He Gu conducted a thorough body search on him before returning to his office with peace of mind.

Sitting down in his office, a look of anticipation flashed in He Gu’s eyes.

Now that he had figured out the pattern of the manager’s inspections, it was time to take advantage of the gap during the manager’s rounds to make a trip to the Security Department!

The item in Locker No. 315 had been left unattended for too long, and it might just be the key to clearing this instance!

He Gu sat in his office, waiting with both anticipation and nervousness.

At 21:07, the first crow cawed outside the window.

“Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!”

Four calls!

Shortly after the crow’s calls ended, the manager appeared on time.

After the manager finished his rounds and left, He Gu didn’t rush to act.

Based on the experience from previous observations, the Security Department would gather the night shift guards for patrols after midnight, focusing on the “core area” next to the Security Department.

That time slot was when the Security Department had the fewest people!

Therefore, He Gu planned to wait until after the manager’s next inspection before taking action.

It was also to verify the relationship between the crow’s calls and the manager’s inspection times one last time.

If everything went as expected, the manager’s next inspection should be four hours later!

He Gu continued to wait quietly in his office, taking the time to patrol the warehouse once in between.

Time silently passed by.

Waiting was a difficult process, and He Gu had lost count of how many times he had checked the time throughout the night.

Finally, after a long four hours.

“Caw! Caw! Caw!”

At 1:07 in the morning, the crow’s calls sounded on time outside the window.

Soon after, the manager’s figure appeared at the end of the corridor.

He Gu exhaled softly: “As expected, numbers are reliable.”

The numbers referred to in this hidden message were the connection between the crow’s calls and the time.

The manager leisurely strolled through the office area, even coming into He Gu’s office for a look.

It was then that He Gu noticed a subtle tear at the waist of the manager’s work clothes.

Judging by the location, it seemed to be where the crow’s blood had stained the other night.

And judging by the tear, it looked as if it had been ripped by a cat’s claw.

It seemed that after getting crow’s blood on him, the manager indeed had been attacked by a group of cats.

What puzzled He Gu, however, was that everyone had two sets of work clothes. It was unlikely that the manager wouldn’t have noticed his clothes being torn, so why didn’t he change into a new set?

After making a round in He Gu’s office and standing by the window for a glance, the manager left without a word.

He Gu mentally noted the manager’s oddity of not changing clothes and watched him leave.

The moment the manager’s figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, He Gu immediately got up and walked out.

To avoid arousing suspicion, He Gu first went to Warehouse No. 44 for a round of inspection.

After all, the manager’s next round wouldn’t be until after four o’clock, so He Gu had plenty of time.

After inspecting the warehouse, He Gu leisurely left through the side door of the inner warehouse area, then took a detour and ran to the back of the neighboring Administrative Building No. 3.

To avoid being seen by the guards at the door, He Gu didn’t use the main entrance but climbed through a window into the first-floor restroom from the back of the building.

After making sure the restroom was empty, He Gu locked all the doors and windows, then took out the glass marble from his pocket and gently tossed it onto the floor while crouching down.

The moment the glass marble hit the floor, He Gu uncontrollably reached out to grab it.

As he caught the marble, everything went dark before his eyes.

Two minutes later, He Gu came back to his senses in a daze.

The glass marble could only work once a day on the same person, and He Gu deliberately came to the restroom first to use up its effect on him for the day.

Otherwise, if he were to throw the marble in the Security Department later and end up controlling himself, it would be quite embarrassing.

After completing these preparations, He Gu took out his phone to check the time; it was 1:37.

Then, He Gu put his work badge safely in his pocket and climbed out the window, quickly heading towards the direction of the dormitory buildings.

If he went directly to the Security Department from here, he would have to pass through the periphery of the “core area,” which was full of patrolling guards. Being encountered and questioned would be problematic.

For safety’s sake, He Gu took a long detour from the direction of the dormitory buildings to the Security Department, perfectly avoiding the patrol areas of the guards.

After about forty minutes, He Gu finally saw the two-story building of the Security Department not far away.

He Gu stopped to catch his breath, which had become somewhat rapid from the run, and rested for a few minutes. Then, holding the glass marble in his hand, he stepped towards the Security Department…

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